I hope this post finds you all in good spirits and ready to celebrate Mother’s Day with your loved ones! What do you do to celebrate? This year my handsome Yankee confessed ( ahead of time ) that he bought me some sort of new slicer- dicer kitchen gadget that’ll do just about everything but pluck my eyebrows and trim my toe nails and it doesn’t use electricity! I’ll admit the no electricity factor has me intrigued but he knows I have an aversion to new- fangled kitchen appliances! I’m simply happy with the basics but he is confident I’ll L.O.V.E. LOVE it. Remind me not to let him do the shopping at B.J’s from now on! Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, let’s go down town to Main Street Antiques and do a little window shopping at Burlap and Bling shall we? I know there are some GOOD mother’s day gift ideas to be had there! Tee Hee.

To make my sign, I rescued part of a cute twin sized headboard and painted it old white, stenciled the letters on, and added a wooden applique that was left over from a different projec to jazz it up a bit up top. Since I was using stencils that I had on hand, I didn’t have enough to write out the entire name in the lager size and still be able to include the word ” AND ” in between Burlap and Bling so I made the ” and symbol” out of a strip of burlap, sparkly ribbon and a pretty flower pin with bling in the center. It’s not perfect by any stretch and that’s exactly what I love about it! Plus, it got that old headboard out of my basement!
Half the fun of stocking my booth is doing simple upcycling projects to add to the mix of vintage, antiques and collectibles. I found these two vintage floral art prints at a local thrift store and fell in love with the softness of the print but those tired old oak frames had to go!
I gave them a wash with some old white chalk paint using a dry brush technique. Once they were dry I roughed up the edges a little then applied a clear wax to bring out the depth in the wood undertones and seal the paint.
I love the outcome! They look so fresh and new again don’t they? I’ve gotten some great ideas on Pinterest for projects. My mother in law gave me a box of vintage hankies which I was going to make banners out of but then I saw this nifty-thrifty idea for displaying them. Wouldn’t ya know I went right out looking for spoon holders and found two? Luck was with me that day!
Here’s the before…
Here’s the after hanging on the outside of the entry to my booth. I made two of them and am giving one to my mother in law for Mother’s day. They all belonged to an Aunt of hers ( whom we all refer to as Auntie ) so they will be on display for her to enjoy in her room here at our house when she visits!
My collection of vintage aprons to add to the booth blossomed when MaryJane cleaned out her apron closet a while back. ( Thank you MJ!!! ) I’ve got them displayed on a circular vintage drying rack right out front! And, what better way to decorate your laundry room than with a cheery painting of ” wash day ” in the countryside?
Let’s go inside and take peek!
Look! Shoppers!!!
I hope you enjoyed our shopping trip and gathered some inspiration and a few gift ideas along the way!
Until our next shoreline visit~
Sister Deb #1199
P.S. I’ll keep ya posted on the kitchen gadget thing! 🙂
You’re definitely getting the hang of boothin’! I would love to pop in. On a routine basis for sure. What cheer. And SASS! I’m sure Burlap and Bling is going to do very well. Thanks for the virtual tour. Loved it.
Thanks so much MJ! Let me know when you’re in town… ( grin )!
xo Deb
Oh Deb, thanks for the shopping trip – if only you weren’t East and me West – L O V E LOVE your special corner in the big mall !!!! You do have the eye for displaying. I have a whole lot of my Grandmother’s and an Aunts handkerchiefs – many had never come out of the box – what a great way to display. God Bless
Hi Joan! So glad you stopped in… There are so many great ideas on pinterest for displaying and crafting with vintage hankies. I’ll bet you come up with something genius for yours. Blessings to you! xo Deb
I don’t know whether your shoppe is more cute or clever, but it is wonderful. Congratulations and best wishes for a very happy and successful season with many sales to delighted customers.
Howdy Adrienne! Thanks a bunch! I’m hopeful for a busy season… we need the warm weather to bring out the shoppers here in New England! 🙂 Thanks so much for the visit! xo Deb
Deb, I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I want a booth something terrible. But everywhere I look where I might can afford one is usually too far out of the way of traffic.?? I am still searching and was thinking maybe even turning my workshop at home into one. Will have to check on taxes and that sort of thing, and move a young man’s (my son) stuff out of it so I can fix it up. You are getting my creative thoughts going. Loved the hankie idea with the spoon holder, got me thinking where can I go and find one. lol. Keep living my dream and sharing on your blog so we can all enjoy. Be Blessed. Neta ps we are camping in our camper this week, and going next week to camp at Edisto Beach SC. Cant wait, I just love this little camper. I had an idea while we were here and I will have to send you a picture when I get it done, but I dont use the oven except to store bread, so I am thinking of some sort of way to make my oven look like one of those old enamel stoves and put Bread on the front like an old timey bread box.?? any ideas on how to cover it. It is not magnetic so I am not sure. appreciate any ideas you might have. Thanks
Hi Neta! So nice to hear from you! I bet you are having a grea time in your little " glamper"…I’ll think about your stove idea an send you an email if I come up with something you can use! And, don’t give up on your booth idea… Maybe you could do a little online boothin’ and open a VINTAGE ETSY shop! That way you can still have fun collecting on your glamping travels!
Thanks for your note! xo
I love your shop….if I lived closer, I’d be there often. And all of your before and after pictures give me such good ideas. I use to be afraid of messing things up, but after seeing all the beautiful ways to re-use tired, worn out items, I’ve been doing some "jumping in" of my own lately. This weekend I’m turning an old, very boring tv cart into a glam nightstand for my teenage granddaughter.
That a girl Rebecca! Good for your for beating your fears back and letting the creative juices flow! Your glam nighstand sounds like a great project to let loose on! Thanks for your note! xo Deb
I just love your store…I used to have a booth in an antique mall, but it became too much for me, and I had to give it up.
Hi Marie! I’m sorry to hear you had to give up your booth. It is A LOT of work… gathering, pricing, cleaning, and hauling it all back and forth… What is wrong with us? LOL!!! Thanks so much for your note 🙂 x0 Deb
Deb, I am totally charmed by your shop, and I can’t wait to see it next month! You have great taste…love all of the china and lace, and the hankie display is soooo cute! I hope that you get lots of business during the summer tourist season, so that you can refill your stock with new burlap and bling!
Well, thank you Pam! What dates will you be here next month? Would love to meet you for tea downtown! xo Deb
Oh, I think this is wonderful. My problem would be giving up anything I found….I would only want to buy things I like to put in a booth and then I would not want to give them up. Would have to find two of everything. I saw your use of the spoon rack and I want to find one to do the same with some hankies I have been collecting. Funny thing is I used to own one that I was putting those little collectible travel spoons in years ago, wonder what I did with it. Probably at goodwill waiting for me to buy it back! lol. have a great weekend Deb and Happy Mothers day!
Hi Brenda! I can relate to your ‘ problem’. My husband is fun to go picking with but he doesn’t want to let it go.. and truth be told, I get very attached to the pieces that I do over… they are like my little babies! But then again, I’m always fussing about a cluttered basement… it makes no sense at all…! How many times have we all tossed out something we want to buy back later? Too many, right? Thanks for your note and happy planting! xo Deb
your shop is great I have an Antique shop also,I love the idea for the hankie display,I’ve been in buiness for three years and this has been the best, I wish you so much Luck with your shop your going to Love Love Love it.if you want you can check me out on facebook under Farmtiques and Uniques. I’m so happy for you.Penny
Hi Penny! How wonderful for you! You are so right. The longer I do it the more hooked I am getting on the whole experience. I will come see you on facebook… Thanks for inviting me and for the good wishes too! Happy Boothin’ as MJ says!
xo Deb
Hi Deb, your shop is fantastic. You did such a great job and it is a great way to display your talents. Keep following that bliss!
Hi Laura! Thanks so much… I am really enjoying it and hope to inspire others to dive in and try on their dreams too! xo Deb
I am amazed at how the finish on your oak frames turned out. what was your method to refinish them. I have those same frames and want to just have an upscale yard sale. Those items I have would sell better if I did a little make over on them… very nice !!
Hi Deborah, I painted the oak frames with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, in OLD WHITE but you could get a similar finish by dry brushing an off white or linen color latex matt finishe paint, or even an acrylic craft paint in an antique white or color of your choice. Good luck with your frames and your " upscale " yard sale too!
xo Deb
Hi Deb, How exciting to see your shop and say I was there. I could have spent much longer there but not enough time. I will on my next visit. It sure looks great. Now that the weather is getting better you will really be busy. I can just see your big smile to greet the customers. Wish I could be there to visit the beach house in the summer. So I’ll be waiting to hear about all your many adventures. Love the shop.
Hi Merrilyn!
Always great to hear from you! Burlap and Bling is coming along and I’m looking forward to a busy season… been gathering and painting furniture to get it filled up for summer! If you and Michelle come to Plymouth this summer we’ll take a trip to the cottage for sure! How’s that sound?