I was raised in Texas heat, but for 25 years, I’ve lived in the four-season New England suburbs. Family and friends residing in warmer regions often ask how we handle the cold. Long winters can seem dreary, but usually it doesn’t bother me.
We’ve experienced irritating sub-zero temperatures recently, but there’s good things about winter, too, that make it (gasp!) enjoyable. Grab a “cuppa” and come warm up!
Connecticut’s “weed-y” – there’s always weeds popping up in flower beds, or invasive plants to pull out of the ground in less-cultivated areas. In warm seasons, I plant herb and veggie gardens, have several flower beds, and many potted plants, as well. I garden ALOT. Winter gives us a break. When spring does arrive, that long winter makes even mowing less of a chore and something to look forward to.
In winter, we still go about our daily routines, and have some fun outings. I’ve told my Mama when she calls, worried I’m out in bad weather, “If you never go out when the weather’s not perfect here, you’d never go out”.
Hot tea on a cold day’s a pleasure, and I keep my tea stash stocked. On a fun outing last month, my daughter and I celebrated my best friend’s birthday with a wonderful “girls day” at a local tea room. The three of us had “high tea” and enjoyed the surrounding antique shops. Making a point to see friends even in winter keeps spirits high and shortens long, bleary weeks.
Winter wear is a must. I’ve got a puffy barn coat for “dog duty” or cleaning the chicken coop. (Not a fun chore in sub-zero weather, but a labor of love). My chickens are cold-weather hardy breeds. I make sure they have warm nesting material, and keep an eye on waddles, combs and feet for signs of distress.
Now that days are again growing longer, my chickie-girls are laying again. Fresh eggs in winter are tricky, because left too long in the nest on a really cold day, they freeze and crack! However, hot summer days can actually be harder on chickens than winter’s chill, and nothing’s sweeter than when they cozy up to each other when it’s time to close the coop at night.
Not all my cold-weather clothing is utilitarian. Winter lets me use what I’ve knitted, or to rock a fun vintage hat or cute retro coat, so I look forward to some frosty weather!
Being prepared is necessary. Winter’s easier with stocked freezers, flashlights with fresh batteries, and stacked firewood. Recently, we had a bad ice storm.
When everything outdoors is covered in a layer of thick ice, it can be treacherous- even taking the dogs out can be dangerous. Two of our dogs are big and could pull, so we have to mind our footing. (FYI, Hubby ordered a “Pug Life Harness” for our biggest dog, Odin. He’s a young, 85-lb. strong boy! The easy-to-put on, comfortable harness makes Odin much easier to walk and he has learned not to pull).
During the storm, we lost power twice. We didn’t panic, knowing what to do when that happens. But when the storm subsided, the streets were salted, and the sun came out the next day, everything ice-covered made a winter wonderland! Trees glistened like silver tinsel trees. I’d rather not have ice, but the beauty’s breathtaking.

Branches can crack and fall from the weight of ice. When it gets as cold as it has been (below 0), salt doesn’t work. We tread carefully and watch our step. Thankfully, extreme cold usually doesn’t last too long.
I don’t mind grey days so much. Lamps with soft lighting, favorite music playing and a wood stove make home cozy. We get occasional “snow days” – where school and some businesses close. When that happens, we embrace the “down time”.
Heaven for me on a blustery day is a good knitting project in my hands, sleepy fur-babies nearby, family home, and something good to binge-watch.
Currently, we’re watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon Prime. It’s got great characters (though it’s not for kids). It’s hilarious, and worth watching just to check out the retro sets, Midge Maisel’s Jackie-O style and her cool kitchen stocked with vintage Pyrex!
Speaking of vintage Pyrex, our mothers knew a good thing when they bought the colorful bakeware back in the day! I love that I can mix, bake, serve and refrigerate in one all with style! Vintage casserole dishes make my colorful kitchen happy; I love to bake and cook on a cold day!
So, dear readers, I leave you with my spin on a classic comfort-food dish. If cold weather’s not your thing, don’t worry. Make the best of it, look for the beauty, and enjoy the cozy- February brings us to the half-way mark! Remember to scroll down and leave me a comment to let me know you dropped by!
Suburban Farmgirl Pyrex Potted Pie
1 lb. organic ground beef
1 medium organic onion, chopped
1 can organic sliced carrots, drained
1 cup organic frozen peas
1 large chopped, fresh organic tomato, seeds and juice removed
1½ tsp. dried sage
Himalayan Pink salt, to taste
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 small can sliced mushrooms
1 cup prepared organic beef broth
1 lb. small, washed organic new potatoes, boiled (I like to use a mix of red and white, and leave the skins on)
½ cup organic milk
1 Tbsp. Organic butter
½ cup sharp white cheddar cheese
In a large skillet, brown ground beef and onion. Add next eight ingredients and simmer on low heat until frozen peas are tender, stirring frequently. Transfer to a vintage, lightly greased 2½ quart vintage Pyrex dish, or preferred casserole dish.
In a separate pot, boil potatoes until tender and drain. With a potato masher, mash potatoes with butter and milk (you can substitute prepared organic chicken broth for the milk, if preferred. Potatoes should be thickly mashed, as opposed to fluffy). Spread mashed potatoes on top of meat mixture. Sprinkle with cheddar cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted and potatoes are slightly brown.
Until Next Time…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Thoroughly enjoyed your post with all the wonderful photos. Having spent all my life in snow country I agree with getting out when you can or staying in and cozy making the most of this peaceful season. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Jutta! Thank you so much; I am so glad you enjoyed the post and hope you will “visit” again! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Your scenery and descriptions are very similar to what I’ve been experiencing right here in central Ohio! We enjoy the change of seasons. Yes, there are those extremes, but it’s worth it to me. We like it here! … Hey, you knit a mighty fine stitch lady! I still have my dishes that match yours. I also own one that is white on BLACK. None of my friends have ever seen a black Pyrex..I am ashamed to say that I have never gone into my computer and “looked it up”. I am afraid to put it into microwave because of the BLACK. I don’t know what ingredients were used to make that finish and don’t want to blow up our micro just to find out.
Your pets are adorable, and Oh so cozy looking. Thanks for the nice article. I enjoyed it very much.
Hi Mary, Thank you! I am so glad you liked my post. I have to say I am afraid to put ANYTHING vintage in the microwave myself. I have seen a black Pyrex (only one in person) like you describe. They are beautiful! I also hand wash all my vintage dishes, even the Ironware. I don’t mind doing dishes by hand.
Thanks for compliment on my knitting! I am wearing my new piece right now. 🙂 My pets love the winter because they get lots of extra snuggle time! Enjoy your Ohio winter; thank you for “stopping by”! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Your potted pyrex pie is on my menu for this weekend. Looks delish! Such sweet critters you have, Mittens, Pip, Odin… Enjoyed your update on winter in New England.
Hi MaryJane, Thank you! I hope you enjoy my recipe; I know I enjoy so many of yours! Hope you are all enjoying a beautiful winter there at the farm, too! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Thanks for warming us up on a cold winter’s day. Love the pictures and even a recipe! We in the Midwest are weary of winter too, but spring is not far away. Let’s live our lives and enjoy each day we have. Your mention of “high tea” reminded me of a funny memory. Our son and family lived in London for 3 years. When the two boys came for a visit with us once, the youngest who was about 5 at the time, marched into the kitchen and announced, “Grandma, it’s 4 o’clock and time for high tea!” A good way to get some snacks, I’m thinking.
Hi Deanna, We actually had sun and 50’s yesterday, and today it was sunny. Snow’s coming again, but that’s okay. And did you see – the Groundhog said we will have an early spring! 😉
I love the little story about your grandson! Adorable! Thank you so much for sharing. You put a smile on my face. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Nope, nope, nope!!! Lived in your kind of winter for ever. Now my snow scenes consist of looking out across the valley and up at the lovely snow covered mountains (Yosemite National Park) and thinking, “Yay! I don’t have to be out in that!” Bless y’all that do. Keep warm and safe.
Diann, I giggled at your “Nope, nope, nope!” Okay, so winter isn’t for everyone, but where you live sounds mighty beautiful, too! Thanks for reading and commenting. Hope you will “visit” again soon! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Love your blog ! So glad that you used the Pyrex Golden Classic Casserole from 1962-63 and that the Love of Pyrex has introduced a new friend in my life ! Enjoy the way you look at things in life ! Rose
Hi Rose! SO glad to have met you, too! I love your collection and your passion for Pyrex and all things vintage! See you soon! Thank you for everything! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Love your blog about the beauty and peacefulness of winter! I am a skier so I love to get outdoors in the winter months. This year, Chip and I have been able to use our snowshoes and cross county skis in the surrounding farm fields.
I enjoyed reading your blog for a slice of a New England Farm Girl Winter. Thank you for the dinner recipe! I found some vintage pyrex in an antique store last summer. I am excited to cook this healthy meal in the baking plate.
A winter pet tip for the dogs would be to apply commercial or homemade paw wax to their paws before going out in the snow and ice. The paw wax will keep their paws moist and prevent heavy snow accumulation in between the toe pads.
Stay warm!
Rosemarie Niznik, DVM
Hi Rose! Awww the farm fields in winter where are must be beautiful this time of year!
You will have to let me know how you like my recipe! What pattern Pyrex did you find? Isn’t it fun – like finding treasure!
Love the pet tip! Great advice. Thank you for sharing…my puppies thank you, too! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
What a sweet story! You make such a cozy case for the enjoyment of the harsher type of winter living. (You knitting is beautiful – I’m a fellow knitter myself)
Our family has lived in the California valley – growing land – for over 2-3 generations 🙂 About 2-3 years ago my 26 year old son moved to Michigan. Our daughter, away at school, has no interest in coming back to California. That leaves us with a move, possibly, when my husband retires. I want to be near our children, and potential grandchildren. I’ve heard that Michigan can become a frosty place, like your living environment. But you help me see the ‘cup half-full’ with your comfy story.
Thank you and many may we both enjoy many snowy (but safe) winters in the future!
Hi Susan, and thank you! I have never been to either California or Michigan, (yet), but I think every state has its charm. I am glad that you like my post, and that a move to somewhere colder isn’t all like a scene out of “Frozen”. States that have snow, ice and a real winter are equipped to handle it, and having four seasons is amazing. At Christmas, everything is just so cozy and warm. If we are lucky enough to have snow, holiday lights and glowing candles in winter make for an old fashioned, Norman Rockwell-ish atmosphere. And guess what – THIS week we thawed out and yesterday were in the 50’s! We will be getting snow again, and that’s okay!
Thank you for the compliment on my knitting, as well. That yarn is so pretty – a gift from a little girl and mom who I taught to knit. And if you’re a knitter – you’ll really appreciate colder weather!
Thank you so much for reading and sharing…come back and “visit” me again! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I’m a wannabe farm girl living in a small apartment with my husband, our youngest daughter and two dogs! It’s cold (not as cold as the northwest) and snowy here in Flagstaff, and I’m the only one who isn’t sick, but I do have a bit of a sore throat which I’m fighting with lemon, honey and a small clove of garlic squished into hot water, which seems to be keeping the worst at bay. I love your vintage cookware. The most vintage things I have is some of my mom’s De Havilland china, and one Corning baking dish! I cook from scratch 99.99% of the time. Besides that I love to sew, quilt, embroider, knit, crochet, sometimes draw, sometimes write! This spring I’m hoping to grow a few veggies in containers! I enjoyed reading this post and am looking forward to more posts!
Hi Amy, You certainly sound like a true-blue farmgirl! I hope you feel better soon. Along with the great remedy you mention, have you tried organic oil of oregano? It is potent…just a drop in a glass of water, but it always works to ward off whatever ails! Thank you so much for reading and commenting, and I hope you will “come back by” again. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Thank you for your pictures and stories of YOUR life and take on the winter. It’s interesting and insightful. Those of us that have been in “winter storms” THIS winter DON’T feel SO alone, when you’re describing your “cozy” ideas…We must try to appreciate EVERY season…Thank you
Hi Julie, That’s what I love about four seasons. There is always something special about each one, and when you are getting tired of it, the season changes and there is something new. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I know it must take a lot of your valuable time to do these articles and great photos, BUT it sure is interesting for all of us! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Mary, Thank you so much for leaving this nice comment! It means a lot to me! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Hi Nicole! If there is one thing I miss about Connecticut,it’s winter! Living in Virginia, we get some super below zero weather, ice storms and some snow, but no matter what, it always ends in mud!! My memories of Ct. are that mud season waited till March/April. I’ve always preferred a winter that stays once it arrives! Thanks for the memories! Happy Valentines Day! Xo
Hi Meredith, I hear ya…it’s been muddy the last few days here as we had a thaw – then rain! Thank goodness for rubber boots! It won’t last long as we are headed for some snow and cold (that’s okay – I’d rather that than rain). My big pups are so funny because I keep a “Paw Towel” by the door to keep the mess at bay. They each get a little treat so now they sit and wait for me to grab the towel – each with one paw up! Happy Valentines to you, too! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Great column. I was so happy to see a comfort food recipe from you! I want to try this in the week ahead. I thank you for all you do for us readers! Stay warm. Spring is on it’s way. Happy Valentine’s Day a little early. Winnie jackson of CT
Hi Winnie, Hello my fellow Connecticut farmgirl! Thank you so very much for such sweet words! I am so glad you liked the post. I hope you enjoy my recipe- let me know what you think of it. Enjoy the rest of winter. Before you know it, Our seasons will change again. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I do not mind the cold weather,except for the snow. I cannot tolerate the Summer heat. That is when I hibernate, too many bugs. Thank goodness for air- conditioning.
Hi Marilyn, I was born and raised in hot, humid Houston. In Connecticut, I enjoy the summers when we have the “dry” heat, but last summer we had this non-stop, very hot and very humid weather. I don’t care for the humidity, myself. I’m with you – I LOVE air conditioning, too! Happy Hibernating – there’s nothing wrong with that! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Wonderful messages to those who don’t understand winter’s beauty. Personally I love winter and the peace it affords those of us who appreciate it. Thank you for once again sharing your beautiful thoughts and pictures.
Hi Judy from Maine, (Another stunning, New England state)! Thank you so much. I am so glad you enjoyed the post. Isn’t it great to have the slower time that winter brings us? Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Hey Nicole! I really love your posts! I have a collection of vintage Singer Sewing Machines too, and lots of vintage kitchen ware. I get a kick out of seeing items in your home that I have too. So many people just don’t get it. And using your collections makes daily life much more fun. I saw an ICE-O-MAT machine soon after reading an article about yours. Now my vintage kitchen has overflowed out to my old carriage house that I have turned into a farmgirl playhouse. It looks like an old kitchen that I use for stenciling and crafts or just to escape for awhile. Thanks for sharing! -Melinda Farmgirl 6124, Unionville, VA
Hi Melinda, What a wonderful comment – you have made my day! Isn’t it fun to find something cool like an Ice-O-Mat? I love that you use your vintage items, too. I would love to see what vintage sewing machines you have in your collection! So fun, and your Farmgirl Carriage house sounds divine! That’s how I feel about our glamper- it’s our time machine, vintage Farmgirl playhouse. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Hello Nicole!
Warmer greetings from central Virginia!
So enjoyed reading your farmgirl blog; from the pretty pictures, which it did look cold there, to the dogs & kitties all snuggled in and the perky chickens! Loved too the vintage hats ( my personal favorite was the darker one but I understood the red one too)! However, you didn’t look old enough to know anything about Pyrex LOL! Pretty baking dishes with lots of yummy food! The one dish with the mashed potatoes on top reminded me of a dish called Shepherds Pie – yummee as it is rib sticking and a perfect meal for a cold winters day! And last but not least, your girl figurine with the hearts! Loved that figurine! It reminded me of a costume my mother made for my sister to wear to school for a Halloween Party. She made it out of gauze and cut red hearts out of construction paper and glued them on – my sister wore it as “The Queen of Hearts” and she won 1st place in the contest ! ( That year, the next year and then I wore it and won 1st place too! )
I don’t live on a farm but I’m still a Farmgirl at heart❣️Oh, and your knitting is superb too!
Hi Charlotte, thank you! I love Virginia; such a pretty state, too! Thanks for saying I don’t look old enough to know Pyrex (giggle, giggle, I am). Did you know that Shepherds Pie is made with lamb, but officially Potters Pie is made with ground beef? That’s the difference. The recipe is my own take on the latter. What a sweet memory you shared of your costume your mama made – I hope you have a photo of you and your sister. Lovely memory, thanks for sharing. I hope you will come back and visit me again here at the Suburban Farmgirl Blog! Thank you again for all the sentiments. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I enjoyed your article, thanks for writing it. I like winter also but sometimes I do get tired of “pretty” when the wind blows hard and ice-laden trees come down and power goes out. Chores still have to be done and cows still have to be milked. But sledding down the hill is the best!
I love vintage kitchen things, too. I collect dairy related items but, as you know, collectors always have “room for one more”!
Hi Rosemary, oh losing power is NEVER fun, especially in the ice. We have had plenty of times like that here, both in winter and summer. For the most part, I feel like we can’t control the weather but we can control how we feel about it. Sledding IS fun! Would you believe I never got to sled until I was an adult? I used to spend hours out in the snow with my daughter when she was little, just like a big kid. Doing the chores, especially the outdoor ones, is not fun in the cold. That’s when I really appreciate the first warm day! I bet your kitchen is adorable! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I always enjoy your column and the pets pictures all cozy and warm are so sweet! also, love your little valentine girl!
Hi Denise, thank you! My pets do enjoy winter because they love to cuddle and snuggle! They make us all so happy! Isn’t the little Valentine girl cute? She’s actually a vase. Love the 50’s kitschy glass. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I loved your story! I used to live in Connecticut, where the “Havens” all came together! It was a bird sanctuary, looking out over Long Island. I remember the beautiful winters, trees covered with ice, wondering how I was going to drive down the road with all the snow and ice. We lived on a steep hill. Snuggling up with a good book was the answer!
Keep writing-you have an amazing style!
Wow! Cathie, thank you for such a wonderful compliment. It means a lot to me. I love hearing about your memories of Connecticut! One thing I do like about Connecticut is how so many places stay the same, with lots of wildlife and charm! Thanks again for reading and commenting. Hope you will stop by here again. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
hi nicole,
typing with one hand coz bb king my kitten is in my lap
love the pics and pets and your cheerful acceptance of winter
and actually enjoying it even. I need to work on that attitude.
here in Amishland in Central PA it’s been a rough winter on my farmette. the wind toppled 3 of my largest trees ( 2 were 5 stories high !) and cutting them up has been a never-to-be-finished project I am afraid.
the wind also whipped all the walls and roof off of my greenhouse ( i hope to repair it come springtime)
and an ice storm that just finally melted held me captive in my farmhouse for over a week. so i keep up my mantra “think spring” over and over
This is my first visit to you blog, you are very inspiring, keep up all the good work and all your creative projects !
fellow farmgirl ,Lisa
Hi Lisa, thank you and welcome! I’m glad you dropped by and liked the post – it means a lot to me. I hope you will continue to visit me here at the Suburban Farmgirl Blog. I feel for you with the downed trees. We had a freak tornado whip through in May. I feel like we will never be finished cutting up the enormous tree that fell, but we will have so much firewood for long winters! I used to live in your area for a short time when my husband and I first married. We enjoyed our time there, and love visiting Amish country. We haven’t been back in 13 years this time. Will have to head back one day. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Hi, Nicole
I am in Texas….near the coast….so not much snow here. So, enjoyed all your beautiful snow pictures. THANKS for sharing. Glad you enjoy the New England area.
I crochet and also have a 94 pound dog. Love your vintage hat!
I will try your recipe. It looks delicious. Take Care!
Hi Melva! Thank you for reading and sharing! I love New England but will always miss my home state of Texas. All of my family is there. Glad you enjoyed the post! Let me know how you like the recipe. Thanks so much for “stopping by” and commenting! Give your big pup a pat from me. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Enjoyed your blog . I live in NE Indiana. It’s been a long winter for me.
Snow, friends family and soon I’ll be planting my seeds- that is my comfort .
We also have had lots of ice , the hazard of waking my German Shepherd .
Hugs and thank you for sharing
Hi Teresa, thank you! Sounds like your winter is much like ours. But soon we will be planting those seeds and seeing green in the earth. Hang in there! Thanks for reading and commenting, and give that German Shepherd a pat from me! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Hello Nicole,
I look forward to your blog! I have read it for a long time, this is the first time I have posted a comment. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. I also love Vintage Pyrex! Your fur babies are all adorable. Please don’t ever get discouraged not hearing from all of your audience. There are many of us who really enjoy & appreciate your blog. Keep on keeping on! Be blessed, Rose
Hi Rose, thank you so very much! Your comment means a lot to me, really! Doesn’t Vintage Pyrex make for a happy kitchen? I just love it. I was so excited by a recent score: a big, square red Pyrex “hostess” bowl, no chips, from the 1950’s, found in a Goodwill for $8.00. My daughter collects James Patterson books and loves to get them there (sometimes they are only $1.00). It’s been awhile since I have seen Pyrex there, but there it was. I use it all the time – it is the perfect salad or pasta bowl, and I love the shiny red. Thank you for saying my furbanbies are cute. I think so, too. They are all “rescues”, but I think they rescue us! Thank you again for saying hello, and big farmgirl hugs to you! ~Nicole