Clan Plaids & Plaid Cans

‘Clan Plaids & Plaid Cans’. Try saying that fast three times. I can barely get it out once. However, a pattern (literally) has been more prominent in and around my life of late. Plaids. Firstly, my ‘new’ 1958 farmgirl Glamping trailer has become my playhouse. She has a name now: EmmyLou (after my fave country songbird). Anyway, EmmyLou loves vintage plaid goodies and I’ve managed to collect some 50s plaid accessories for her. And, now that Christmas is nigh, plaids are back on the scene – wrap, ribbons, table clothes etc. Ever wonder why tartan plaids play a signifigant role in holiday decor? Me neither, but my curiosity woke up.

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  1. Debbie says:

    Happy Holidays Shery! It’s safe to say you are in a very festive mood by the sound of things here! Looks like it too!
    Emmylou looks adorable all dolled up in her Christmas Garb! I’m on my way over!!! Thanks for all the wonderful info on Tartan too! My curiosity hadn’t led me there but I’m glad yours did. We love our holiday music around here! It’s tradition to start listening right after Thanksgiving. Plus, this year our daughter has been working on another composition and it’s a Christmas tune! Her first! We’ve had a house full of music already! Love your gift wrap idea. I like brown paper too. One year I did brown paper with red and green raffia and pinecones.

    Bum bump and have fun at your " farmgirl " gathering…

    We might pass each other about Iowa since I’m headed your way for a taste of Christmasy salt air ;o)

  2. CJ Armstrong says:

    How fun, Shery! Love your tartan information, much of it I had studied because of my own Scottish heritage and travels to the land of the tartan. My own family is part of the Gordon clan, a Highland clan and my hubby is an Armstrong. The Armstrongs are a Border Clan and were known to be rascally "reivers". So I have a collection of tartans and clan jewelry for both. Tradition states, however, that if your husband is Scottish and has a tartan, a women wears that one. AND, tradition states that women do NOT wear the kilt . . the tartan fashioned into other garments, but not the kilt. Thanks for sharing the info!
    AND, I think "EmmyLou" is just FABULOUS! I’m SOOOOOOO totally jealous . . . have fun with her.
    By the way, you are RIGHT ON with Sean! I’ve always thought in one handsome Scottish hunk!!!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Isn’t it wonderful how our ‘trailers’ speak to us…. and tell us their personality….
    I had posted the other day about how I came about nameing my ’59 Aljo….. it all started with a Junkshop find…and the rest is "Herstory" as we say! lol!
    I absolutly love EmmyLou’s Tartan theme! With so many colors, reds,greens, blues, yellows, browns,,, you can change her "outfits" according to the seasons if you so desire…. and now I have even seen Pendleton Woolin Mills put out Spring (pinks/lt.greens, etc.) colors of plaids… I mean Tartans. Check out their catalog for some cute sewing/deco ideas… old wool blankets/throws make great deco pillows.
    And don’t toss away those old westerny blingy t-shirts,,, they too make great deco pillos.
    Happy Trails…….

  4. hereford girl says:

    Hey Sherri! I think Sean Connery is the BEST POSSIBLE model you cold have chosen, and I am a mere 45. What a hottie!
    EmmyLou is the perfect name for your "glamper" – would you believe the human EmmyLou is my uncles first cousin? We are practically related! HA! Your EmmyLou looks positively welcoming and warm-what a great job you have done with her! Merry Christmas!

  5. linda says:

    Love your Emmylou! But my husband wants to know how in the world you get any people inside?


    People? :o)  Well, there is room…for a couple farmgirls on the fly!  shery

  6. Karin says:

    Shery, EmmyLou looks absolutely adorable. You are so lucky to have found her. I have always loved tartan (when I was in high school tartan kilts, and matching sweaters and knee socks were the thing to wear)and I absolutely agree with you about Sean Connery! Oh my, that voice!
    As always thanks for letting us live vicariously through your blog. What a wonderful life you have.

    Farmgirl #2708

  7. Ruth says:

    I never tire of reading your words and descriptions of the ‘simple’ things of life and your pictures always add so much! It transports me to a most wonderful place every time, no matter the subject. Love it all! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Sheri! Hope you have a peaceful, joy-filled Christmas season! Enjoy every moment!


    P.S. Your side-note about John and his misguided attempt at apparel for the portly gave me a great laugh, too!! HA! Indeed!

  8. Carol Norwood says:

    Hi Shery … I love how you have EmmyLou decorated for the winter! I’m so happy for you! I also love all the tartan "stuff" you have collected – it’s so festive. Thanks, too, for sharing the wonderful photo of Sean Connery … Whew! I’m fanning myself … as I type. Have a wonderful holiday season!

  9. Kathie says:

    I too have a tartan passion. Clan kilts are very expensive. I was delighted to find a pre-owned kilt on my clan’s web site. It was a very large kilt so I sized it down and was able to make a matching kilt for my scottish terrier. Hamish Macbeth and I attend the Door County Scottie Rally every May and volunteer at The Midwest Pet Expo. We help raise funds for puppy mill education, rescue and canine health research. Not only does Hamish wear a Grant Clan kilt but he wears dog sized bagpipes ( with prerecorded bagpipe music) He favors the Red Hot Chili Pipers cd! Slainte!!!

  10. Kimberly Diener says:

    Merry Christmas Shery! I too have Scottish ancestory, Irish, English, Danish, German, Swedish, French, Native American…Anyways I too love tartan! And EmmyLou looks pretty, I wouldn’t paint that lovely maple wood either!

  11. carol branum says:

    hi Shery, I am so jelous of the camper,I have wanted one for years.You have decorated her wonderfully,Stay warm this winter.Intresting about the plaids,my dads family is from Scotland originally,so,I will have to look that up.Moma sewed me several little plaid church dresses as a child,with smocking,I always loved.Stay warm this winter!Merry Xmas!Carol Branum

  12. Laura says:


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Chutney, Checks & Chickens

Well, I guess it had to happen. It Is COLD in Wyoming. The warm looking sunlight of late afternoon is NOT warm unless you’re inside. But, there is plenty to be grateful for as I get ready for Thanksgiving. I have a dandy little space heater. C’mon in and take a look at what I’m going to use it for.

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  1. Jan says:

    I am so ENVIOUS of your new trailer! She still looks so pristine and wonderful, she must’ve been cared for with love…I had a thought of having one parked out back for my craft room. I have so much stuff here in the house that I need another room! Trouble is, usually I only have time to do my crafting in the winter and it is also cold here in Washington state.
    I made my first chutney last summer with a recipe that I got from Deb! It was tasty!! When you speak of processing for 10 minutes, do you use a pressure canner or do you do a water bath? YUMMMMMOOO. As for your beautiful sheep, where did you get the heads?
    Thanks so much for your warm and wonderful blog!


    Hi Jan :o),  I just use the water-bath method (my grandma’s old one). In answer to your question about the sheep heads…we used the store-bought ‘sculpey’ kind of clay that you mold by hand and then bake. None of us had ever played with clay before. We made the body and heads out of clay. –My trailer is not perfect, after all it is 52 years old. However, it IS in very good shape. There have been a few leaks over the year, but they were fixed and there have been no new ones. I knew that in owning an old trailer that I would have to be mindful of careful maintenance. With a new one, not so much. The trade off is that my old girl is getting cuter by the minute. I spent the better part of yesterday puttering in it. I love it and she’ll be a dandy guest cabin too. Thank you for the kind words.  Shery

  2. Adrienne Kristine says:

    Since I lived in an older 27′ motorhome and traveled the country for several years, my first recommendation is to join the Tin Can Tourists: You’ll receive lots of decorating (and maintenance) ideas and meet some terrific people who are devoted to preserving the past. Congratulations!


    Adrienne,   Thanks a lot for the web site.    Shery

  3. Joan says:

    Shery, you never cease to amaze me how you touch my soul!! If I didn’t know better I’d think we are one n the same – the only difference is you get to do what I only still dream of – SO thank YOU for sharing, showing, so eloquently. Can hardly wait to see, hear more from you, especially about the ‘new’ everything ‘cabin’. I wish you and all the Farm Girls a very Happy Thanksgiving!!


    Joan,  You and all the other commenting farmgirls touch MY soul. You say the nicest things, kind things, affirming things, soulfood things. Please know that this little job-o-mine as a farmgirl blogger has been one of the best things to happen to me. Turning 50 was a tough one for me. I spent too much time looking back. Menopause, injuring my knee (then surgery), feeling older in earnest kinda dampened my spirits and creative spirit. My friend, Lisa, intro’d me to MaryJanesFarm magazine and on that very day, I felt a spark within. A few months later when I landed a job with MJF, that really helped me turn the corner. Please know that every one of you sweet farmgirls who have taken the time to leave comments, well, you changed my life, really. You are the ‘fire in my belly’. MaryJane is my mid-life role model and I will be forever in debt to Lisa for opening a window and letting fresh air back in my life.   Shery


  4. Karin says:

    Lucky, lucky you! I love your little camper and would love to have one someday. The idea of "glamping" just seems like so much fun. Right now we’re renovating a house for when we retire, so everything else kind of has to take a back seat. But, maybe some day. I love the pictures of Michele’s collections also. That’s where I want to live =D. Our Thanksgiving will be traditional at church where we serve a meal for the community and those members who don’t want to cook for just one or two people. Thanks for your wonderful blog.
    Farmgirl #2708

  5. Joann says:

    I loved reading about your new "cabin"!! What a darling idea!!
    We have sold our home in the suburbs and heading (in December) to 47 acres in the country! So excited I can hardly stand it! Can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store and nearly beside myself to once again have Christmas in the country!

  6. Coreen says:

    I am grateful for your use of warm colors and homey stuff! Just beautiful!

  7. Debbie says:

    Shery, As usual after reading your post I’m sitting here in awe with a big ole’ grin on my face, shaking my head in amazement at you and your talent for making a farmgirls heart go pitter patter every darned time you put the pen to paper and point that camera of yours!THANK YOU! I am just over the moon for you about your new " play house " and I can hardly wait to see how you purty her up! I’m with ya on the latest issue of MJF. I can’t get enough of it ( but that’s normal for every issue isn’t it? ) And, I loved seeing your images and reading about Michelle’s’ collections and seeing the photos of your farmgirl pals..The fun and friendship you share shines through in your images!
    Can I just give you all a virtual hug right here?!

    I love everything about Thanksgiving and what it stands for…with lots of GRAVY ON TOP FOR ME TOO PLEASE!

    Shery, thank you for all you share in this space (and in MJF) throughout the year. " YOU ARE THE STUFF OF DREAMS " I have Mary Jane to thank for that quote, and if fits you to a T!

    May your gravy boat over flow-eth with more blessings than you can count!

    Love AND A BIG HUG!
    your beachy farmgirl sista!

    PS… I’ll be looking for YOUR reply RIGHT HERE! Ha!

    Right back atchya, sista!!!!!!!  You’re the berries … and full of beans too ;o) Your blog is way better than ‘Calgon, Take Me Away.’ SOMEday you’re gonna see me on your doorstep begging for tour of your cottage and surroundings. Now that I know someone in such a place, I have the HUNGER fer real. Oh, maybe I should wait for an invite. Until then, here’z a cyber (((((hug))))))   Shery 

  8. Lois Arnold says:

    Your article made me teary eyed! Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks with our families and friends! We are traditional with the food, my girls bring parts of it to help out. We have 3 tables full of people, mostly family, but it varies from year to year on friends who come. My favorite is the pecan pie — it is a tradition from my family and we have to have it!

  9. Margaret says:

    Wow, Love your new little camper. Great ideas for decorating, thanks. We have camped in Wyoming every year for over 40 years plus lived in the Big Horn Basin for awhile. This year we have a new to us used camper and all the new features make us need to conserve on the battery since we "dry camp". Well we used candles in the evening inside but since they do not give off enough light making it hard to play cards I just came up with another idea after seeing your pictures. The Christmas solar light strings might work well inside also as lighting. I can put the solar panel in the window and have lights at night without attacting so many bugs on the windows and still be able to play cards. Since we are now empty nesters this will also be romatic. Just wanted to pass on this idea for inside lighting.


    Margaret,  Solar light strings???!!! COOL, will have to check them out. Google search, hmmm?  Yep,  one of the trips I want to take next summer will be to the Big Horns. It is a 3 hour drive for us. The rest would be easy little one day or overnight trips in the surrounding Black Hills area…lots of options all around us and anywhere from 45 minutes to a little over a hour away. No more thinking that ‘someday I’ll get back into camp mode’.   Shery

  10. Margaret says:

    What great fun! We don’t find treasures like your new playhouse around here much anymore! Can’t wait to see all your decorating on it! Have fun! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  11. OH Shery,,,, I am doing the ‘Happy Dance’ for you!
    and your new~old glamp~trailer! Now you are one of us !lol!
    Oh the things, the fun, the creativity…. you’ll be busy!
    There is a vintage ‘yellow/brown’ scotch-plaid set of picinic ware,,,thermos, metal basket etc… several of my gal pals have pieces from that collection, the brand name escapes me tho.
    How cool, and if you go to facebook, check out Juli Thorson’s ‘Girl Camp’ (& she has a camping blog)as well as the SOTF sites.
    I will try to put together a list of trailer sites that might be of interest to you to give you ideas of what other gals have done w/their vintage trailers.
    Irene Rawling’s book "Sisters on the Fly" is great…. and brag moment…Juli & I and some of our gal-pals from our annual FarmChick camp out are in it.
    Again, so happy for you…. now, "Happy Trails to you".


    Thanks Gracie!!! Oh goody, more sites to pour over. You’re in SOTF??? What page??? Thus far, I have two (lg & sml) red plaid Thermos bottles and a matching plaid cooler. A matching 4 gallon ice chest is soon to arrive. ACK, accessorizing ‘her’ is gonna cost more than the trailer ;o)  But, I’m used to that…having horses is the same deal. Buying the horse is the least expensive part of the whole equation!  Ok, back to goodies…I’ve got half a dozen vintage tableclothes, a wooden ironing board (for buffet set-up), red-handled sliverware etc etc. I’m a woman obsessed!!!!!! I remember well when dad brought home a LOG playhouse when I was a wee lassie. Same deal, I spent hours ‘nesting’. Mom saved many canned goods cans for our pretend pantry. I tried many times to sleep in it at night … buuuut, being afraid of the dark always made me chicken out. Ya know, preserving the ‘child at heart’ within is so important. Making our own fun is something we should never outgrow. Being a’scared of the dark, well, I ain’t afraid of no haints now.    Shery

  12. carol branum says:

    Hi Shery, What a great xmas gift to yourself, I am jelous, and it looks like it is in mint condition and the price was fabulous, lucky you! Have a nice Thanksgiving and Xmas! Happy Trails to you !Looked like you didn’t have much snow yet? carol


    Hi Carol, No measurable snow yet… and that suits me to a T. But, the COLD is here and tomorrow it is only suppose to reach a high of 10..?????!!!!!!! ICK.  Yes, you have a great holiday too.  I’ll be doing the backstroke in gravy! Shery

  13. Amy Vickers says:

    I have been wanting to join your blog for awhile, and the awesome camper prompted me….can you believe the stove is yellow and white…how precious is that. I am a rancher type person in Texas…my husband and I manage a Quarter Horse Ranch in central Texas, 5300 acres of paradise (if it rains) love your blog, thank God for Mary Jane….(also my mom’s name) Would love to find a camper like yours…some day.


    Oh Amy, thank you for the kind compliment (following this blog). Glad to have you. Or, as my Arkansas grandma use to say, "I’m just suh proud to have you’ns." A ranch in a MUCH warmer climate sounds perfect right about now. I agree, isn’t that cutest little stove?…and the fridgey-icebox matches it. I gotta come up wit a name for ‘her’. Hmmmm.   Shery

  14. WOW, Shery, I am so excited for you and your new trailer. I just love those old models. I have pics of ours when I was a little girl and we used to camp on the beach at Galveston. Of course the grownups slept inside the camper, all of us kids slept under a tarp in the sand. HA! I know you are going to have a blast decorating. And you see, the Lord had a better plan when you missed out on that last one at the auction.
    Have a Blessed Thanksgiving and Happy Glamping.


    Hi Vivian,  I think you’re absolutely spot-on. While the other trailer at the auction was much less $$, it needed extensive cleaning, plus the cushions were shot — packrats & mice Oh My — soooo stinky-filthy-ICKY. The whole thing would have also needed re-wiring due to possible rodent damage. It would have ended up costing much more due to the expense of renovation work. The clean up on this one: half an hour of tidy & wipe…and I really didn’t need to do that. The seller kept it very clean. Way better deal. Happy-grateful I am.   Shery

  15. diane says:

    My husband just bought me a 1963 Lil’ Ceasar canned ham trailer this summer for our 34th anniversary. I love her!!!! Her name is "Alice" and we pull her with a white Dodge Ram named "Bud". I have two decorative themes. One that is retro for when my kids borrow her…It is kind of Dick and Jane…for the grandsons…and since I have decorated using fabrics which I put up with pressure rods and velcro I can take that down and put up my "glamping" decor which is brown and tourquoise silks and chandeliers…such fun…my husband is a good sport. Since he is 6’2" he does have to stoop over a bit when he is in it..thank you so much for sharing your life with us…I feel a real kindredness with you…I wish you many, many blessings and much joy…diane


    Oh Diane, do you have a blog where curious folks like me could see photos of your darlin little Alice??  She sounds so cute. One thing I am going to have done in my trailer: reupholster the seat cushions…from turquoise to cherry RED.   Shery


  16. Jane Gladden says:

    I love your new trailer. It really seems to be in good shape. My husband is restoring a ’53 Terry in our barn right now. We are hoping to stay true to the vintage interior but I am going to red and white rather than green and gold. Please keep your readers posted on your progress. It’s cold in the mountains of NC now too so work is sometimes limited. Enjoy !

  17. Grace~katmom says:

    Oh Shery,,, you are so smitten! lol!
    Now you have trailer love, soon it will be trailer lust! Everytime you see a vintage trailer you will want to see the inside,you’ll want that pillow, this light etc,,you’ll scan for more deco ideas… can be addicting! lol! and yes, the cost of the trailer is the cheapest part of being the owner of a vintage trailer.
    I have my SOTF book in my Scotty which is parked in the barn across the road for the Winter, so I don’t remember what page I am on, but, it is in the lower bottom right corner, I am pointing to the flag I have above my trailer. I co-host the SOTF Farm Chicks camp out in Spokane and there is a group shot of us as well…again, can’t remember what page. If I recall, that was the year that MaryJane camped with us and then joined up with SOTF.
    I currently have 3 trailers, ’59 Aljo in full tear down restoration, a ’63 Serro Scotty and a ’64 FleetCraft… and I am always on the look for another one….. see, I told ya, it’s addiciting!
    Now go have fun, & remember,,, ‘spray paint is your friend!’…lol!

  18. meredith (Hereford girl) says:

    Wow Shery! Did you find a GEM!! I am so excited for you!!! Our family has a new-to-us modern camper, not too big, that I adore. You will have so much fun with yours! We have used ours primarily as a place to stay during Hereford shows, it is our home away from home. Last year we took it to Kansas City (from VA.) for the Junior National show. I have never been so grateful for our little house on wheels. It was 115 degrees, 95 degrees at night- we LOVED OUR A/C!!!
    Enjoy decorating it and dreaming about your future fun this winter- spring will be here soon enough!
    Happy Thanksgiving, I am thankful for you and all the MJF farmgirls!

  19. Rejena says:

    Hi there! We are headed from Pennsylvania to Wyoming this winter. My husband leaves in two weeks while I close up shop here.

    We’ve sold the farm animals and are planning to rent for a year or so while we look for our perfect Wyoming Ranch. It is so exciting, I can’t believe it is real!

    I’ve enjoyed your post immensely, and look forward to more ‘real life experience’ of ranch life in Wyoming soon.

    Best wishes and a happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


    Rejena,  Happy hunting! Welcome to the Cowboy State! Some folks stuck in PC mania oddly and happily wrinkle their nose at ‘cowboys’ (and our state) …and direct the cowboy label as an insult. Those of us who understand the real meaning of the label wear it proudly. I hope you find just the right spot here in God’s country. Yippee-Ki-Yi-Ay.   Shery

  20. Brenda Graham says:

    Well, this Cowgirl just found this Wonderful Book on her weekly outing. I never knew there was so many others like me. Now I know i am cloned.Lol. Looking and reading all, is so over whelming. I know now i have sisters out there. I want to thank you for coming out with the magazine for us to have and cherish. I had a farm until my late husband passed with cancer,and they took almost everything i owned. But i put my Big girl pants on and here I am years later. I cannot take the farm girl, or cowgirl, out of me.Thanks to you all for this blessing.I want to know more on how to make the clay sheep, with the wool.I so do love them. Heres a big Yea Haw to you all.Brenda


    Hi Brenda,

    So glad you joined us!! OhMyYes, there are gobs of us out there in the big yonder. MaryJane provided a ‘place’ for us to meet, even if not face to face.

    Ok, the sheep. Well, we just molded them by hand. Mmmmm, trial and error :o) When we were happy with the way they looked, we backed them for about 15 minutes. Mixed results. Some of them cracked. But, those that survived looked good and we then painted faces…or not; then wrapped and hot-glued the wool onto them…as needed. Vwah-la, they were done.  Shery

  21. Ann says:

    Love your trailer! My sister and I have seen some Sisters on the Fly at the annual Country Living fair in Columbus, Ohio and each trailer is unique but very farmgirl chic. Can’t wait to see pictures of yours when it is fully decorated. As always, your photos are stunning. Also, about your recipe – yum but I am assuming it is 10 minutes in a water bath? Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

    Thank you, Ann.  Yep, 10 minutes will do it. Shery

  22. Cora Jo says:

    So, I’m glad I am not the only one still trying to learn computer stuff! Heck! I’m still writing on the back of my hand and calling it my "backberry". Haha
    Thanksgiving floats around our family nowa days. This year my step daughter Jackie is hosting for the first time. She will do fine. We will miss the "creamed grapes" though…as that was one of my Mom’s things. We had a huge family back then and Mom was always looking for one more dish to put on the table. One year it was Creamed Grapes…cream cheese and sugar int he blender over halved grapes…worked. And I absolutely love the next day sandwich! Enjoy, Shery, I love your pictures and blog…now I’m looking for a trailer!

  23. Brenda says:

    Oh Shery how wonderful. I have a board on my pinterest account that I have pinned all the wonderful vintage campers I have came across. I drool over that board. Now your camper has been pinned. Love it. How much fun you are going to have. I dream of parking mine in some of the Michigan campgrounds and dragging my grands along for the ride. And when no grands are available I want to drag my sewing machine and just set and sew to my hearts content, away from all the things at home that seem to say do this first. I might even invite the hubs along once in a while. Dreaming…..My favorite part of the meal would be mashed potatoes and dressing side by side covered with gravy. And a warm piece of apple pie with ice cream at the end. I could skip everything else and have turkey sandwiches later and be very content. Your little lambs are precious.

  24. Catherine says:

    I just love the colours in your post-pics… they make me want to snuggle-up by the fire and sew my quilt… and that is what I am going to do! Your posts are just lovely. I am a great fan of MaryJane and her friends and followers… you are all such a rich source of inspiration and a breath of fresh air! May God bless you all x

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Picture If You Will

Images can help tell a story. Pictures can add meaning and impart a deeper understanding. What we see with our eyes and read with our eyes join together and, in my opinion, turn an otherwise good read into a great read. Imagery stirs emotions, pricks our memory and takes us back to places we’ve been or transports us to places we will never see for ourselves. Words are busy, pictures are quiet. Together, they’re a great team.

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  1. karen bates says:

    ABSOLUTELY STUNNING…thank you so much for sharing your fabulous photos and the wonderful sayings!!!

  2. Jan says:

    Now this brought a tear to my eye, a chuckle to my day, and an appreciation of your beautiful contribution!
    Great job, Shery.

  3. nameTerry says:

    Mom looks just as beautiful as i remember!

  4. Marcie says:

    As always, your words and photos are priceless works of art.
    Thank you Shery!

    When I see your blog in my email, I always get my cup of coffee and sit back to enjoy a great adventure,


  5. Cyndi says:

    Thanks so very much for sharing your photos and wonderful sayings with us Sherry! I ALWAYS love to see your photographs in every blog post you do!

    You have a beautiful life with your ranch and horses, girlfriends are the icing on your cake and sharing with us is magical for us!

    You always have a follower in me and thanks for sharing with permission your photos and sayings added.

    I are adore them all! The china plate and needlework with frame are fascinating. I may add them to my blog side if you do not mind. But, all are fabulous!

    Smiles, Cyndi

  6. Debbie says:

    PERFECT Shery! I’m gonna stay quiet and enjoy your lovely images for a while longer…THANK YOU!
    Deb ( your beachy farmgirl sister from the east )

  7. Elizabeth says:

    Cultivating Mirth…Thank you for sharing your Peace with me.

  8. Roxana says:

    Thank you for reminding me once again to look for the loveliness in everything. It’s a comfort just knowing you are out there doing this – and then sharing it with us.

  9. Brenda says:

    Hi Shery!
    Love the photo with Grandma Moses quote and the picket fence lovely. Well I love them all but those are my favs. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures. I know it must have taken quite a while to pick out just the right ones to put words to. So thank you for your time also.

  10. Joan says:

    THANK YOU!!!!!!

  11. As always, Thank you for bringing light to our eyes.

  12. Lynn says:

    Thank you for the beautiful photos!
    I always enjoy your posts.

  13. meredith (hereford girl) says:

    Just beautiful Shery! You remind me to live in the moment! I always save your blog post for a quiet time with a hot cup of coffee – yours is always thought provoking and motivating! My camera is going out with me today – we are starting the halter breaking process with two of our heifers. Thank you for reminding me of the beauty everywhere!

  14. Dawn bass says:

    Beautiful pictures and beautiful words….:)

  15. Oh Shery… once again… you are amazing and such an inspiration…

  16. Kelly says:

    Fabulous pictures! And the quotes to go along with are excellent.

  17. Brenda says:

    beautiful and relaxing just what I needed at the end of this busy day. thank you I always enjoying reading what you write or show us.

  18. Janice says:

    The photo and words about your mom took my breath away, brought tears to my eyes, and made me think of my mother in a new way. Thank you!

  19. Beautiful pictures and meaningful words….you’ve inspired me to embrace all the beauty around me in ways I’ve never thought could be possible…..thank you. Mel

  20. Betty says:

    I loved your Blog and am so glad our friend, Mel, sent me here! Your photos are amazing and beautiful as well as your stories you share. I hope you will come follow me on all my blogs. Have a blessed day, I’ll be back!

  21. Nancy Rojo says:

    Such beautiful photographs and sentiments…Thank you,

  22. Bonnie W. says:

    I will accept these photos and quotes as part of my Birthday presents…you never knew…but now you do.
    I loved each one…

    Thank You!

  23. Elaine says:

    I am brand new to "Mary Janes Farm Girls" but must say what I have seen I have enjoyed. I live in northern BC Canada and enjoy living in ranch land country like you. I am not allowed to ride anymore because of a car accident and a broken neck etc. I did so enjoy your photos and sayings. I do enjoy taking pictures of animals, and God’s great out doors. My newest pleasure are our two grandchildren four and almost six. Please keep up the great blog.

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