From Quilt To Coat!

How many of my Farmgirl friends have seen the fashion trend from last year – making a coat from a vintage quilt? When I first saw it (for $700 at Anthropologie, no less) I was stunned and expected it to burn out pretty quickly… but here we are, more than a year later and the trend is still going strong!

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  1. Kim Vanlandingham-Obrien says:

    I’m so inspired! Beautiful!

  2. Carol Slater says:

    Oh I wish I could sew and could make one of these. These are beautiful (your granddaughter is too).

  3. Janetsue Filberth says:

    I totally understand how hard it is to cut into a vintage quilt!! I had a beautiful one which I acquired at a thrift store for $10 but it was quite tattered
    I decided to make full length curtains for our studio shed that my husband had built for me the quilt had a scalloped edge, and it just lent itself to curtains. I used every bit of that quilt without waste….. making treatments for two other windows that turned out darling
    But I remember, stretching that quilt out and putting the scissors next to it and just breaking out in a cold sweat!!
    Your jackets turned out beautifully!!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Good morning!!! I got your email with the photos and WOW!!!! I love your curtains. Brilliant how you used the scalloped edge!!! Thank you for sharing.

      ~ Dori ~

  4. Debbie Fischer says:

    Beautiful Quilt Coats and a way to enjoy a Vintage Family Quilt for many more years.
    I truly enjoy reading your blog and I learn so much from you so thank you.

  5. Claudia Conti says:

    I just ordered the Hovea pattern! So excited!! Just love the quilted coats you sewed. Hopefully I will be successful too. : )

  6. Holly Thompson says:

    Love this! I did a dress and bolero jacket for my 6 yr old granddaughter. I had a quilt top I had sewn together very quickly outside where I could not press it as I went. Of course it came out not so square. I could see that I could get past that by cutting in small pattern pieces for garmets. I lined it with preshrunk very light weight muslin and sewed together a sweet sundress with a gathered skirt, patch pockets, and jacket. Everything smoothed out nicely and it was a darling patchwork outfit. When you have sour lemons-make sweet lemonade!

    • Dori Troutman says:


      Oh my word, that sounds SO sweet!!!!! What a perfect way to use your quilt top! And yes to the lemonade!!! Ha!

      ~ Dori ~

  7. Heather says:

    Amazing! I wish I had some family quilts to do this with. I’m thinking I need to keep an eye out at garage sales and thrift stores and see what I can find. Plus, if I’m not so attached to it maybe it’ll be easier to cut up LOL!

    • Dori Troutman says:


      You are absolutely right!!!! A quilt that you don’t have an emotional attachment to would be the way to go!!!

      ~ Dori ~

  8. Mary, Rural Farmgirl says:

    Oh WOW WOW WOW, both coats are so gorgeous! I love the colors, the style, the red trim, the cheery colors, the sweet history and sentimental meaning behind the quilt. and you, my friend, what TALENT! I agree with the hesitation…”are you sure…” it’s how I’m wired, I fold, refold, and then fold again until I hide those parts of a worn quilt, I just can’t bring myself to cut into one, even though the best parts would make lovely cutter quilt projects. But these are stunning…I’m sure both Mom and daughter were absolutely thrilled! They just shout from the coop-tops “Farmgirl” and all that MaryJanesFarm is about – home, family, sweet memories, girlfriends, old & new friends, and the almost lost art of sewing – I am in awe. Thanks for sharing this…what an inspiring post!


    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Mary,

      I hate cutting into quilts… even the old ratty ones. It is so hard!!! But I absolutely do say that projects made from old quilts are so awesome!!!

      Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Mary. Big hugs to you.

      ~ Dori ~

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New Years Eve Charcuterie!

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  1. Ladybugloveslilacs says:

    Happy new year you and your family!
    Our grand girls are coming to spend the night with us so though we won’t be doing a charcuterie with them, there has been a request for treats, snacks and cocoa at hand. Our tradition for the last few years had been to attend a gathering with friends but that isn’t happening this year so it works out as the girls asked to do this. They are 12 and 14 and I believe this is the first year they will stay up to bring in the new year!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      How fun!!! Having your grand girls for New Years Eve and the night is the best!!! Also that age is my favorite! I hope you had a really good time!

      ~ Dori ~

  2. Debbie Fischer says:

    We love Charcuterie Boards as well And have them on Christmas Eve and New Years. But you have made foods I never thought of, we tend to keep it simpler but no more! Next year we will step it up. Thank you so much for sharing all your ideas with us.
    Happy New Year to you and your Family Dori.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Debbie!

      They really are fun and once your mind gets thinking about it, it’s amazing how cool it can be!!!

      Hugs back!!

      ~ Dori ~

  3. Mary says:

    Oh all that looks sooo good! We made our first one last year – usually we have New Year’s Eve snacks, but laying them out like “artwork” was something new for us. Yours looks terrific- it’s packed with all kinds of yummy foods – now you have me wanting one! No need to wait for a special occasion – we’re under a winter storm warning – why not now? I’m off to see what I have on hand. Thanks for the inspiration, Dori!

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Vintage Coffee Station {sort of!}

Happy Thanksgiving Day my Farmgirl Friends! I hope your day is full of all the good pies (my favorite thing ever!).

Do you remember my post where I told you about my Hoosier Bakers Cabinet that I bought last winter? Well, after I changed things up a bit to make it fit, I was suddenly in need of a unique coffee station! (You know how that goes right? One thing leads to another….!!)

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  1. Dana Okerman says:

    The removable shelf was for the hostess to take off and offer drinks or nibbles to her guests.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Dana,

      Thats what I was thinking too. Someone told me recently that my rolling cart was a medical cart used in doctors offices… and the removable tray held instruments etc… Have you heard that before???

      ~ Dori ~

  2. Mary says:

    Oh wow, that’s an absolutely perfect find, Dori! It’s an ideal fit with all of your vintage goodies, and I LOVE the color you’ve chosen…a great pop of turquoise with all of the other cheery colors. It’s the same color as my little 1963 camper…what inspiration! If I can find one and paint it, it would be terrific for holding almost anything..and when I say “little” I mean tiny, but sitting outside it could hold snacks, dishes, blankets, s’more goodies. Okay, now the hunt is on, thanks!
    Mary, Rural Farmgirl

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Gift Sewing {and a tutorial!}

Happy fall farmgirl friends!

One of my favorite things to gift is something home made! I struggle to think of things that could be useful and not just stuck in a drawer somewhere. This week I suddenly thought of a simple iPad case and I jumped right in and made one. It was simple and came out so perfect. Luckily I took pictures along the way so I could share with you (just in case it turned out)! So let’s jump right in!

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  1. Sylvia Jacobus says:

    It’s so darn cute!

  2. Marlene Cosner says:

    Thank You for all the details and pics, who knows….I might even try it one day!

  3. Terry Steinmetz says:

    what a perfect idea! I need to make a birthday gift for a dear friend. This fits the bill to a tee!!! And she will appreciate it so much. Thanks, Dori.

  4. Mary says:

    Dori, you come up with the most clever designs, and the colors are always so cheery and fun! You’ve given great instructions, and I’m certain there are sewing machines humming away with grateful Sisters who now have names checked off their gift-giving list – it’s true: the best gifts are handmade! Hmmm, wonder if I can start up that vintage White sewing machine I found for free? Thanks again, Mary

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The Come-Back!

Early morning fog from my porch

Hello Farmgirl friends! This post today is different than my usual posts… but it’s what has been on my mind for three weeks now and so I’m going to write about it! In one word, its called…

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  1. Mary Murray says:

    Oh Dori…what an example of coming back. I LOVE the quote, “Let your comeback be bigger than your setback” that’s inspiring and just what we need to hear. For all of us there are times – whether it’s heath-related, grief, unemployment, or other stresses, when we simply feel we won’t ever bounce back, but those words can keep us moving forward. Sounds like you’re now on the road to recovery…great news! And also you gave me a wonderful thought…better check with my mom to see if I had chicken pox and/or was vaccinated – you’ve undoubtedly spared so many people the discomfort you’ve had. Take care, Mary

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Mary… YES to a vaccine. I have not had the Shingles vaccine, however I will be getting it. I have to wait 90 days post shingles before I can get it. Once you’ve had Shingles, the chance of getting it again is very high. I just can’t bear the thought of going through it again. So I’ll be getting the vaccine soon.

      Hope you are enjoying some beautiful Fall weather?? It has been so gorgeous here in Tennessee!



  2. nancy zorzi says:

    im happy your well. what does shingles look like? thank you

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Cutest Sewing Box… Ever!

I’m so excited to share this super fun project! If you are on Instagram you might’ve seen these jewelry boxes turning to sewing boxes? You can use the hashtag #travelsewingkit to see all kinds of ideas! After seeing a few on my IG feed I decided I needed to take the plunge and make one myself. Today I’m here to step you through my process and you can use my ideas to make one, customizing it to your liking!

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  1. Vicki Lawson says:

    I am so excited to make this sewing box! (I only have 400,000 other projects in my mind) but this one is a priority. I can see me making a few of these for gifts. I am 72, soon to be 73 and working full time at a healthcare facility (ALF-Assisted Living Facility) and I can see some of my residents embracing this idea. Thank you so much. I am new to the blog but will definitely check this out often!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Vicki! The great thing about this project is that you can make it VERY SIMPLE by only removing a few things and adding fabric. It will still look beautiful and be simpler!

      ~ Dori ~

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Little Girl Party Purse!

Hello Farmgirls! Just admit that we never really grow out of adorable little party purses, especially for those darling little girls in our lives!!! How about we sit down and make some today and you can have them ready to gift the next time a tea party is in the works!

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  1. Kathi Rose Wilson says:

    This is darling. I have a 6 year old granddaughter and 3 great granddaughters, ages 7, 4, and 2. They will adore these!

  2. Diane West says:

    Hi lovely little handmade purses.
    Do you ever sell the finished product?
    I’d buy several if you do.

    Thank you for sharing!! ☺

  3. Jeretta Bliss says:

    this is so cute. thank you for sharing.
    thank you for the pattern. Hae a wonderful day.

  4. donna says:

    Dori these are sew cute. Thank you for sharing. This is something the littles can make as well.

  5. Clarisa Desilvio says:

    Your writing is a gift!

  6. Mary Murray says:

    Oh Dori, the cheery colors and fun patterns…inside and out – I would have LOVED to make this when my daughter was little! But you know, they’re so stinkin’ cute, who says we have to be little…looks like it would hold my phone and a little mad money – what else does a “big” girl need?!

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Adventure Awaits!

Hello Farmgirl Friends! Every now and then I seem to write a blog post completely unrelated to my “normal” Farmgirl life activities and show you a little bit of the crazy part of my life. So buckle up!

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  1. Margaret King says:

    Dori, You made me feel like I was right there with you and felt all of your exhaustion. WOW! What a race. Congratulations to all of you.

  2. Judith says:

    Congrats to your son (and you and his wife).

    I’m telling my son about this; he thinks this kind of thing is fun. I think it is torture 🥺.

  3. Ladybug loves lilacs says:

    Congrats on the fantastic finish! No easy task whatsoever.
    Thank you for taking us along on the run.

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Spring Embroidery and a Giveaway!

Hello Farmgirl Friends! Do you remember last year when I put together the little May Day baskets for a few of my closest friends?

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  1. Pamela Czurak says:

    Those are beautiful. I try to give flowers but things have gotten so expensive I wasn’t able to. This is an inspiring gift. You can make things throughout the year and have them ready for the actual day. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Wanda Sue Aldridge says:

    Oh Dori, these pouches are beautiful! This would be a great pouch for my colored pencils. I have a growing collection of adult themed coloring books. I have the Enchanted Forest, an Ocean themed one, Barn Quilts, and just recently received a Bee coloring book from a dear friend. One of your embroidered pouches would be perfect to carry my pencils all together. Thank you for the chance to win one of your beautiful creations!
    Sister Hugs,
    Wanda Sue

  3. Deanna says:

    Sweet, sweet! You are so creative and it’s great that you can share your talents with us. Your blog is always a highlight of any day!

  4. Pat says:

    So cute! You’re very creative and I always enjoy reading your posts. I would keep hand sewing supplies in your bag should I win! I too enjoy hand sewing in the evenings and I need to keep my essentials together.

  5. Audra says:

    I would use this beautiful bag for my travel bible. And as an example to make this for others. I am new to sewing and embroidery. This is a beautiful idea for gift giving. Thank you for sharing irregardless of the giveaway.

  6. Jill Walton says:

    I love these little pouches. The beauty of the color/texture combinations coupled with the simple embroidery stitches and easy sewing project are just my style (and skill level). I’m happy to see such a lovely project that is doable for me. Thank you!

  7. Mary Jane Jones says:

    These are such a beautiful gift. I would love to have for an example to make more!

  8. Deb B. says:

    I love these adorable pouches! The colors of the felt and the linen background are perfect. I would use one for hand sewing projects. It is small enough to carry with me on the go and my tiny embroidery scissors, floss, and small project would fit in it perfectly. It has the added bonus of being beautiful and cheery!

  9. Debbie Allen says:

    This is such a thoughtful idea!! I would gift the little pouch to my daughter along with a “May Day” 🙂 basket for a summer treat. She is a reading specialist and would use this in her school bag each day! Thank you for sharing so many great ideas!

  10. Tina Vandaam says:

    Those are so cute. Perfect travel size. I would use one of those for a travel size embroidery pouch. You are so talented!

  11. Gail Green says:

    I’d love one of your little linen pouches. You have done a beautiful job making it.
    I would take it with me to carry my travel toiletries. Love it.

  12. Ladybug loves lilacs says:

    What a sweet thoughtful gift of handmade Dori! Love them and so enjoy Mayday. I’m sure your recipients were blessed by your gifts.

  13. Claudia Conti says:

    SO BEAUTIFUL! Love your work. I am a vintage soul at heart. My mother’s embroidery is displayed throughout our home. ❤️ I have an antique dresser with swinging mirror in my dining room. I do not think I could tuck your lovely pouch inside a purse or drawer. Instead, I would display it on that dresser top with some pretty vintage hankies peaking out from the open zipper, alongside other treasures. Thank you for sharing your creative ideas. 🥰

  14. Jacqueline Bates says:

    I love this idea! Back in 2020 (the dreaded Covid year!), I sent packages of flower seeds in beautiful cards I made to a group of friends. It is a tradition I have continued and enjoy doing it.

  15. Claudia Conti says:

    The pouches are beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I have an antique dresser with swinging mirror in my dining room. I would display the pouch on the dresser top, with a few vintage hankies peaking out of the open zipper, alongside other embroidered treasures of my mother’s.

  16. Claudia Conti says:

    Sorry, I am trying to comment. It keeps saying “waiting moderation.”

  17. Sharon Morgan says:

    What an adorable little appliquéd zipper bag!!💝. I would use mine for a cosmetic bag in my purse to hold chapstick, gum and breath mints!!💕

    I love reading your articles, Dori, and seeing your sweet projects!! I feel like we’re friends since we have a mutual friend, Ellen, from Arkansas!!😊

    Thank you for sharing!!💐

  18. Debbie Fischer says:

    Such Sweet pouches Dori so Spring. I always love coming on here and seeing what you have made next.
    Your magazine article was amazing and you have such a beautiful home. I know you are so proud of it and it shows. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us.

  19. Deb Powell says:

    The zipper pouches are darling. I would use one to hold embroidery project supplies. Thank you for sharing your creativity.

  20. Tracy Meeker says:

    Those are really cute and functional pouches!!! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Brenda White says:

    A notions bag for one of my many on going crochet or knit projects.

  22. Deborah Meaz says:

    I would usthis pouch to make a “Try It Out” kit for someone. The kit would include all the supplies necessary to make the pouch!

  23. Marlene Burns says:

    These are gorgeous. Love the bird one. What a beautiful homemade gift!

  24. Ruth Ann Farmer says:

    I think that the pouches are beautiful and I also like the Simple stitching. Thank you for sharing!!

  25. debbi says:

    i love these and need to make some myself for friends. I would use it to hold little project pieces and threads and needle.

  26. Joanna Ziolkowski says:

    These pouches are so sweet! I have recently gotten into sashiko stitching, and one of these pouches would be perfect for holding some stitching supplies for on-the-go projects!

  27. Kelly says:

    I would use it to carry my embroidery thread or small project. I really like your color choices 😊

  28. debbie kuklies says:

    I love this as I am not crafty 🙂
    I would give this to my mom for her purse.

  29. Barb Falencki says:

    Love, love the pouches that I would tuck in my prayer cards to retrieve from my purse when stuck in traffic😉🙏💕

  30. Jenny says:

    Pouches are adorable and creative!!! I would love to have a beautiful pouch from a awesome Farmgirl Sister. The first thing that comes to mind in how I would use it is a make up brush pouch, or a cute little change purse so my wallet doesn’t feel heavy and dump out change(some know how that goes). Thank you Dori!

  31. Sue Gamel says:

    Absolutely adorable! I enjoy small project embroideries. Great idea!

  32. Charlene Gravely says:

    I love these pouches! I would use them for a gift to my daughters.

  33. Carol Smith says:

    I love each of these beautiful pouches. I have always loved anything made out of felt. They could be used for many purposes.

  34. Karen Martell says:

    The pouches are quite lovely! 🙂 A wonderful gift! It would be a handy thing to organize items in my purse! 🙂

  35. Cheri Sander says:

    I have been making handmade gifts for family and friends the past few years, usually to gift at Christmas. I will try to make these darling pouches, as I would love to have one for myself! I think it would make a perfect pouch to hold lip balm and tissue. I always dig through the purse searching for these!

  36. Mary Murray says:

    Dori, those are adorable! The colors, the designs – love them! I can think of so many goodies they could hold and I love it when I read the word “simple”! I admit it, on May Day, I’m the ring & run type, but it’s not too late, the first Sunday in August is National Friendship Day!


  37. Glenda York says:

    Adorable is right. Small gift for girlfriends is perfect. Or to carry lip gloss in. Or to carry change. Bright, cheery. Probably a thousand uses for these.

  38. Christina Evans says:

    As part of a wedding gift I love to give something special, an old German tradition. It is Guarantee of a Happy Marriage, 12 Christmas ornaments to guarantee marital bliss. An angel symbolizes God’s guidance;a fish, Christ’s blessing;a heart,true love;and a rose,affection. A bird represents joy;a rabbit, hope; and a pinecone, fertility. A house is necessary to offer protection from the elements, a teapot for hospitality, a basket of fruit for jenerosity and one of flowers for good wishes. Finally, Santa is a symbol for goodwill. My first grandaughter is getting married, I would love to put this Wedding Wish in your beautiful purse for her and to someday pass on.

  39. Lorraine Hess says:

    I love your projects. I want to make your grandma’s apron too. I would use this to keep my little scissors, embroidery threads, needles, and threader in for my take along projects. Thank you for providing your projects to us.

  40. Liz Ross says:

    Along with everyone else, I just love these pouches! They remind me of my Mom: gentle, sweet, adorable. I would put a few memories of her in it. A thimble, bobby pins and a hanky!

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My New Favorite Thing… EVER!!!



Hello Farmgirl Friends!!!

Have you ever had your eyes wide open looking, looking, looking for a certain antique item and you just can’t find it? I’ve been in that spot for literally YEARS (I’m talking 12 years here). I’m sure you’re dying to know what in the world it could be!

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  1. Jerre says:

    I celebrated with you, Dory, for finding your perfect Hoosier cabinet! WHAT A FIND! It looks perfect in your area. Thank God for daughters who bring a different perspective to space and told you to “buy it we’ll find a space”

  2. Pamela Czurak says:

    Absolutely gorgeous. I am so happy you found what you were looking for. It was well worth the wait.

  3. Sue Johnson 🌷 says:

    That is such a great story! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Karen Martell says:

    I would love to have my own Hoosier cabinet! It’s definitely a bucket/wish list item! 🙂 I’m starting small, as I found the bottom half of a cabinet at a local thrift store for a steal. It has metal bottom drawers and a beautiful oak patina. One day, I hope to find the real McCoy! Your cabinet is amazing in the corner of your room. How can you not smile when you look at it??! Thank you for sharing your story! 🙂

  5. Mary Murray says:

    I am so happy for you…and your joy at finding the perfect Hoosier is evident in every word – I can almost hear the squeals of excitement! I love how it looks with all the vintage touches you had just waiting for it, and the original papers still inside, they are the best! I have an old Boone…it was listed for such a good price, I had to go see it. My daughter and I drove country roads that took us “in back of beyond” as the saying goes. When we arrived, the seller was so happy because she’d just found the Hoosier of her dreams and needed to make room for it…she even lowered the price of the Boone – how could I not bring it home? She and I were both winners! One of my favorite sayings is: Never Stop Making Wishes, and this proves that dreams can come true…love it!


  6. Jennifer says:

    I love Hoosiers too and was happy to find one myself to bring home. It’s so old, has a tin top that slides out, a lined bin drawer, and a very little, metal plate on the front that is stamped “May 15 1906”. I had been looking “forever” for one. You have set this up so perfectly, it’s adorable! Motivating for me to make mine a cuter set-up, as right now it just holds my “desk stuff” in a nice hidden way.

  7. Kim Bedtelyon says:

    Hi Dori,
    I truly enjoyed reading your article! As an owner of the Michigan Hoosier Company that we closed many years ago, I have worked on both restoring and building many new Hoosiers and Side Cabinets with my family. You have a rare find and an absolutely beautiful one. I too have studied the history and visited the original shops at different times and love to decorate my Hoosier. Enjoy- I am so happy for you.


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