Monthly Archives: June 2011

Seventh Heaven

Those who live in a northern region understand front to back and top to bottom what the arrival of summer means (plants, animals and humans). Winters on the Great Plains are especially long and severe – it seems like springtime will never come. June is, to us, a breath of Heaven. To get a feel for what I’m talking about, read on and ride with me out where the deer and the antelope play.

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Tag! You're It.

Summer’s here…time to whip out the grill, dust off the patio furniture, and have some fun!  Ready to hostess another Farmgirl Sisterhood get-together, I wanted to do something easy and fun, an activity that wouldn’t take too much time, considering in New England this time of year is hectic, and not yet quite the lazy days of summer.  The Farmgirls and I decided to have a “Tag Making Party”.  Come on over… relax, and share a cup of coffee!

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A Festive Fourth

I love the Fourth of July, don’t you? Summer weather is finally here and the choices for a festive fourth are many. How do you celebrate Independence Day? Here on the shorelines of America’s Home Town, many people gather along Main Street to watch the annual parade. I confess, we’ve only done it once in our ten years here but it’s not because we aren’t celebrating our hard earned freedom elsewhere. We’ll be at the beach taking part in our own tried and true tradition’s. Come with me for a Festive FOURTH New England style!
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Claim Summer

“It’s a sure sign of summer if the chair gets up when you do.” Walter Winchell
What are you going to DO this summer? Besides stick to your chair? Won’t you share your summer dreams and plans with us?
Summer arrives officially June 21st at 1:16 pm Eastern Daylight Time, don’t you know. Yep, June 21st is summer solstice, the longest day of the year, the shortest night.
Summer’s here.
So summer’s here. Let’s claim it! Let’s make it our own the way we used to do when we were kiddos.

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Back In The Saddle Again

After many months of winter and then recovery from knee surgery, “I’m Back In The Saddle Again”…quoting the old cowboy song. Come along for a springtime ride on the Plains.

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Fowl Play

I love imagining farm life and livin’ on a farm, (however, I’m in the Suburbs).  I dream of having chickens.  Backyard chickens are gaining in popularity, but I’ve gotten no further than ordering hatchery catalogs and having a chicken motif in the kitchen.  Having read up on the subject, raising poultry is one of those things I need first-hand experience on, to be shown what is involved.  Come with me as I visit my friend Susan and her family, and meet a real “Chicken Whisperer”.

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Home Town Farmgirl Connections

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one”
Do you have a flock of farmgirl friends to call your own? The kind of friends who “get “ why you LOVE the things you do SO MUCH. I know many of you do, but just in case you find yourself in a new town, city or neighborhood yearning to connect with new farmgirl friends or expand your circle of golden old ones, I’ll share with you how I recently gathered a “flock of farmgirl friends” for my Home Town Farmgirl Chapter!

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Happiness Is…

What brings you happiness? Today, this precise moment? Won’t you go ahead and jump down to the comments to share? Then come back up here and let’s visit.
I stood out in the middle of my new garden this morning, surveying the result of lots of sweat, hard work, and frustration. A wave of happiness came over me. This garden, with its new picket fence around it, makes me happy.

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