Monthly Archives: February 2012

Every New Beginning…

Lately, I have been ruminating over the word “beginning.” It is so fitting at this time of the year, with the New Year right behind us, and the spring waiting to peek its face out at any moment.

An early spring sun begins to shine over Pioneer Peak and the snow-covered hay fields

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Break That Bread

Lesson number 3,457 (for me): Baking bread is a healing thing to do. Same with breaking bread.
Bake and Break.

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Make-Do Make-Over

My husband and I began our own ‘flip this house’ project over a year ago. Needless to say, the flip hasn’t hasn’t happened yet. “Flip” is a cute, quick word. We need a different word for what we’re doing to transform our house. A slower word. But, it is going to happen. When you’ve lived in a place for awhile, there comes a time when not just one thing needs attention, but nearly everything you look at either needs to be freshened in some manner, replaced or repaired. We Are There. So, over the past year, I’ve been idea idea hunting and planning. C’mon in and let me bounce some ideas off of you. I’d sure appreciate it.

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It's Wild (Life) in the 'Burbs

Suburban living means easy access to every needed creature comfort. Growing up in Houston, I lived in a bustling city. Most weekends, we’d head to “The Farm”, my dad’s ranch in the beautiful, remote Texas hill country. Living in suburban Connecticut reminds me of both. I’ve woods in my back yard, but am only a few minutes from “town”. With city-life nearby, it’s easy to forget we’re surrounded by woodland creatures calling the area home, too. Taking my dog out, I’m hearing more birds, signaling spring’s on the way! It’s this time of year we start to see more wildlife moving around, too.

Quail Run Ranch, Harwood Texas, 2011

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"Drop-Dead" Dirt

Yep, you read the title right…I’ve got “dirt” on my mind and not just any dirt. After all, spring planting is right around the corner! If you’re a farmgirl who LIKES the smell of damp, dark earth, and you don’t mind a little dirt under your nails, dig right into this post for the scoop on getting your hands on some ” Drop Dead Dirt “. You won’t believe how SIMPLE creating your own little GARDEN of EDEN can be.

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Okay, dear Friends, you have to click below to read this post because I can’t spill my secret right here for just anybody to see. It’s just for you….

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Hearts A'Flutter

“A good heart is better than all the heads in the world.” ~ Edward Bulwer Lytton

I really did try to write about something other than “lovey-dovey” (what with Valentine’s Day right around the corner), but the 1965 hit song by Jackie DeShannon was right. It was right back then and acutely true today … “What the world needs now is love lovesweet love.”

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Suburban (Valentine) Sentiments

As room mom of my daughter’s fourth grade class, I’ll help plan and attend the class Valentine’s Day Celebration! The parents are sending in treats. We’ll play “Valentine Bingo,” using “conversation hearts” as markers, and the kids will stuff Valentine cards into each others’ “mailboxes”. Two years ago, my daughter and I made homemade Valentines for all her friends, and last year we found adorable Vintage re-printed ones. This year she’s chosen to go with classic “Snoopy and the Gang” valentines. Remember those grade school Valentine days?

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