
Happy New Year friends!  Isn’t there something about a new year that is so refreshing?  I’m not really one to make resolutions but I definitely make goals and this year is no different.


The last week or so I’ve been looking back at the previous year and trying to find the areas where I made PROGRESS in the goals I had set for myself.  Obviously there are some where I feel like nothing changed but there is one area where I’ve made great PROGRESS and this post is about that.

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  1. Carol says:

    What amazing progress you are making! I am going to work on changing my diet a bit this year and working to a little less weight.

  2. Marti Wynne says:

    Thank you for the inspirational post!!!!
    I copied the ingredients and look forward to making some for myself and gifts for others. My husband just retired. Yay! So today I was praying for ways to save $$. And I wanted to make almost ALL my gifts this year. So this was on “ on time” post!!! Happy running! I’m trying to get back to my walking …. again..,,
    But may try a bit of running also.

  3. Elizabeth says:

    I loved your inspiring story and the bath salt recipe! You go girl!!

  4. Bonnie B says:

    So proud of you Dori! You have a lot of determination and you are an inspiration! It’s so easy to give up. I changed my way of eating-no sugar, starches, white flour and have dropped 20 pounds since August. It’s not a diet, but a life style. Now if I could just firm up! I do some stretching exercises and use weights but with scoliosis, even walking any great distance is difficult. I have a treadmill and have been trying to increase my time walking on that. Being able to hold on is helpful. So my goal is to be able to strengthen my legs and increase my time on the treadmill!
    Thank you for your blog – it’s one of my favorites. We seem to share a lot of the same love of crafts – sewing, quilting, stamping.

  5. Bonnie Ellis says:

    I am so proud of you…you represent us all. You are awesome!

  6. Sandi King says:

    Dori, a great big huge CONGRATULATIONS on your run. WOW! And on healing so well and fast after your surgery on the knee. I agree with the doctor, being in good shape always helps to heal faster and better. It is great reading about how well you did and how your family joined you in running the half marathon. That makes it so much better with support from the family. The pictures are great and you look amazing. I am so happy for you. Can’t wait for your next adventure and post.

  7. Marilyn says:

    Congratulations on your progress. Continued success.

  8. Rebecca says:

    A half marathon is in my plans for 2019. I’ve never done more than a 5K but I’m confident that this is going to be my year.

  9. Randee says:

    How inspiring you are! And I am proud of you pushing yourself to get into condition. I’ve worked out in some form or fashion ever since I was 28 (I’m 68 now, lol). I work out at the gym on nautilus weight resistance machines…….but, after reading your article I think I should step it up with more aerobics. Thanks for helping me get motivated!

  10. Katie Pence says:

    I feel silly asking this, but can you explain how you make tags like those on your bath salts ? Co grays on your personal besting !

  11. Sue says:

    You are inspiring! I quit making traditional New year resolutions because I could never keep them. This was very depressing and I would fall right back in the same hole. For the past two years I told myself just do better, whether it was eat better, move more so I felt better, do things differently so the end result was better,whatever just do better. It really has worked for me. Baby steps were as important as leaps and bounds and were acknowledged as such.
    Things are better!

  12. You are always and all ways my inspiration, Dori.

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