Flip This Glamper!

This is the story about a darling, dirty, long neglected camper and the daring and determined farmgirl who turned “her” into a glamper.

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  1. Cheryl says:

    WOW! Beautiful work, and so worth the rewards of joy, happiness, relaxation, sharing with friends…the list could go on and on.

  2. Elaine says:

    I don’t have a website but thank you for letting me dream through yours. I loved reading about your glamper restorations and seeing the progress. I loved hearing about your plans. Maybe someday I will be putting up my glamper story.

  3. Brenda says:

    Michele is such a talented individual to have transformed that little camper from "hazmat material" into a "Glamorized Country Castle" and to do it all in a few short weeks. Absolutely Beautiful! I love the before and after photos, and enjoyed reading about her transformation journey.

  4. Diana Henretty says:

    Sooo inspiring!
    We took an old pop up, removed the canvas, added wood sides, windows,
    I made ruffly priscilla curtains, wall hangings, a comfy bed, and off we go
    only 5 miles from here to a conservation park for a $5 a night camping trip.
    Last time we went our grandson saw fireflies in the trees on the mountains and said "Look the bears are sitting in the trees with flashlights".
    We love our "Redneck camper" and some say it looks just like a doll house inside with all the comforts of home!
    Came with a little pull out kitchen that has a stove, ice chest and sink built in, and away we go for our little wilderness trips in the Ozark!
    The very best part, is the whole thing is all homemade!!
    Happy Camping!! ~Hugs~ Diana in the Ozarks

  5. BeckyKay says:

    This is beautiful! Those before and after pictures took my breath away. I don’t know if I would have had the guts to take on that project. But for $75…..maybe….especially since I have my own personal handyman husband. 🙂

  6. terces says:

    That is quite a story and pictures of an amazing transformation. SO INSPIRING. Have fun!

  7. Wanda M says:

    LOVE it!!! I want to go !!!

  8. Aletha Riter says:

    This is sure cute…a beautiful project completed, and one to strike off the "bucket" list..thank you for sharing.

  9. Betty Benesi says:

    Wow, the campers look great ‘specially Michelle’s. The picture of the family by the river was hilarious. The woman was actually wearing a dress. By gosh, I think I remember my Mother wearing one when we went camping when I was really little! Have fun on your trip. I’ll be there in spirit.

  10. Lu Ann says:

    Man – for $75 what a deal! It WAS gross inside, and I can’t believe she could re-do it so beautifully in 2 weeks, but what a show camper! Congratulations!

  11. Grace~katmom says:

    Glamping,,,,it’s what dreams are made of!
    This past weekend I had 5 wonderful gal~pals over for a ‘Trailer Slumber Party’…we glamped tween the house & the Barn in our wee trailers…and we hit the Buggy Barn Quilt show (& lots of junk stores & yard sales)and had a blast!
    Wagons HO!


    Oooooooo, that sounds like 10 kinds of fun!   shery

  12. Debbie says:

    How d do Shery! I am just beside myself with excitement for all of you!!! Industrious bunch of farmgirls you are for sure! Michelle’s transformation is so darling and I LOVE LOVE LOVE ‘ her ‘ red cabinets… and what a neat idea to forgo the original Formica table and use a " proper " prim table instead… A TRUE CLEVER FEST FOR SURE! There is so much wonderfulness going on in this post I can’t begin to respond to all of it but I can hardly wait for your next post! Have fun, breath in some of that fresh mountain air for me and Godspeed to you all along the glamper trail!!! I pre-ordered my Glamping with Mary Jane and I can’t wait for it’s arrival! I know it will be filled to the brim with inspiration and FUN!
    Lots of love,
    Deb ( who is on the look- out for her very own 1961 Shasta. It’s my birth year!)


    Thanks muchly D’Boz! That little Shasta is out there waiting to be found…so just stay on the trail. Thanks for popping in for a lookyloo. Wish you could be with us.   shery

  13. Christine says:

    I have a 1973 Apache Ramada but have been eyeing up a 60s Shasta that looks just like this one! It has been sitting in a neighbor’s yard for over 15 years. I have no idea what shape it is in but I am going to go knock on their door to see if they are interested in letting it go. I hope I can trade my motorcycle or a load of scrap metal for it(they are scrappers). Yours turned out lovely. I am on a dairy farm but I have a more modern clean line style but I love seeing all campers! Great Job!

  14. Shawna Rae says:

    I’m so in love with this whole thought of glampers and and glamping! I’ve been looking for a diamond in the rough for the past few weeks but nothing yet…crossing my fingers something comes along soon! So glad I found your page – love your story…very inspiring! Thank you for sharing it!!

  15. Sheri,
    Great story on Michele’s Shasta. I love the colors….very earthy. I had to chuckle at the description of cleaning the Ewwwww out! A secret weapon for all who battle these “old camper smells”…..camphor cream on a cotton ball….place them in nooks and crannies where rodents may try to enter. They won’t! Trust me….I’ve done extensive trial and error experiments, and this works the best. It has been over a year now, and no more mice. (You have to block off their entrances too, of course) but, this cream is too strong for their respiratory system….they will not attempt to travel into the aroma…which by the way is very tolerable to us humans. Minty fresh.

  16. Tracy jones says:

    Awesome blog!!!

  17. michele says:

    Oh my goodness! I stumbled upon this page as I searched for decor ideas on what to do with the used trailed that my husband and I are purchasing. I think there is going to be a slight turn in our plans!! Thanks for so many inspirational ideas, and the photos were fabulous! Michele

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Midsummer Daydreaming

Morning & evening … that is when I get things done in the summer. Morning is when I spend time in the ‘refuge’ … my little garden on the prairie. Welcome. Early afternoon is siesta time. Napping is a summer hobby. The heat pulls sweat and energy from a body and my favorite cure is retreating to air conditioning, pouring myself a large glass of iced tea, grabbing a quilt and reclining with a book or magazine. Reading doesn’t last long. My garden can have the heat of the day all to itself.
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  1. Brenda says:

    Hi Shery! Your camper is looking great and all your pretties inside are bringing it all together. My mom in love just sent a large Scottie door stop over that was left from an Aunt who had passed recently. It is the exact duplicate of one I already have and the first thought that came to mind was now I have one for my dream camper. I am doing as you said and keeping my eyes open as I drive around the countryside we live in but I do not really know anyone since we have only lived her four years and am not brave enough to stop and peek around and in barns. I have enlisted more helpers for the search though. We have been going through our own kind of drought here in Michigan also. All our berries that we have on our property were shriveling up from the heat before they would even get ripe enough to pick. Finally the rain came and it has been raining for two days straight. Our back pond is the lowest I have seen it and I was a little concerned because that is where we pump water for our garden from. Oh how I wish I lived close to you and could come for a visit in your sweet little hideaway garden. I prefer coffee but am always happy for a cup of tea! Many blessings on your Glamping trips! I will look forward to pictures.

  2. Juanita says:

    Hi Shery, Love the things you have done to the camper. I really wish I could find one for myself. It looks so cute and I envy you farm sisters. Go have alot of fun.
    Talk about the weather, It is very dry here too. I live on the Eastern Shore of virginia and it has been hot and dry also. I too have a small garden and I have had to water every day to keep things going, but it isn’t like the rain. I love your moon flowers. I have never grown them. They are beautiful. Keep up the good work on your blog. Juanita Massey Farmsister #1020

  3. Betty Benesi says:

    Up until I saw your camper, my idea of camping was staying at the Awhanee Lodge in Yosemite. But when I saw your little sleeping nook I just wanted to crawl in and stay. You have just the touch!
    You mentioned that you painted the line on the outside free hand. Looked great, I wouldn’t have known except you said so. In case you need to paint lines again, use masking tape to outline the area you want to paint, make sure it sticks well. This will give you a crisp edge without all the time.


    Hi Betty,  Thank you!  I did use blue painters tape, but there was still some bleed-under that I had to go back and tidy up after I took the tape off. At some point though, ya just gotta say ‘good enough is good enough! :o)

  4. Shery, LOVE LOVE LOVE the camper and the garden area. My husband and I moved into a townhouse once and I had a little back patio that I literally tried to use all the stuff I had brought from my 23 acres that we sold. LOL! I had a end unit so I also got to have a flower bed down the side of mine. My back patio was so cozy with all the greenery and garden art. (I’m not sure the neighbor down the way from me thought so) lol! I know y’all will have a great time glamping. I just sent Deb (beachgirl) pics of the one my husband and I are re-storing. We will be going on our maiden voyage in it in September as well. We are going up around Boston. We wanted to go to North Dakota/South Dakota but I would rather wait to see how Thumper does on his first trip before we venture off that far. We have been camping for 20 years and we only have 5 states left to visit. ND, SD, MT, Iowa, and Nev. Have fun and be Blessed. Neta

  5. Grace~katmom says:

    Oh Shery,
    How I luv Moonflowers, and their faint ‘baby powder’ scent….
    I also luv your re-purposed metal tray…
    A Glamping we must go!
    I am having some gal~pals over on the last weekend of Aug., for a Trailer Slumber Party… (one of the perks of owning property)…We’ll hit the "Buggy Barn" for their annual Quilt show and then into town for some good ol’ fashion Junktiquing… wish you & your ‘gang could come join us…
    Wagons HO!


    Hi Grace!, Your get-together sounds great. Y’all have FUN … I know you will.  :o)


  6. Judy S. says:

    My husband found a camper for me 2 yrs. ago. He found it one fall afternoon parked in a yard on an old country road with a For Sale sign in it’s window. It’s a 1952 model and maybe a bit smaller than yours. I love that you painted yours. What kind of paint did you use? My camper was originally for overflow hunters during our MI hunting season. It is my little play house now. I look forward to your ‘stories’ each month. Thank you for sharing your life.


    Judy,  Thanks!  About the paint…I used exterior gloss enamel paint. Two coats plus a third on the top … and a lot of touch up with a tiny brush. Be sure to get the BLUE paint tape. It comes up really easy. I also used a roller – large one for the body, small one for the stripes. My girlfriend helped me. Fact is, if she hadn’t got me going, I’d probably still be wrestling with how to paint it… Polka dots or no, what color etc. Have fun with your playhouse — that is exactly how I see mine :o)   Shery


  7. Emily says:

    Love all your beautiful flowers but have to say that I believe that you do not have "moon flowers". I grow them on my upper porch and they are a vine. You have the common name is jimson weed or datura..which is a beautiful deadly plant! We in the south call it loco weed and it grows a lot behind the barns! I think if ingested etc you go a little crazy…so you gals watch the glamping! If you ever want to come visit Tennessee, come park at Watermelon Moon Farm. Would love to host such creative souls! Enjoy the rest of your summer and be safe on that long highway!

  8. Victoria says:

    Oh honey…..all of us when we get "our age" have to wear magnifiers!!! And yes, I’ll vote for Autumn also! Something about the subtle shift in the way the sun shines through the windows, the first smell of wood smoke in the air, (even in So.Cal), football back in full swing, putting up food, those ageless rituals are so comforting. I’m looking forward to it. Even here, with the beach culture and all that, I put Indian corn bunched at my front door, dried corn stalks (from our garden!)on our porch and pumpkins all about. Love it!! Don’t know why, but there is something very primal about fall. P.S. I’m totally jealous about all this glamping stuff. I wannna to do it too!!!! (Yes, I’m whining).:=)

  9. Diann says:

    I love moon flowers. I don’t have to make an effort to plant them though. They just pop up wherever they choose on our ranch. It is always a pleasure to be wandering around and see those lovely flowers. I just don’t want them invading the veggie garden and they do have a tendency to invade if left to their own means. Love your photos too! Thanks for the effort of sharing.

  10. Debbie says:

    Howdy Shery,
    Well, you sure are having a wonderful summer! Our says sound similar… I’m staying in with the air conditioning too, getting some naps and trying anything to beat the heat and humidity! Your "little garden" is thriving and so, so beautiful! I remember well the arid west in the dog days of summer and many drought years with watering regulations for suburban neighborhoods etc…Not an easy environment for gardening, but not impossible with a can do attitude and some shade here and there! It’s perfect that your garden yard is sheltered by a fence too! Your moon flowers are amazing! Dahlias are tropical as well and a delight to watch unfold in the garden!
    I did a little research for you about the Dahlia’s… Here’s a link for you to peruse about the planting and care of Dahlias’
    I do know that they love heat but need to be kept moist in the dryest of days. I think you’d do great with them in containers with mulch on top… that way you can keep them watered regurlarly with ease and they should perform for ya quite well! I love the pom pom you chose for next year! They are an annual and can be planted in late spring two weeks before your last frost date.

    Your glamping adventures sound just dreamy… and espeically in Autumn… ( my favorite season too )! Oh what fun you’ll have! Can hardly wait for that post!
    Sending hugs and good wishes for the remaining summer days!
    Deb ( Beach Farmgirl )

  11. Claudia says:

    Howdy Shery: Love your paint job on the camper. You did good. Also love your flowers and garden. I love your newsletter and can’t wait for the next one. Have a great camping trip. Guess we won’t be hearing from you in a while.

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