
How many of my Farmgirl friends have seen the fashion trend from last year – making a coat from a vintage quilt? When I first saw it (for $700 at Anthropologie, no less) I was stunned and expected it to burn out pretty quickly… but here we are, more than a year later and the trend is still going strong!
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I’m so inspired! Beautiful!
Thank you! There are SO many gorgeous quilt coats!
~ Dori ~
Oh I wish I could sew and could make one of these. These are beautiful (your granddaughter is too).
Hi Carol,
Thank you!!! I wish you lived close to me and I’d help you make one! And yes… my sweet grand-girl is beautiful… probably the sweetest (almost) 17 year old around! (Says the Grammy!) Thank you.
~ Dori ~
I bet Carol could find someone near her that would love helping.
YES!!! I bet she could!!!!
~ Dori ~
I totally understand how hard it is to cut into a vintage quilt!! I had a beautiful one which I acquired at a thrift store for $10 but it was quite tattered
I decided to make full length curtains for our studio shed that my husband had built for me the quilt had a scalloped edge, and it just lent itself to curtains. I used every bit of that quilt without waste….. making treatments for two other windows that turned out darling
But I remember, stretching that quilt out and putting the scissors next to it and just breaking out in a cold sweat!!
Your jackets turned out beautifully!!
Good morning!!! I got your email with the photos and WOW!!!! I love your curtains. Brilliant how you used the scalloped edge!!! Thank you for sharing.
~ Dori ~
Beautiful Quilt Coats and a way to enjoy a Vintage Family Quilt for many more years.
I truly enjoy reading your blog and I learn so much from you so thank you.
Aww Debbie. Thank you; such a sweet comment.
~ Dori ~
I just ordered the Hovea pattern! So excited!! Just love the quilted coats you sewed. Hopefully I will be successful too. : )
Yay Claudia!!! If you run into ANY problems and want some help, just send me an email: redfeedsack@gmail.com and I’ll try to help you out! But honestly if you can sew, you can do this!!!!
~ Dori ~
Love this! I did a dress and bolero jacket for my 6 yr old granddaughter. I had a quilt top I had sewn together very quickly outside where I could not press it as I went. Of course it came out not so square. I could see that I could get past that by cutting in small pattern pieces for garmets. I lined it with preshrunk very light weight muslin and sewed together a sweet sundress with a gathered skirt, patch pockets, and jacket. Everything smoothed out nicely and it was a darling patchwork outfit. When you have sour lemons-make sweet lemonade!
Oh my word, that sounds SO sweet!!!!! What a perfect way to use your quilt top! And yes to the lemonade!!! Ha!
~ Dori ~
Amazing! I wish I had some family quilts to do this with. I’m thinking I need to keep an eye out at garage sales and thrift stores and see what I can find. Plus, if I’m not so attached to it maybe it’ll be easier to cut up LOL!
You are absolutely right!!!! A quilt that you don’t have an emotional attachment to would be the way to go!!!
~ Dori ~
Oh WOW WOW WOW, both coats are so gorgeous! I love the colors, the style, the red trim, the cheery colors, the sweet history and sentimental meaning behind the quilt. and you, my friend, what TALENT! I agree with the hesitation…”are you sure…” it’s how I’m wired, I fold, refold, and then fold again until I hide those parts of a worn quilt, I just can’t bring myself to cut into one, even though the best parts would make lovely cutter quilt projects. But these are stunning…I’m sure both Mom and daughter were absolutely thrilled! They just shout from the coop-tops “Farmgirl” and all that MaryJanesFarm is about – home, family, sweet memories, girlfriends, old & new friends, and the almost lost art of sewing – I am in awe. Thanks for sharing this…what an inspiring post!
Hi Mary,
I hate cutting into quilts… even the old ratty ones. It is so hard!!! But I absolutely do say that projects made from old quilts are so awesome!!!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Mary. Big hugs to you.
~ Dori ~