Lets Build A Bouquet!




Hello my Farmgirl Friends!!!

Most of you here know that my daughter and I are Flower Farmers (in a VERY small scale) and we sell our flowers by the honor system at on our darling little roadside stand.  This is our ninth summer of business! Through the years we’ve really streamlined our little business.  We know what grows best for us and we know what sells.  We rarely experiment with anything else now that we have it figured out!

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  1. Terry Zignego says:

    Great idea. I especially love the rustic trailer? you use to display your bouquets.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Terry,

      It’s pretty fun isn’t it? My son in law found the old truck bed and then he built the rest of it for us. It is the absolute best set-up!

      ~ Dori ~

  2. Joan Piercy says:

    Dori, Just wanted to tell you how beautiful your flowers are! Wish I was close enough to buy some. I live on the East Coast in Mechanicsville, VA. I lost my dad in January of this year. So sorry for your loss! Joan

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Joan,

      I’m so sorry about your Dad. It’s a loss that is hard to describe… no long having our precious Dads. My tears are different than they were a year ago when he passed… now they are just tears of wonderful memories that I cherish.

      Hugs to you, Joan.

      ~ Dori ~

  3. Tammy L Thomson says:

    Dear Dori,
    Thank you for sharing a beautiful (Really extra beautiful with all the gorgeous flower pics!!) post with an inspiring message. Your bouquets are the perfect Summer bouquet. I can’t believe you give them away for only 5! I would be buying one every few days if I lived nearby. God bless you and give you comfort and happy memories about your dear Dad.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Tammy,

      We absolutely love selling our flowers for $5. Most anyone can afford that and as a result we have a lot of elderly customers that get so happy to spend $20 and take gifts to four friends! We see it time and time again. That is what makes us the most happy. Our flowers getting shared!

      Thank you for the comment on my Dad. He’s with me always!

      ~ Dori ~

  4. mary pitman says:

    I ALWAYS LOVE your posts! I LOVE flowers too and grow mine mostly along our yard fence. How about tiger lilies? they are so tall and beautiful

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Mary,

      I love flowers growing along a fence… it’s just so beautiful! And YES to Tiger Lilies!!!

      ~ Dori ~

  5. Susana says:

    I love zinnias, sunflowers , cosmos smo gst a bunch of other flowers like snapdragons columbine and asters.spme last longer than others . Ive never sold anything I just give it away. I like putting a smile on a Face.

  6. Susana says:

    I love zinnias, sunflowers , cosmos amongst a bunch of other flowers like snapdragons columbine and asters.some last longer than others . Ive never sold anything I just give it away. I like putting a smile on a Face.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Susana,

      You hit the nail right on the head… giving flowers always puts a smile on our faces!!!

      ~ Dori ~

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