What Will You Leave Behind?


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Two weeks ago, I lost my precious Dad.  I really am struggling to process that he is gone; even though we’ve known for the last month that the end was near.  I’m here in New Mexico with my Momma for a few weeks at the home place where I was raised, and I’m so thankful for the time together.

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  1. Bonnie I says:

    Kind is a nice adjective to strive for. Fair, honest, caring and loving would also be a nice way to be remembered.
    So sorry for your loss! God be with you.

  2. Deborah says:

    I’m so sorry to hear you lost your dad. It sounds like he was a wonderful man, and had a wonderful life. What a great testament to hear that everyone he knew described him as kind!

  3. Kim Reineke says:

    Wonderful post, as always. My sympathies for the loss of your dad.

  4. shawna says:

    So sorry for your loss!
    My dad stepped into heaven a year ago August 1. At his memorial service the thing that people mentioned to us the most was my dad’s servant heart. He was always trying to help & always volunteering for anything he could. That is what I want to be remembered for is always being willing to help others. I think that is the best way to honor my dad by following in his footsteps of service.

  5. Ellen M Andersen says:

    Dori, I’m so sorry about your Dad. I miss my Mom and Dad so very much. I’ve found something that helps with the grief and loss…..
    On clear starry nights, I look at the stars and find the two that (for me) are Mom and Dad….I talk to them and I feel that they hear me. Sometimes there are tears but there is always a warm feeling in my heart when I say goodnight and head inside.
    I hope that you can find something like that to help, too. I am in the Blueridge mountains of West Virginia where the night skies are clear. Your beautiful ranch will have a sky like that with stars you could almost reach out and touch.

  6. Colleen says:

    My prayer is that I leave “peace” in the hearts of my loved ones.

    The familiar “God’s Peace” greeting in our lives has always felt so special. Whether times were good, hard, painful, or challenging . . . the simple hello (or goodbye) of “God’s Peace” seems to make everything right.

    I hope that my friends and family, my children, especially, will remember me with a feeling of peace in their hearts

  7. Tenia Griggers says:

    You got me to thinking about my own left behind sentiments

    For you- you are a wonderful blogger that makes an impact in-mine and others lives

    God bless you

  8. Laurie Lasala-Tuttle says:

    I’m so sorry Dori, much love for you and your momma. Kindness, patience, honesty, trying to uplift others. Not just one quality, but kindness has always been the most important to me.

  9. Debbie Fischer says:

    I am so sorry for your loss Dori. What a wonderful way to be remembered, for being Kind. You Dad sounds like a great man.

  10. Lisa says:

    the passing of your dear father. He sounds like an incredible man. How blessed are you to have him as your dad.

    Your question of what do I want to leave behind really has me thinking and rethinking how I move through this life. Kindness is the ultimate goal but for me, I need to work on patience and grace first.

    Thank you for this thought provoking post. Praying for God’s comfort, peace, and healing in your time of grief.

  11. Beth says:

    Dear Dori, I pray God’s comfort for you and your family and friends on the passing of your dad. I’m also the daughter of a dad (who passed in 2001) who was known for his kindness, generosity, honesty, and love of people. We’re so blessed. And, better yet, we know we’ll see our dads again. God’s peace, love.

  12. Jeanie says:

    I have had the amazing experience of meeting 3 people in my life who truly exuded kindness, and every time it rocked me and made such an impression on my soul. Kindness flowing in all its glory is truly an amazing and impacting thing of beauty. I think it shines so brightly to us because this world is so in need of this gift. Yes, I want to be one of the kind ones.
    Thanks for the reminder, and I pray peace for you and your family as you go through this season of loss.

  13. Brenda Grossie says:


    Like you, my dad was know for his patience and kindness. I have spent my life trying to be known for the patience and kindness he taught me.

    May God be with you on this new journey and may He bring you peace as you follow his lead.

  14. Marilyn says:

    Sorry about your Dad. Hope you can take comfort in your treasured memories. May he rest in peace. I want to be remembered as a kind and gentle lady.

  15. E. Burke says:

    Dear Dori,
    I’m so sorry for the loss of your father. You can be so proud to be his daughter, as it is evident he taught you his many virtues: kindness, thoughtfulness, generosity, sincerity and many more attributes you share with so many people through your blog!
    My sincere condolences to you, your Ma and family. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    I’m here for you, if you ever need to talk.
    Eileen B.

  16. Marcie says:

    Dori, my heart goes out to you and your family on the loss of your Dad. Treasure the memories of your hero.

    I never knew my real dad but my father-in-law was the father I never had and I told him so, many times; he always called me his daughter, too. He was the kindest man I ever knew.

    The legacy I hope to leave behind is in the name of nature, in all the things my husband and I have done over the past 30 + years and are still doing, from creating a nature club on the Texas Gulf Coast to helping preserve an endangered species habitat to building our own little sanctuary in our yard, and providing shelter, food, water and habitat for the little creatures of Mother Nature.

  17. My sincere sympathy to you and your family. So difficult to lost parents. They have always been there for you and know you better than anyone else in the world. Kindness is a wonderful attribute and obviously your dad touched many people in his life with being kind. that is a beautiful legacy. I miss my parents every day and am thankful God gave me a caring Mom and Dad to guide me in life.

  18. Tammie Novak says:

    What a beautiful tribute to your dear daddy…he LOOKS like he was very kind…it shows in his smile! What an amazing legacy he left behind…truly a wonderful reminder of the attributes we should strive for in this life. God’s blessings to you and your family!

  19. Janetsue Filberth says:

    Dori, I’m so sorry for your loss.
    It’s very hard to lose a Dad . I lost mine so many years ago ( 42 years!) but I still think of him often. All the lessons he taught me and the ways he inspired me to live my best life . And I still cry when I visit the cemetery .
    Just know that you were so blessed to have him and try to think positive thoughts whenever you feel sad.
    He would want you to be happy

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