Tag Archives: Ranch Farmgirl

From Quilt To Coat!

How many of my Farmgirl friends have seen the fashion trend from last year – making a coat from a vintage quilt? When I first saw it (for $700 at Anthropologie, no less) I was stunned and expected it to burn out pretty quickly… but here we are, more than a year later and the trend is still going strong!

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Gift Sewing {and a tutorial!}

Happy fall farmgirl friends!

One of my favorite things to gift is something home made! I struggle to think of things that could be useful and not just stuck in a drawer somewhere. This week I suddenly thought of a simple iPad case and I jumped right in and made one. It was simple and came out so perfect. Luckily I took pictures along the way so I could share with you (just in case it turned out)! So let’s jump right in!

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My New Favorite Thing… EVER!!!



Hello Farmgirl Friends!!!

Have you ever had your eyes wide open looking, looking, looking for a certain antique item and you just can’t find it? I’ve been in that spot for literally YEARS (I’m talking 12 years here). I’m sure you’re dying to know what in the world it could be!

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Liberty of London Nine Patch Quilt – FINISHED!


Hello Farmgirl Friends! Do you remember the Liberty Nine Patch Quilt that I started almost two years ago? Normally I am a quick finisher… I do not do well with unfinished projects. But that quilt required more (expensive) Liberty fabrics and more time than I had energy for (smile!) so I literally put it away. (Knowing that if I left it in sight it would drive me crazy!)


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