February Favorites

My brother just called a few minutes ago to catch up. He was sitting on his patio, enjoying the beautiful Texas weather – currently about 69 degrees with full sun. I was just stirring a pot of toasty homemade soup on the stove, after taking my dogs out with ice cleats on my shoes, since there is no ground here that is not covered in a thick layer of frozen, icy snow. “I don’t know how you do it!” I hear that phrase from many of my “warmer weather” family and friends. Still, each season has its own charm, and there are some things that are wonderful in winter, no matter where you live! 

New England has four distinct seasons. I love the summer, with its fresh veggies and warm, sunny days. By the time I have had enough of the heat, that wonderful cold snap of autumn rolls in, followed by the cozy charm of the winter holidays, that carries us straight through to mid-January. I’m sighing, as it is still “nesting” season here. I’ve kept busy through January, but now I am “chompin at the bit” for a “thaw”!

I do love the snow. One of my favorite things about it is the “scent” of snow that wafts into the air before a storm. My father always laughed about the first time I saw snow, phoning him at 4 AM to shout, “It’s snowing! It’s snowing!”  We lost him last fall, and I am missing just talking about the weather with him. This past month, I enjoyed all my relatives and friends texting ME pictures of the several inches of snow that recently fell in the south, something that had not happened in quite some time. A small snowfall happened in the Houston area in 2021, but measurable snow had not fallen since 1895!

Tea and dish towels are one of my favorite things to give and receive. Everyone can use them, and they add such personality to a kitchen.

I must have sounded really “homesick”, because one of my dear, sweet farmgirl friends, who also lives in Texas, sent me this adorable tea towel this week. So sweet! Over thirty years later, I still miss the sight of Texas bluebonnets. The nice thing about warmer climates is when you get a cold snap, it only lasts a bit. The tea towel lifted my spirits and warmed my heart, and looks adorable in the kitchen. Farmgirls are the best!

Here in Connecticut, however, when things do close up for weather (rare, but we will have the occasional ‘snow day’, usually in January through March), it is typically only for a day or even a few hours.

The highway was clear just hours after a big storm. Drivers need patience and need to let the plows and salt crews do their thing, and then it is business as usual. We are so thankful to our road crews!

Still, we get tired of the frigid cold and ice on the ground. I love animals, but I would like to have a few words with that groundhog! At least six more weeks of winter…ugh.

I don’t know how the local wildlife feels about winter, but I know it must be hard on them. Our ‘resident’ fox was recently in our yard again. He walked one way, then ran the other, with something in his mouth.

It’s so FLUFFY!”

He looked so happy to have found something to eat. (Rest assured, it was not one of my chickens. “Fowl Knox” has proved too hard for him to get into – I have seen his prints all around the coop).

The little opossum tracks I found near the house in the snow are the cutest! Finding tracks is one of my favorite things about winter.

We see you

We also spy deer, walking through the woods, looking for spots to bed down or for food. I feel sorry for them this time of the year. 

1940s knick knacks are the cutest!
Have you seen these adorable throw pillows? Y’all know I love a cherries motif! My daughter picked it for me on a recent Target run. At $5.00, they are a bargain, to boot!

After being married over thirty years, my sweetheart and I still celebrate Valentine’s. Sometimes, we have a special meal at home, or pick up a heart-shaped pizza from a local pizzaria. This year, we were both so excited to give each other gifts, we celebrated early. He got me a cross body bag that I had been eyeing for awhile. I just can’t stand carrying large purses or bags anymore, and when it arrived from Amazon, he knew I could really use it, and couldn’t wait until the 14th to surprise me.

Winter isn’t so bad when you have a sweet fur-baby to snuggle!

Our wee pup is our “baby”, so my gift to my husband was this cute little oil painting that looks like our dog, found for under $20 in a local antique/consignment shop. 

Chocolate is always a good choice, of course. Our family loves chocolate! My favorite is Justin’s, an organic brand. I’ve noticed after going organic years ago, that I can really tell the difference how I feel when eating things that are not, especially with artifical colors.

We always have “emergency chocolate” on hand…don’t you?

I really love Justin’s dark chocolate, candy-covered peanuts. The colors of the shell are muted, because they aren’t made with nasty, unhealthy dyes but rather with vegetables. They are scrumptious!  (My friend Judy and I also shared a Justin’s organic peanut butter cup on a recent outing. So delicious, too). It used to be that if you wanted organic chocolate, it cost an arm and a leg and only available in specialty shops. I am finding this competitively-priced brand in mainstream grocery stores.

I love a good book on a snowy, February day. My daughter and I are now “Book Buddies” – a “book club of two”. We love all kinds of genres – classics, biographies, history, fantasy, mystery, romance. Sometimes I want to read something “heavy”, other times I need a “lighter” book.

Our current “book club” discussion is actually two books – “It Ends with Us” and its sequel “It Starts with Us”. Please, no spoilers in the comments! (Marlene, I am using the book marker you sent in your Christmas card)!

Favorite books become treasures! My daughter is the same way. Now that she’s an adult, we will read the same book, then discuss it over dinner or coffee out (it’s a bonus if there is a movie to go with the book)! An avid reader who can read a book in a day, Audrey has been “collecting” books since she was in high school. 

Books can be expensive, especially when they are “current”. Our favorite source? Thrift Books! Thrift Books is an online source, selling new and used books in both hardcover and softcover. Their prices are the best and shipping is fast! With their points program, the more you buy, the more points you get to use for book purchases. Many of the books my daughter has bought us have been free or under a dollar, and we’ve found books that we can’t find anywhere else. Cut down on your clutter and get rid of books you no longer want or won’t read again (or dvd’s) with their “sell” feature, as well. You can do all of this through the website; they also have an app.

Speaking of books, have you seen the latest trend – painted edges! There are editions of books with “painted”, metallic, or patterned edges on the pages. It makes the books even prettier, especially on a shelf, and this trend is across all genres of books. Most times, painted edges are the same price as traditional editions.

A few of my daughter’s fanciest “painted edge books”. They look amazing on a book shelf.

Another favorite winter activity of mine is knitting. In addition to blogging here, I have been teaching knitting professionally for over 15 years. I’m always amazed at the knitters who do not know about Ravelry! Ravelry is an online source of all things fiber related. The site started in 2006 and is now international. It’s the BEST source for patterns and inspiration, and is an amazing community of yarn lovers worldwide!

With all the ice and snow that is on the ground right now, it’s hard to believe that we will ever thaw out and be able to be outdoors for more than a few minutes again. But it will happen. Having houseplants is a favorite thing to do, year round. Right now, I also have a pot of red daisies that I have overwintered indoors for at least four years now. The pot sits on my deck during the summer and early fall. I forgot to water it recently and it looked dead, the leaves shriveled and brown (the room it is in gets very dry with the forced heat). Hoping it might come back, I watered it, but made a mental note to empty the pot when things warmed up a bit. When I went to water the other plants in the room the following week, I looked down to see my forgotten plant.

It now has new leaves and has graced me with the biggest, reddest, BRIGHTEST bloom ever! It’s a good reminder that things will thaw out eventually! 

For now, we will hunker down a few more weeks, knowing soon the seasons will change again.

Stay warm and cozy, Farmgirl Friends! Happy Valentine’s Day to all! Leave me a comment below to let me know you stopped by!

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A Fresh New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR, FARMGIRL READERS! Here we are in 2025, and the start to my FIFTEENTH year blogging here as the MaryJanesFarm’s Suburban Farmgirl! It’s hard to believe – time just speeds by. January is probably the least favorite month among most people, but I think January is a good month to rest, regroup, get organized, and look ahead to a fresh, new year!

In New England, January can seem like it lasts forever. I always call it my “nesting month”. It’s been cold this winter, but sunny, so I don’t mind. We’ve had a few small snowfalls. Snow is so peaceful. 

I like to get my Christmas decorations put away the first week, especially outside before it gets too cold or snow-covered. However, getting outdoors, even if it is for a short time, is a great mood-booster. We took a quick, refreshing New Year’s Day walk on a Connecticut beach. 

As I put away the holidays, I think ahead to next year, so I don’t stress. Organize supplies like wrapping paper, and make notes on your calendar for what you’ll need. Our local TJMaxx sells beautiful rolls of vintage-print wrapping paper, made from recycled material, in the fall. If I see my stash is low, I’ll write on my calendar to pick it up in October, so I am not stressing in December to wrap gifts. Now is also a good time to organize gift bags, throwing out any that are too worn to reuse. 

Primrose are showing up in stores and are a great winter brightener! However, if you suffer from seasonal allergies, you will want to skip these!

After all the indoor Christmas decor is put away, I like to give things a good “spring-like cleaning”. Clutter can bring on stress; having things organized also helps save time in the long run. I’ve got my routine down pat, and what tools to use so I don’t spend too much time on chores. 

My forecast for 2025? I’ll be vacuuming Christmas tree needles until June, haha! After a good vacuuming, I neaten up the fringe on our throw rugs with a comb-out, using a teasing comb meant for hair. I remember my mama doing this tip back in the 1970’s. 

After the holidays, with all the food and baked goods, I give the pantry, fridge, and freezer a good cleanout, and check expiration dates. Groceries are SO expensive these days – I want nothing to go to waste! I am not much for New Year Resolutions, but mine this year is “no food gets wasted!”

In the pantry, repurpose plastic produce bags to keep open boxes of crackers, chips and cereal from going stale. (This is another tip I got from my mama, who did this when I was a kid)!

I love that in my area, I have an old-fashioned bakery to get fresh baked goods from, and an old-fashioned butcher for meat. By stocking up on basics and picking up meat in bulk a few times a year, we rely less on expensive take-out. However, buying in bulk and freezing is only economical if you don’t throw out food that got buried, forgotten and past its expiration.

To keep track of what I have on hand at any given moment, I bought a small dry-erase board and keep a running inventory of what I have, so I don’t buy more of what I don’t need, or forget about what I have. 

On snow days where we might get a later start, I’ll make a big, hearty breakfast with homemade muffins, eggs, and the occasional treat of bacon.

To clean my cast-iron skillet of the grease, I’ll throw uncooked oats on the bacon grease as the skillet cools. The oats soak up the grease, which I give to the chickens as a treat. Cleanup of the skillet is a snap, without ruining the seasoning of the pan, no grease goes down my drain, and the chickens LOVE their treat. It’s a win-win.

A big pot of homemade cream of turkey soup was a delicious recent comforting meal, made from leftover turkey.

I also always keep frozen and canned veggies on hand. That way, I can throw together a pot pie or a soup from leftover meat cooked for the previous night’s dinner. I also freeze dinner portions of casseroles like lasagna for great comforting dinners on busier nights when I’m too tired to cook. Cook once – enjoy several times!

In the laundry room, we changed our washer filters this week, which I mentioned in last January’s blog post. I also cleaned my iron. It’s amazing how much gunk builds up!

Using an old cloth or towel, you simply run your hot iron over the cleaning paste. Mine was really nasty! After a bit, your plate is as shiny and smooth as new!  What a difference!

I knew a lovely lady who still ironed all of her sheets when she changed her linens! I don’t do that, but I do like to iron my vintage linens, such as decorative vintage dish towels, for example, or my all-cotton clothes. I love that crisp, fresh look. Many people do not iron anything anymore…do you? 

It’s good to look forward and try new things. I’m a true, simple-life loving farmgirl, but I did something not so “farmgirl” last year. Though I really don’t like change, I am open-minded to trying new things. New foods, new exercise classes, new books to read, and new experiences are just some examples of things that make life interesting. Now in my 50’s, I had not been to a big concert since my 20’s (growing up in Houston, I used to go all the time as a teen). Especially since the pandemic, I had no desire to go to a concert – I don’t like crowds, I don’t like being out late, but when my daughter was a teenager, she made me absent-mindedly promise that I’d go with her to a certain band’s concert if they ever came to town. Little did I know that over seven years later, she would hold me to that promise, in November 2023. She bought tickets six months early, as a birthday present to herself. Five bands would play; she promised we would leave if I felt uncomfortable at any time. I like what I like – in my house or car, most of the time I’m listening to 1940s Big Band and Swing music. Honestly, the day of the concert, before we left I was actually scared to go, to the point of tears (the crowds, the being out late…the HEAVY METAL)!  I never thought I’d like it, or end up enjoying one band so much that I’d WISH to go again! So…for Mother’s Day last May, we went to see the band again (a Swedish HEAVY DEATH METAL band – can you imagine me there – what a hoot!) This time, it was “standing room” only, and we ended up right at the stage. It was phenomenal.

Me and my daughter, all “goth” and “glam” for our Avatar concert.

Waiting in line to go into the venue, one young “goth” man opened his umbrella for us to stand under while he got soaked, and while inside waiting for the concert to start, several young ladies standing with us said how much they wished their moms would go with them! We had a wonderful time, (and I actually was not the oldest one there)! It was a perfect evening with my daughter, an experience I will never forget.  

After that, I ended up unexpectedly going to two more concerts in 2024. One of my best friends got tickets for her birthday for us. This time, it was all 80’s bands, such as Thompson Twins and Psychedelic Furs (be still, my Generation X heart)

In Bridgeport, CT for the 80’s concert. “I’ll Stop the World and Melt With You…” Generation X had some great music!

Lastly, for our 32nd anniversary, my daughter treated our family to a weekend in Boston and a Glass Animals (modern pop) concert.

Glammed up” again for Glass Animals in Boston last fall..the family that plays together, stays together!

My point is that getting out of our comfort zones, and thinking “outside the box” keeps life fresh and interesting. I also think it’s important to have something to look forward to. I’m looking forward to going to another concert with my daughter later this spring.

I’m also looking forward to a new, upcoming garden season, and all that comes with a fresh, new year. I hope that 2025 is a great one for us all! I can’t believe I have blogged here for 15 years! It means so much to me that you all are here! Thank you so much, MaryJane, and dear farmgirl readers, newer and past. Wishing you all a great winter, and a very Happy New Year! 

Tell me, what are you up to in the “nesting season” of winter? And what are you looking forward to in 2025? Leave me a comment…I want to hear from you!

  1. Linda Swain says:

    Hi! This was my first time reading your blog. So refreshing, honest, fun and welcoming. I’ll be looking forward to your next one.


  2. Janetsue Filberth says:

    Hi Nicole!
    Thank you for those comments about the washing machine. I went right in and took care of that drain filter.!!
    I also want to add that I have read that if a person uses fabric softener liquid or dryer sheets, once per month they should clean their dryer filter, screen with soap and water
    Gently wash it dry and return. I just remind myself to do this on the 15th of each month when I add the chlorine to our aerobic septic system outback.! ( rural life realities!)
    I have read that those products can accumulate on the screen and cause your dryer to have issues. I’m not sure that’s correct but for me it’s worth doing if it can prevent a problem down the line
    Your pictures were of your family. Happy 2025

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Janetsue, thank you for the good reminder! I don’t usually use fabric softener (only occasionally, when static is so bad in winter I can’t stand it), but washing the screen of the dryer is still a good idea! We have noticed from time to time that the automatic drying sensor sometimes does not work right. Good time to do dryer maintenance, as well. I love the idea of using vinegar in place of fabric softener, but I can’t as I have a front loader and it damaged the gaskets, which had to be replaced.

      Thank you for the great advice! Happy New Year! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Janetsue Filberth says:

    Update that to say, the pictures of your family were wonderful!

  4. Cathi Botta says:

    Hi Nicole, Thank you for a wonderful blog about you and your daughter’s adventures! I hope you wear earplugs…I love to iron as well, cotton clothes and vintage fabrics and towels. Try using dryer balls to keep static at bay. Cathi

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Cathi, oh you are so right! We absolutely wear earplugs. My daughter got us special ones for concerts – I wish I had worn them when I was younger! What kind of dryer balls do you use? I have some but we still get awful static in the deep winter. Thanks for commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Sheila LaPoint says:

    Hi Nicole, I am nesting in by reading, I love to do that when the snow is falling and I am not at my part time job. I don’t feel guilty about taking time out to read this time of year for some reason. In 2025 I am looking forward to learning needle felting the dry kind. I am also retaking an on-line minimalism course. I agree with you learning or doing new things does make life more interesting.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sheila, I hear you! Winter is a great time to read! My daughter is an avid reader (she can devour 800 pages in an afternoon; I don’t know hwo she does it, lol! We’ve started our own “book club” and have been reading, swapping, and discussing books. I also like to read in the summer outside in the glamper or in the garden. You will love needle felting! I have done several things in needle felting; it’s fun to learn and do. Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Mary, Rural Farmgirl says:

    Nicole, what a great tip on cleaning the cast iron, and the hens would be thrilled – I’ll be doing that this week. I have to say, you sound so much like me…I’m not one for change, truly, a homebody, but this is such a good post to inspire all of us to try something new! I love that you had such terrific “not so farmgirl’ outings – the photos are beautiful! I’m beginning to learn that “farmgirl” can be anything, not just the dirt under my nails, but having the courage to do something a little different. It must have been in the air, because in November my daughter and I saw Taylor Swift…we made bracelets, had a road trip, dressed up, and joined in all the fun (although I’m sure I was a little over the average audience age!) That wasn’t something I’d normally do, but I wouldn’t have missed it for anything. Thanks for sharing…trying something new makes for a great new year’s goal!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Mary! We do sound a lot alike! I love that you, too, enjoy doing things such as concerts with your daughter. I bet the Taylor Swift concert was amazing! How fun. My daughter is my best friend! She is an avid reader, too, and has got me back in to reading, as well. It’s been fun to swap books and discuss them with her. We are different, but have alot in common, and I love spending time with her. A daughter is super special! Farmgirl Hugs to you! ~Nicole

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Charming New England Christmas Traditions

Having four seasons in New England is wonderful. Each season has it’s charm, but Christmastime is extra-special. I REALLY love Christmas. One thing I love about the holidays is having something to look forward to. Activities don’t have to cost a lot; many of the fun things around Connecticut are either low cost, free, or by donation. 

Almost every town or hamlet in Connecticut has a “town green”, and a tree lighting. Our town actually has two.

My daughter and I love going together. We see friends, there are families and people of all ages sharing cheer, and carols are sung. It almost feels like we are “extras” in a special episode of the old “Gilmore Girls” show (also based in Connecticut). 

There are so many wonderful, old churches all over the state. They are all so beautiful. The South Britain Congregational Church hosts a Victorian Tea, open to the public, each holiday. My friend, Linda, and I have been attending each year together for so long, we now know the ladies who work so hard to make it happen by name, and have even gotten to know some of the other attendees!

This year’s desserts were all so fantastic!

It is a wonderful, festive luncheon, with good food, good cheer, and a lovely area of handmade gifts for sale, as well. 

Another wonderful tradition, the Annual Gingerbread Village and Christmas Bazaar at St. George’s Episcopal Church, in Middlebury, Connecticut, is something my family and I won’t miss.

We’ve been attending since my daughter was a baby. This year marked the church’s 56th year for the annual tradition! Each time, I think I must have seen it all, and each year, they wow us again! This year was no exception. I am in awe at the detail (everything, except for the actual lighting, is made from edible material).

Look at the details! These bakers are artists!

My mind is blown by all their beautiful, hard work, as I am great at tedious tasks and details of all sorts, but have never been able to make a gingerbread house look so wonderful as these amazing bakers do.

Cranberries are such a big part of New England, and one of my favorite ingredients in so many foods this time of year. I also love homemade gifts. Homemade gifts are made with LOVE! I may not be able to make a good-looking gingerbread house, but I am a whiz in the kitchen. One of my favorite things to make and give, especially this time of year, is homemade jam. This year, I made “Christmas Jam”, and my family has declared it my best jam ever! After going over many recipes, I really found none I liked. They either had too many ingredients, too much sugar, or included butter (we have a family member with a dairy allergy, unfortunately). My version of “Christmas Jam” uses simple ingredients, similar to my other jam recipes, and only four cups of sugar. What’s also nice about canning jam is you can use the water bath method, and do not have to use a pressure canner. The naturally bright, red color of this jam makes it a stunning holiday gift. It’s delectable on fresh bread, or served as an appetizer atop a cracker and a nice cheese like a sharp cheddar or brie. Here is my gift to you, dear readers, my recipe for “Christmas Jam”. Enjoy!

The fruit will look chunky at this point. The cranberries will soften up as they cook.
Me and my sweetheart – we love decorating for Christmas and picking a fresh tree.This is our 33rd Christmas together.

There are so many wonderful, small, family farms in New England. One of our Christmas traditions in our family involves getting a fresh tree from Jones Family farm in Monroe.

We are the Griswolds, LOL!
What a beautiful tree we got this year!

Another tradition is enjoying a delicious ice cream sundae in the cozy, decorated room at Rich Farm, in Oxford, before they close up late in the month for a bit in winter. 

Another thing I love about New England is how everyone decorates. Stores, streets, and homes – inside and out, are all dressed up in twinkling lights and decorations.

My personal favorite decorations are all old, vintage, or vintage-inspired, and I love to incorporate decor that I already have, making it more “Christmas-y”.

Everything on this table has been gifted to me through the years. Warms my heart!
My “shabby chic” porch for Christmas
My daughter’s childhood skates are now part of Christmas decor.

We have had two “Christmas Snows” blanket us already, which just add to the festive feel of the season here in New England.

Trooper disagrees. “Who ordered this? I did not!”

Someone said to me recently, “No one sends Christmas cards anymore!” I beg to disagree. Yes, the price of stamps has gone up. But sending cards at Christmas should not be looked at as a chore!

This year’s cards so far – the holder is one I bought over 30 years ago.

I love to send cards, and work on mine gradually, while drinking my morning coffee or watching television at night with my family. We’ve already received quite a few, in the mail, and at my doll club meeting, and it is a tradition I love! I cherish handwritten cards I have kept through the years, from special friends and family that are no longer with us. 

This is me at four. My face shows how I felt about Christmas. 

Honestly, it is how I feel about it now, and think I am actually part elf. In all seriousness, though, I think we adults sometimes forget that childlike wonder. Letting ourselves enjoy the magic of the season is what brings the true joy and meaning of the holidays. It’s been a rough year for so many. Personally, this has been an awful year, with the passing of more friends and loved ones than any other before.  My Christmas card list has sadly gotten smaller, and I truly miss those who have departed. I  hold them close in my heart as I embrace the joy of this wonderful season. 

Tail wags and Farmgirl Hugs!

  1. Molly says:

    Such a sweet Post.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours 🎄

  2. Ladybugloveslilacs says:

    Wishing you a yours a happy Christmas, Nicole!
    Christmas is a favorite time for me. I am originally from upstate NY and I am a cold weather gal for sure! I love your tree. So beautiful. What fun you’ve been having . We go caroling every year. I love the feeling of this season. Peace , joy and good will towards others. May we carry that in to all of the next year!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Caroling! That sounds lovely. That’s the one thing missing – we haven’t had carolers at our door for decades. Wish we had some! Have fun! Merry Christmas to you and yours! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Ulla Bagh says:

    Soo nice Nicole🎄❤️

  4. Debbie Fischer says:

    Treasons bring the best Memories through the years that’s for sure Nicole.
    I wish you and your family the happiest holiday season.

  5. Darlene Riboldi says:

    Hi Nicole, I love all the pictures and adventures you share with us. I love Christmas and the cold weather. As I decorate and reminisce of years gone by it brings Peace to my soul.
    Many blessings for a Christmas full of wonderful memories. Happy New Year too! Darlene

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Darlene! Thank you so much! I love the cold weather for Christmas, too, which is funny since I grew up where it was warm. There are photos of me as a kid in shorts next to the tree, and it always bothered me that we didn’t have cold, haha. Decorating does bring memories of years gone by, and special times with loved ones no longer with us. It does bring peace. Merry Christmas to you and yours, and may 2025 be a happy year with lots of new memories made, too! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Bonnie Ellis says:

    You have a gorgeous family. Minnesota traditions are similar to yours We skate, ski, sled, go caroling, have lots of company, attend church services and help others. Thanks for sharing pictures of your family and New England.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Bonnie! Thank you so much! So good to hear from you. I have never been to Minnisota (yet), but the photos I have seen and people I have met from there have always been so lovely! Sounds like a great place to be at this time of year, too. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!Enjoy! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Marj says:

    How I loved your post!! This, so far, is shaping up to be a “look for work” season for me, yet enjoying your beautiful post lifts my heart up! Thank you for your gift of sharing the Love and the Light around you in New England!

  8. Kris Ross says:

    Just finished reading your post and wI riting down your Christmas Jam recipe….will try soon….my husband and I moved from So Fla 9 years ago to the Ga mts….I was born in No Jersey but he was born in So Fla. so he always wanted to go to a place with seasons…we always loved anything “country” food, crafts…furn..decorations…scenery…if you have an email you can put me on your list….Love anything country and “homey” and comfortable….Merry Christmas to you and your family

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Kris! Welcome to the Suburban Farmgirl blog! Thank you for reading and commenting, and I hope you will visit again! I will make sure you are put on the alert list, thank you for asking! Also, enjoy the jam! Wait until you make it – it also makes the house smell like Heaven! I agree – it is nice to have four seasons. I have loved ones in your neck of the woods and they do get the four seasons, as well. Have a wonderful Christmas! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  9. Sheila LaPoint says:

    Nicole, I am drinking hot tea and eating German Lebkuchen this morning. I found them at Trader Joes (the only one we have in VT), even though I have been in America since I was a small child I have such happy memories of being at my Oma’s in Germany. Vermont snow and your post reminds me of it at this time of year. I just love it. Thanks for sharing I always look forward to reading your post. Have a Happy Holiday to you and yours.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sheila, oooooh…I will have to check our Trader Joe’s! We love Lebkuchen! We are also sometimes able to get the Danish Kringle there, too. I am so glad you enjoyed this post. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the holiday. Happy New Year! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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Thanksgiving – The “Lost” Holiday

Greetings, readers! Do you love holidays? I do. But what kind of a holiday reveler are you? Are you listening to Christmas Carols the day after Halloween, and already ”decking the halls” , or do you still have carved jack-o-lanterns on your porch, growing “scarier” each day with rot? 

I personally really do adore holidays – be it Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, or July 4th. My grandma always said “Holidays make life special”, and they do – a chance to spend special times with friends and family, make different foods, and change the scenery, so to speak, with festive decor. However, currently I am feeling a sort of “Holiday Purgatory” this month – fall decor seems a wee bit “tired” now that Halloween is over, but it’s not quite time to haul out the holly! What ever happened to decorating for Thanksgiving?

One of my favorite things about New England is that everyone decorates for the different seasons. As soon as there is a fall nip in the air, there are pumpkins and corn stalks decorating every porch and corner. 

I also LOVE Christmas, with its lights and warmth and cheer, and the fact that I can completely cover everything with glitter and nobody bats an eyelash. 

A restaurant in Southington, Connecticut is KNOWN for its over-the-top decor each season… this is just the ceiling in one of the rooms. I LOVE IT!!!!

But when do you start decorating for “the holidays”, such as Christmas? 

To me, Christmas is the start of winter, and Thanksgiving is still, technically, autumn and harvest time.

When it comes to decorating for any holiday, my favorite finds are vintage and thrift-shop finds from yesteryear. Once the ghosties and witches are packed away after Halloween, I pull out Thanksgiving-themed pieces, such as my vintage Gurley candles. Only a few inches tall, some were found thrifting, and some were a gift from a friend and fellow vintage-enthusiast.

Only a few inches tall and made of wax, I am always amazed at the detail of Gurley candles. I wonder how many people before me chose not to burn them over the decades?

Made from the 50’s through the 70’s, the figurine-shaped candles were once sold at five-and-dime stores. My small collection of Thanksgiving candles feature turkeys and pilgrims. 

In the mid-nineties, my mom sent me a red glass, covered turkey candy dish from Williams and Sonoma. It graces the dining room at the start of fall, and with its deep ruby color, stays out on display through to New Year’s.

The turkey candy dish often holds cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving. The little red candleholders match it, and stay out until New Year’s. Hallmark made lots of little Thanksgiving themed figures in the 70’s, like my little rag doll, and the platter was an inexpensive flea market find years ago.
A few years ago, our grocery store offered reprints of Beistle and other vintage-type crepe paper ornaments, harkening to holidays past.
Thanksgiving themed Hoosier!

In the kitchen, the hoosier has a tray decorated in leaves, and a ceramic turkey that someone probably painted in a 1970’s ceramic class (I made one just like it as a child). Both were inexpensive Goodwill finds, relics of the “forgotten holiday”, that hardly anyone decorates for anymore. 

Also in the kitchen, displayed are old spice tins from the 30’s, 40’s and 70’s. I love them, though it does freak me out a bit that they are still full of spices.
Do you know what these are? They are old steamed pudding molds – I like that they look like acorns.

Here and there are vintage early-1900’s Thanksgiving postcards, from a time when mailing cards and letters was the way to let friends know you were thinking of them.  

I love displaying old postcards in vintage flower frogs.
Another Goodwill find is this glass “cornucopia”. I wonder, do kids today even know what that is?
Vintage turkey salt and pepper shakers grace the kitchen and dining room tables.
My turkey baster broke last year. I picked this one up at our grocery store for around $5.00 – how cute is that?!
It’s also hard to think “Christmas in New England” when it has been so hot – often feeling like June, with hot and dry weather, the threat of wildfires very real here lately.

I also think I am not “feeling” the Christmas decorating bug because this fall has been so warm. We’ve been melting on walks with 80+ degree heat, something unheard of for this time of year in New England. Nothing felt weirder than when I went to Hobby Lobby with a friend, the store all glittery and covered in “Christmas” like a giant, red-and-green-frosted sugar cookie, Christmas carols blasting over the speakers, and my friend and I dressed in shorts and sandals, the day after Halloween.

It’s a tradition on Thanksgiving Thursday to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on television, something I have done with family since I was a child.

This snowglobe from Macy’s was given to me a decade ago, and comes out the day after Halloween.

The “official” start to the Christmas holidays for me has always been when the parade is about to end, and Santa Claus makes his appearance. That moment has me imagining reindeer, behind gates like racehorses, chomping at the bit for Christmas to start. That’s when it feels really exciting to decorate for the holidays! Full speed ahead!

I think Thanksgiving is even more lost, an invisible holiday in modern times, because of hectic work schedules, fast-paced modern life, and Black Friday. Honestly, to me there is no deal so special that I would go out shopping in the crowds and craziness on Black Friday, preferring instead to stay home and eat leftovers, and decorate the house fully for Christmas. If the Black Friday shopping rush is your thing, I say go for it! But for stores that open ON Thanksgiving Day, instead of waiting until our bellies are full and letting employees spend time with their families, I say shame on them! Stop pushing our festivities into one big blur.

Because Thanksgiving also falls so late on the calendar this year, many people are decorating for the holidays earlier than usual. I’ve seen full-blown lights and trees already twinkling away. I think this year, I will start to bring out Christmas gradually – bottle brush trees first, small pieces here and there. I just don’t feel like rushing things. 

So, since I am not quite ready yet for reindeer and Santa, I will keep enjoying my pumpkins and turkeys for just a wee bit longer. 

From my family to yours, wishing you a peaceful and Happy Thanksgiving!

Tell me, do you decorate for Thanksgiving, or go straight to the holidays? When do you put out your decorations? What are your family traditions? Share with me in the comments, or just let me know you stopped by!


  1. Ladybugloveslilacs says:

    I enjoy giving each holiday its own time. We always had a tradition of putting up our tree on my son’s birthday in December. We put the tree up undecorated the year he was born and the family waited until we were home before decorating. So we have always done this every year since. We still hold the tradition even though the children are all grown and on their own with families.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi! Awww…I love that! What a beautiful tradition! I love what you said, “I enjoy giving each holiday its own time”. So true! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thank you for reading, and commenting. I always love hearing about your traditions. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Debbie Fischer says:

    I too decorate for each holiday Nicole, I love them all! I feel like your Grandma did they are each special in their own way.
    May you and your family have a blessed and thankful Thanksgiving.

  3. Ginger Louden says:

    I believe each holiday deserves its time. I Love Christmas but would never think of decorating until December. I’ll keep Christmas things up into January before I would decorate in November. Thanksgiving is a beautiful time of year in which I wish people could slow down and be thankful instead of seeing it as a shopping day and the start of chaos.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Ginger! I totally agree! We still get a fresh tree, after Thanksgiving. We then decorate outside, and I give the orange pumpkins leftover from fall to the chickens and to the wild deer that cross our yard. I use the few white pumpkins I get each year with holiday greens. Christmas stays up past New Year’s, usually getting put away before the second week of January. I agree with you – no chaos on Thanksgiving! Thanks for reading and commenting! Happy Thanksgiving, Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Terry Steinmetz says:

    I decorate for each holiday separately. The day after Halloween, my turkey decorations are put out. My fall banner over my fireplace stays up until I bring up my angel fireplace decoration for Christmas.. I absolutely LOVE fall, so I love ti keep up Thanksgiving decorations until the 5th of December. Part of my decorations are the homemade turkeys from my grown kids and grandkids. Such a joy and lots of memories! I love to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, while I’m getting ready to make the dressing for supper. Turkey dinner is always at at different time of the day, depending on my hunters.Then clean-up and football…later I start the turkey soup process, that’s yummy! Then I rest, enjoy whoever is at our home the rest of the evening. I want to savor this day. A couple of days go by. Then I clean up
    the house and start to slowly decorate. Our tree usually goes up around the 10th of December, so we can enjoy the twinkling of lights. I don’t like to rush decorating. Reading and preparing cards and baking and wrapping gifts come into play along this journey each year. That’s the short of it all!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Terry, I love that you have homemade decorations from your grown kids and grandkids. That just warms the heart. Your Thanksgiving Day sounds lovely, and what a great idea to start the turkey soup that day! I might try doing that this year, as well! I love that you take your time and savor each holiday. That is the way it should be. Enjoy, and thank you for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Marlene Cosner says:

    I love to decorate for ALL the Holidays! I got all the traditions from my Mom. I like to decorate for Thanksgiving after Halloween, and the weekend after Thanksgiving, I start swapping out the Fall for Christmas decorations….Happy Holidays to ALL!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marlene, I am with you – I love to decorate for all the holidays, too! Hope you are having a wonderful season! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Mary says:

    Nicole, the sweet vintage and retro decorations are perfect…and oh, the old Hoosier, that’s just the best! I agree…Thanksgiving does feel a bit lost when there’s a rush to get to Christmas in all of the stores surrounding us. I’m all for slowing the frenzy down just a bit and enjoying a good, old-fashioned Thanksgiving. We’ll be watching the parade and then the dog show…jammies optional! Oh and I’m with you…no Black Friday shopping for me. Enjoy all the fun!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Mary, I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving – it sounds wonderful and just we did, too! I love the dog show so much, and my pups were hilarious “watching” it with us! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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Have A New England Fall

Here in New England, it’s the most wonderful season of all – Fall! While I love all the four seasons and the charm of each, fall is the best reason of all to live in a New England state! No matter where you live, there are some great things to help you have a true-blue, wonderful New England Autumn!

There is so much beauty in Autumn, and none so beautiful as in New England. Connecticut as a whole really does “fall” like nowhere else – plenty of natural beauty abounds. Fall 2024 has been one of the most beautiful seasons that I can remember!

We’ve had cool evenings and crisp mornings, perfect for a cozy sweatshirt or snuggly sweater. Afternoons, when the sun shines, are perfect for walking – no jacket needed.

Warm breezes catch the trees as changing leaves fall. 

While New England sunsets and skies are always pretty amazing, this year did not disappoint. We were recently treated to a light show in the sky, as conditions were recently perfect for viewing the Northern lights!

I have always wanted to see them, and always seem to miss them, on the few occasions they have been visible. I even missed them when I traveled to Scandinavia. When we could see them the other evening, I was so excited I was like a little kid! Such beauty!

There are other things I love about fall, too. The warm, comforting foods, more downtime with a break from heavy gardening, a change in wardrobe – both in coziness and rich fall colors, and the cozy decor of this time of year, indoors and out. 

No matter where you are, there are certain things that help make a New England fall! Here are a few of my favorites!

As the temperatures change, so do our gardens, as annuals and perennials fade into winter. Fall outdoor decor would not be the same without annual mums, cabbages, and other beautiful plantings, all in deep and fiery colors, along with pumpkins, of course! 

Fresh pumpkins are a New England decorating staple! Since our fall temperatures can range from warm to cool, I always make sure to use pumpkins that have no blemishes, which can cause rotting. Nothing goes to waste! For the large carving pumpkins, once we carve them into Jack-O-Lanterns for Halloween night, we roast the seeds for snacking. The rest of the pumpkin shell later goes to the chickens, as do the other pumpkins once the holidays arrive and decor is changed for the winter. Many local farms take leftover and cut pumpkins to feed their animals, such as llamas, goats and other farm animals. As long as pumpkins have no blemishes, they should last through Halloween, without using a bleach wash – a practice that makes pumpkins inedible for any animals that might feed on them after the season has passed. 

Inside, I love my pumpkins, as well! I put out pumpkin decor at the beginning of September and leave it through Thanksgiving, when it is then time to decorate for Christmas! 

New Englanders love their soups and stews! I love to cook (as most farmgirls do), and my choice of cookware has always been cast iron and enameled cast iron. If taken care of properly, both last forever! I have always wanted one of the lidded pumpkin-shaped enameled cast iron saucepans or dutch ovens, but they’re always out of my price range. For my anniversary this year, my dear husband surprised me this year with this beautiful enameled cast iron sauce pan he found on Amazon . Large enough for a side dish or soup for two, it’s so beautiful, and looks festive on my stove even when not in use. Heavy cast iron, with glossy paint in several colors to choose from, at a price point of $49 to $69 (and free Prime shipping), it’s a steal!

If you have never been to an At Home store, your mind will be blown when you do go. Think of it as a big warehouse store for all things home-related. My friend, Susan, and I go once or twice a year- it’s fun just to walk around and see what’s new in garden, kitchen, and holiday items. While most of my “holiday” tableware is more than thirty years old, I can’t wait to spice up my table for Thanksgiving, with this gorgeous set of cloth napkins!

Halloween in Connecticut  is just like it’s portrayed in Hallmark movies, or my favorite Halloween movie, Hocus Pocus. Binx, the black cat, is my favorite character. (Of course, I love all cats, especially my two sweet rescues)!

I also love nail polish – especially this time of year when I crave darker, sparkly and rich shades. So, what do nail polish and rescue cats have in common? Mooncat

My daughter found Mooncat nail polish online, and we are totally hooked! Vegan, woman-owned, and totally cruelty-free, the company also aids rescue cats! I love a company that gives back! 

Described as “wearable art”, the nail polish colors are amazing and different! I love “Dark Horse” for fall, a sparkly, rich and coppery chocolate shade. The website has all sorts of shades, and different formulations including thermal and magnetic! I love that I can get quick, gorgeously-colored nails at home. Even one coat covers beautifully, if you are short on time, and the quick drying time is unlike anything we’ve ever used. Even my dark polish dries lightning-fast and shiny! I also love that their website shows each color on different length nails from short to long, on different skin tones, in different lighting, with glamorous colors from light to dark…all beautiful!

While we are talking about our nails, my hands and nails get very dry once the less humid fall weather arrives, but this year I am not having that issue, thanks to my new favorite hand cream! Help keep your hands soft in cooler weather with “Hello Kitty”! Yes, that “Hello Kitty”! My daughter also introduced me to skincare products from The Creme Shop brand. Made in Korea, the products are great for young to mature skin (I’m 52, and so far have loved everything I’ve tried, from the masks to their creams), but our favorite is their tubes of hand cream, especially the limited-edition tubes for the fall season, with delicious fall-themed scents.

My daughter and I picked up several of the limited-edition tubes. They make great little gifts for friends, as well!

Cruelty-free, paraben-free, made with shea butter, the hand cream is wonderful without being greasy. I leave a tube on the sink vanity, and the tubes are also a good size for carrying in your purse or car, and make great little “I-thought-about-you-gifts”. Featuring characters such as Hello Kitty on the front of the tube, they make my Generation X heart so happy! 

We first found the hand cream on a visit to the largest Anime store in the United States, Arisu Anime, located in the wonderful collection of unique shops, Olde Mystic Village, in Mystic, Connecticut, (a must-visit, New England destination)! If you’re not in Connecticut, you can also find the hand cream at Ulta stores or online at thecremeshop.com.

New Englanders love their outdoors! There’s nothing better than sitting around a firepit or campfire on a crisp fall day, roasting marshmallows, or for our family,  making ”snorbrod”, hot dogs roasted over a fire with bread dough, a Danish tradition. I got tired of spending money on disposable, flimsy roasting sticks!

We love Zulay kitchen’s marshmallow roasting sticks! Color-coded on the ends, the telescoping sticks have a double-forked end, and are strong enough to roast more than just marshmallows, as we have loved using them for our snorbrod.

Once outdoor-cooking is over, they store neatly in their own drawstring pouch. Zulay kitchen products are found on Amazon, or at the Zulay Kitchen website. 

Once fall comes, there are also wonderful outdoor festivals all over New England. We recently went to the Connecticut Garlic Festival, in Bethlehem, Connecticut.

We saw the “Garlic King”, ate delectable garlic-steak-tips-and-mashed-potato sundaes, and walked through booths with all sorts of fun, small businesses from the area. For dessert, we tried garlic ice cream (surprisingly tasty)!

Our most favorite fall festival is the Connecticut Renaissance Festival! Held in the fall through October (it ends October 20th this year), it is a classic, fun Renaissance Fair! I love the turkey dinner sundaes and roasted turkey legs, the fun of seeing everyone dressed up and “larping”, and the wonderful vendors with unique items. It’s a great family day! 

This year, my favorite vendor was Auntie Arwen’s Spices and Teas, another woman-owned, small business located in Jewett City, (Griswold) Connecticut. There were so many spices and teas in the booth, it was so exciting! 

There is nothing better than a good cup of tea on a crisp fall morning! Auntie Arwen’s vanilla tea is hands-down the best tea we’ve ever tasted! I also love the lavender tea, (so fragrant and delicious). We also picked up her “Asthma and Bronchitis Relief Tisane”, since colds tend to start showing up this time of year. 

With both cool and warm days, I love a good spice blend or rub to put on meat or veggies, for either in the oven or on the grill. I couldn’t pass up Auntie Arwen’s “Translvanian Lovebite”, a spice blend with a savory, bbq flavor. I love it, (and the cute little vampire on the front of the jar)! It’s absolutely delicious sprinkled on chicken for a quick meal! What I also love is their commitment to the environment! Refills are available for their spice jars, for example. 

Auntie Arwen’s Spices and Teas website is so much fun to browse! With all sorts of spices from around the world, sugars, books, fabric dyes and more, it’s a magical website, with something for everyone! As a special gift, Auntie Arwen has made 50 online coupons available for this month’s blog readers! Use the Coupon code “Farmgirl” when you check out, and receive 10% off your order! Thank you, Auntie Arwen!

The leaves are turning colors and falling, the light is changing and fall is off to a great start. As a whole, the keys to a true New England Autumn are deep, rich colors, coziness, warm and comforting food and drink, and fun, festive celebrations – centered around friends and family! Have a Happy Halloween, dear readers, and here’s wishing you all a Fabulous Fall! Remember to leave me a comment so I know that you have stopped by!


  1. Karen says:

    I was born and raised in New York City, but in my heart I’ve always been a New Englander.
    When I graduated high school, I left and never looked back. I went to college in Boston, got married and had my first child then moved to New Hampshire. Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. Every morning before everyone else wakes, I go to the kitchen, dining and living rooms and my office/craft room and just look out the windows and marvel at the sight. I just makes me smile(that and a fresh cup of coffee). Whenever I go out on chores, instead of lamenting having to go to the grocery store or the doctor etc. I just focus on the view. People travel from all over the country and the world to see what I see every day. I can’t imagine living anywhere else. Have a Happy Fall!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Dear Karen, I SO agree with you! I like to take my time and enjoy the ride to wherever I need to be. I grew up in a big city, too, and I would not trade our seasons here for anything! We are so blessed to see such wonderful nature. Even winter has its charm. I love the New Hampshire area – I have been there a few times, as well. Thank you for reading and commenting. I love this comment. It hits home! Happy Fall! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Mary Murray says:

    My absolute favorite time of year, too…and it must be spectacular in New England; it’s on my bucket list to have a “leaf peeping” trip that way in the future! Thanks for sharing all the best parts of fall…and the festival looks so fun! I couldn’t agree more, the colors, the magic of the golden light…it’s the best time! Enjoy it all, Mary

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Mary, I think everyone should see a New England fall at least once. It is the best – warm sunny days, cool and crisp breezes, no humidity – and the colors! So amazing. All four seasons have their charm, but New England does fall best. Thanks for reading and commenting! Happy Halloween, too. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Dori Troutman says:

    Hey Nicole!!!

    My dream is to visit New England in the fall…. one of these years maybe!!

    I have those same marshmallow roasters. The telescoping mechanism is brilliant! They work for hotdogs too!

    Big hugs to you…


    P.S. I need to find the Hello Kitty hand creme and try it!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Dori! Aren’t those roasters the BEST? They save money, too, as we don’t buy the disposible wood ones over and over. Let me know if you head to New England sometime. I would love to show you around – there is so much charm here. Have a great Fall! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Marlene Cosner says:

    I love Fall…thanks for the pics and some ways to “spice” it up!

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The Last of the Tomatoes

I’ve always loved summer, and feel a bit sorry to see it go, no matter how awesome Autumn is in New England. Trips to the beach, summer concerts, fun day trips, and gardening are some of the activities I’ll miss once the fall season arrives. The summer is winding down, and so are the season’s tomato plants! Not a tomato goes to waste in my house, as I make some great recipes, as well as preserve my bounty! Tie on your favorite apron and let’s get picking!

Have you ever noticed that tomatoes in the grocery store never taste as juicy and delicious as fresh ones picked right from your garden or a farmers’ market? That’s because even if the tomatoes in the grocery store are organic, they are “forced ripened” with ethylene gas, as opposed to ripening on their own. Nothing is better than a fresh tomato right from a plant, warm from the sun!

It’s not always that easy to grow tomatoes in Connecticut. Our summers here lately have tended to be very wet, hot and humid. Just this past month, my area had a Sunday where 14 inches of rain fell! Called a “1000 year storm”, that kind of rain, of course, isn’t typical, but our planting zone does get plagued every year with a variety of fungal diseases, many of which thrive in damp weather. Tomatoes tend to be the garden plant susceptible to the most diseases (some of which overwinter), which is why you never want to put tomatoes or spent tomato plants in your compost pile, to keep from infecting next year’s crop. 

Still, despite the rain, I had a bumper crop this year, and there’s a few more to harvest. When summer tomato plants start to fade, you can extend their growing time by lopping the tops off the plants in September to increase the energy into the fruit. 

It’s also best to pick tomatoes this time of year before they have ripened completely. This helps prevent the tomatoes from splitting on the vine from late sun followed by cool rain this time of year.  They will ripen and turn red from the inside out in the kitchen. 

Because of my planting zone, I planted my tomatoes indoors from seed this past winter, planting different varieties, including heirloom types. My favorites this year were Burbank Slicing and Cherokee Purple.

I planted roma tomatoes, as well. Roma are the best for canning, as they have less juice, but any variety can be used for canning. 

Despite the wet and humid summer we’ve had, I have had a bumper crop! We’ve been eating fresh tomatoes in salads and on sandwiches for weeks now! They are so scrumptious! I also have been preserving my lot of tomatoes, canning several batches so far. 

In the past, home-canned tomatoes may have been processed using the water-bath method, but modern wisdom (and the USDA) have found that it isn’t the safest thing to do, as tomatoes are a low-acid food, and should be only canned in a pressure canner.

Green tomatoes are higher in acid than red; as the tomato ripens, the fruit is not as acidic. Using a pressure canner is a must – it’s quicker and safer. I love my American Standard Canner. Despite looking (and weighing) like a small space capsule, it is acutally so simple and easy to use, and meant to last a lifetime.

To can tomatoes, wash your fruit (don’t use anything that is overly ripe or from a diseased or frost-killed plant), cut the tops, core the tomato, and score the bottoms. 

Next, drop the tomatoes in boiling water on your stove for about a minute to blanch.

Place the boiled tomatoes in a bath of ice water for about 30 seconds, and voila! The skins just come right off. So easy!

I cut my tomatoes in chunks, then I bring them all to a rolling boil, stirring often, for five minutes, before ladling into hot, prepared canning jars.

Add 2 TBSP of bottled lemon juice in each jar before adding the tomatoes (use bottled, as then the acid will be the right strength; fresh lemons vary in acid content depending on age, size and variety). You can also use a ½ tsp of citric acid in place of the bottled lemon juice. I also add 2 tsp of salt to each jar. Keep in mind this is for flavor, not for acid content.  

Remember to leave one inch of headspace before wiping each jar top with vinegar, placing the lid, and processing in your canner. 

Home-canned tomatoes have a flavor and color not found in store bought, and there is no BPA!

For the rest of the tomatoes we’ve had this season, in addition to eating them on salads and sandwiches, I have been making homemade pico de gallo. Commercially-made salsas from the store always taste like watery ketchup to me! Once you see how easy and quick it is to make, you’ll never want to buy conventional store-bought again!

Best-ever Suburban Farmgirl Pico De Gallo

For every two cups of chopped tomatoes, add one half, large, finely-chopped red onion, 1 small bunch of cilantro, snipped (about ¼ cup), 2 TBSP of lime juice, ¼ tsp of garlic powder, and salt and pepper to taste. 

This summer, I have a lot of hot peppers still growing, so I like to add one small, chopped hot pepper for a bit of kick, but you can omit this completely if you don’t like any heat. 

For Labor Day, our family attended our town’s Labor Day parade, then enjoyed roasted Danish hot dogs in bread dough over the fire pit, with chips and homemade Pico De Gallo.

Homemade pico de gallo only takes minutes to make, and is addictive! It will keep in the refrigerator in an airtight container for a day or so (if you can stop eating it)!

Soon, when the last of the tomato plants are finally done, I will put the garden “to bed”, waiting for mid-winter, when I can start my seeds indoors again! 

Let’s talk tomatoes! What are your favorite varieties? What recipes do you like to use fresh tomatoes in? Share with me in comments below, or just say “hello”!


  1. Donna Kozak says:

    Just finished making Tomato Jam – it is also addictive ! YUM…nothing like tomatoes picked from your garden.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Donna, oh tomato jam! I have to remember to do that, sometime. I had a recipe years ago, but never got around to trying it. Thanks for the reminder! How delicious! I also love to make fried green tomatoes. I usually do that once a season, too. Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Karen says:

    I love tomatoes. I don’t have much of a green thumb, but up here in New Hampshire I’m surrounded by farms. Canning makes me nervous so I just use the freezer. I love sliced tomatoes with a little salt and pepper or some italian dressing. I also like to make caprese salads. A bowl of grape tomatoes doesn’t last long in my kitchen, everyone who walks by grabs a handful to snack on. One day I ended up with a lot of tomatoes( a Stor-all box worth). So I made a modified version of a recipe I saw on Food Network(The Kitchen). I just quartered the tomatoes and a couple of onions, added a handful of garlic cloves and a bell pepper. Drizzled with olive oil some salt,pepper and a few tbs of italian seasoning. Roasted it at 425 till the tomatoes started to char a little(at least a half hour) then threw it all in the blender. It came out great. I use it as a base for meat sauces or anything I would use a jar of tomato sauce for.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Karen, aren’t all the New England farms wonderful? We are lucky to have so many farms with farmstands and farmers markets. Your recipes sound delicious! Thanks so much for reading, and sharing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Mary Murray says:

    We’re thinking alike, Nicole…trying to save those wonderful tomatoes! And you’re exactly right, there’s nothing like the flavor of homegrown-I always have a hard time buying them in the store once summer is over; it’s just not the same. 14 inches of rain, wow, that’s incredible! I can’t imagine having that much in one day and all the problems it must have caused. You can be so proud of all the hard work that went into those beautiful canned tomatoes, this winter they will be so delicious! Mary

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Mary, thank you! I have a few green ones left that will be made into a platter of fried green tomatoes! The 14 inches of rain in one afternoon was awful. We are okay and all is cleaned up, and it could have been so much worse for us. I never want to go through that again! I just feel like now I am getting caught up – like I am a week or so “behind”. I have to finish cleaning out the garden before winter and soon will be planting my garlic for next year! I had to buy my first store-bought tomatoes. They were not as good, so I am dreaming of next year’s bounty already! Happy Fall, and thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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Bears! Bears! Bears!

I’ve lived in the New England suburbs for thirty years. While my property is partly wooded, I never really worried much about running into a bear…until recently! 

When I first moved to New England in the early 90’s, I was awestruck by the natural beauty of the suburbs. However, I learned that bears inhabited the Northeast, and at first that worried me. 

My bear fears were quickly dispelled, shortly after I moved to Connecticut when I attended a free bear lecture at our local library. The lecture taught us all about the type of bear found in the Northeast, the American black bear, Ursus americanus. The size of the claws were shocking!  We learned that while black bears did call Connecticut home, they weren’t usually found in our area, but in the counties further North. Easing my mind, I never really gave bears a second thought. 

Until recently. 

The first time I thought I saw a bear was at the end of the pandemic. My daughter and I were in the car, not far from our house, when one ran across the road. The large creature ran across so fast, I wasn’t sure that we even saw one, and really only saw the “tail end”. We started hearing of more and more sightings. Our town’s local Facebook group would mention them, and occasionally we’d hear of one in our neighborhood. We never saw one on our property, and figured the noise from our dogs would scare one away anyway. Once the property behind us was sold and a barbed-wire fence put up for cows, we figured our chance of seeing a bear was probably even slimmer. I later saw one from a distance while in my woods; it was on the other side of the fence and moving quickly away.

We started frequently hearing of more bear sightings in the last two years, with reports and videos on social media, the news, and YouTube, to name a few. Our neighborhood frequently sees bears; we guess that there are at least three, perhaps a mother and her two adult offspring. 

A few years ago, the only bear I’d seen in New England was this poor thing, a living exhibit at a state fair.

Part of me thought seeing a bear would be exciting, as long as it was from a safe distance and from inside. I’ve joked that a bear would not have a chance to maul me – I’d die of a heart attack first. In all seriousness, though, bear attacks on humans are extremely rare. Bears don’t really want to tangle with humans, they just want to get away. Bears do what comes naturally, it’s we humans that put these majestic wild animals in situations that become dangerous. 

This summer, it appears bear sightings are as frequent as seeing deer (which is a lot). One evening in early June, my husband was running late from work, and my daughter and I had just finished dinner. I noticed something out the window – lightning bugs! I stepped outside to watch them. It was a beautiful, still and quiet summer evening, full of fireflies. As I stood on the deck, I noticed a strange sound. 


That’s when I noticed the creature sauntering out of the woods into the yard. It was large and black, almost a shadowy figure, but darkness had not completely taken over the evening. The sound I heard was from large paws shuffling through the grass. My brain did not register at first what I was seeing. “DOG? No. DEER? No. OHHHHHH!”  Like a scene from a classic Casper the Ghost cartoon, I realized what had emerged below, right in front of me, mere yards away… A BBB-BEAR!!!!

He was HUGE. He knew I was there. For a second, he paused and sniffed one of our yard chairs, before looking up at me and sniffing the air. He had a mark across his leg, like he had a scratch that had healed and left a scar.

I slowly backed away and into the house. My daughter wanted to see him, and we looked through every window, but to no avail. He disappeared quickly.

After that initial sighting, we didn’t see him again, but did find evidence of a bear passing through, in the form of bear droppings. 

This photo is taken at my friend Susan’s house, but we believe it is the same bear, due to the mark on its leg. Photo courtesy Susan Burbank

My dear friend and neighbor, Susan, also has had visits  from this majestic, beautiful bear. We know it is the same one because of the mark in his fur. 

That’s a whole lotta bear! Photo courtesy Susan Burbank

Our next sighting at my house  was one beautiful morning, a few weeks ago. My husband went out the door to open up our chickens for the morning. As I saw him go one direction, on our outdoor camera, I saw a bear quickly going the other way!

Screenshot of the bear from our video camera. This one is smaller in stature than the first one we saw.

This was a smaller bear than the first, a “junior” bear. We later determined he had been eating some of the berries that were in season on the hill in front of the house.

Carolee Mason, Municipal Animal Control Officer for Newtown,Connecticut, has been a resident here since 1977. She has worked at Animal Control for close to two decades, and has seen the uptick in bear sightings in recent years.

Carolee says that it is in part due to the shrinking of the bears’ natural habitat due to increased building, and also because of increased footage, with technology like cameras on phones, social media coverage, and cameras on homes (like Amazon blink). In the late 1800’s there were no bears in Connecticut. Nowadays, the bear populations are increasing; a healthy bear can have an average of three cubs a season. Still, bears like the ones we saw have most likely been around longer than we suspect; we just didn’t realize it until now, with proof on camera.

Carolee laughs remembering the first time that the department heard of a bear sighted in town. It happened in the 90’s, before everyone carried a smart phone with a camera. It was believed that a bear had broken into an outdoor fridge in a resident’s pool house, to get to the soda cans inside. A bear sighting was such an unheard-of occurrence that when a resident finally did get a photo of a black bear in town “in the wild” and brought a print in to show everyone at animal control, they were so excited that the photo was proudly pinned on the wall, as proof! 

Photo courtesy Susan Burbank

Carolee says bears are hungry scavengers, and will go for the easiest food they can find. Mamas also just want to feed their cubs. “What would you do if your child was starving and there was no food? You’d do what you could to feed your young.” She reminds everyone that bears will eat birdseed and garbage left outside, and that bears can be seen out and active all day. Keeping chickens secure, taking bird feeders down, and not leaving garbage out are the best steps to avoid repeat visitors. Most of the time they will walk on by. “Bears don’t realize your house is a house”; to them it is just a part of the territory they travel through. If you do see a bear, Carolee says “make lots of noise, so it knows you are there before it gets startled. Bears DO NOT like to be startled.” A startled bear can become a dangerous one, like the one recently caught on camera this summer in Tennessee, invading a food booth at a carnival. When a worker walks in the door, the bear is startled and leaps at her while trying to get out and away, scratching the worker’s arm. The bear was later euthanized.

Black bears can be seen all year round, though they do a form of “hibernation”, with a lower body temperature and metabolic rate, referred to as “denning”. Carolee says you might see a bear out anytime, partly due to them “getting mixed up with our weather”, and the warmer-than-usual winters that we’ve seen the past few years. 

Black bears are the smallest bear found in North America, weighing up to 500 pounds. Mama black bears are good parents, and will usually send her babies up a tree if she thinks danger is near. Bears are very skilled climbers!

Black bears are being seen in “new” territories, all over North America. While rare, there are even sightings of black bears down in Texas, in the hill country! Texas Parks and Wildlife confirmed 154 bear sightings in 2022, up from 80 in 2021, and up from 25 in 2020. 

At our house, we have our chickens secured, and only feed them enough food that they can consume that day. We keep a small transistor radio on low in the run. It helps keep predators away, though it might not keep a bear from passing through. Carolee says that “if a bear really wants to pass through your yard, he’s going to.”

Trooper isn’t so sure he likes being in “Gidget the Glamper” .

We try to make noise when we go outside. We don’t leave food outside or in the camper, and bird feeders are put away through the summer. We are doing our best to be bear aware.

Other good advice is to use electric fencing with beehives, and don’t put your garbage out the night before. Adding ammonia can help deter a bear from dumpster diving, as well.

It’s still exciting to see a bear in the wild, and it took me close to 30 years to see one! Please note that ALL photos in this post were taken from inside, or are clips from security cameras. No humans were ever “up close”.

Cute and cuddly…
Not so cuddly.

While we humans grow up  thinking “teddy bears” are cute and cuddly, black bears are WILD animals, and can be considered Apex predators. Keeping them naturally wary of humans, and not “used” to us as a food source, will allow humans AND bears to stay safe. 

Have you seen a bear in the wild? If so, where? Tell me about it in comments, or just say “hello” so I know you stopped by!

  1. Marge+Turner says:

    I’ve only seen 1 bear crossing my path although we know they live here. Our problem is raccoons. We recently heard of a cougar sighting nearby. That is much more frightening to me than a bear!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marge! The one time I had to call Animal Control to come assist us was when my daughter was a little girl. She was having an after-school playdate with a friend, and a very sick raccoon came on our deck and was drooling and hissing through the window. It was falling over and definitely ill. With all the wildlife we see, that was one time in 30 years. We have seen bobcats several times, and one hungry racoon grabbed a hot dog right off the grill before running into the woods! He was a bandit! I like seeing wildlife, as long as it is from a safe distance. 😉 Cougars would frighten me, too! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Ladybug loves lilacs says:

    We’ve only seen evidence of a bear at my husband’s grandparents camp in Pennsylvania. It was a big one. He left the imprint of claws on the screen door of the cabin. Grandpa cut out that piece of screen and replaced it but I think he kept the damaged screen. I would not want to have met that fellow on the way to the outhouse . It was always a fear of mine when going there. I have not heard of any here in Ohio but who knows. We do see coyote sometimes.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      OH MY GOODNESS! Good thing no one ran into that bear! I have seen bear prints in the mud in our woods – they are so amazing and HUGE! I don’t know if there are bears in your state, either. It’s interesting what states have what bears. I am just glad we have black bears and not grizzlies!! Coyotes are here, too. We hear their howls and playing often. Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Ellen Ottoson says:

    Hi, I now wonder if you should not be setting up bee hives if bears are around your home! I live in Ohio an hour from Dayton area. I had been at my kitchen sink and caught site of motion out of the window. A large “dog” was loping through our open back yard at a fast pace. I began to realize it was quite different in that its chest was very deep and its abdomen at its hips was small. All I could think of was my 1950’s TV watching of Wylie Coyote cartoons. I asked our veterinarian and he said there were many sitings of them as we have many farms in this area. They have since moved on as I no longer hear them singing. Love your newsletters!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Ellen, yes, that definitely is something to take into consideration (bee hives). I can’t get over how fast the bear population has grown in the past few years, especially down in Texas! When I was a child and my dad had the ranch in the hill country, I roamed free as could be, though we had to be careful of the boars, which are now a big problem, too. We see the lone coyote/wolf/coy-dog pass through our area every so often, too. They scare me because of my pups, even though we never take them out without leashes. When everyone is safe inside, I do think their howls are pretty cool, though. Thanks for reading and commenting; I am so glad you enjoy my posts! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Karen says:

    Up here in New Hampshire I’ve seen foxes, coyotes, deer, wild turkeys and hawks. I’ve seen a bear twice. Once walking through our front yard. He was moving so fast we didn’t get a chance to take pictures. The one animal I have yet to see is a moose. I’ve lived here for over 30 years and not one moose. Which is surprising living in NH. There’s even a moose on the state license plate.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Karen! I have been to New Hampshire a few times…such a beautiful state. Not too far from us. I have never seen a moose, but while I would love to see one, I would rather have a bear than a moose nearby. They can be extremely dangerous! Did you hear that we had a lone moose wander into Connecticut last year? He apparently came from up North, and found himself in the Lowes parking lot – a populated area in a big city! Moose on the Loose! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Gerry Anderson says:

    We have bears wander through our yard every so often. Mostly at night, but occasionally during the daylight hours as well. There are so many more bears around now than there were years ago. I don’t worry too much about them though.
    However, we do have a large population of mountain lions here as well. We even had one try to get into the house to get to one of our dogs sleeping next to an open sliding door. My wife startled it, and it screamed at her before running off. It killed a deer in our yard that next night. Our fish and game warden had to shoot it as it was watching children get off of the school bus just down the street from us.
    I’ll take the bears any day!!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Gerry, that is so scary! Mountain lions are something you do not want to tangle with, for sure. We saw a bobcat here last summer, at our local ice cream stand. We were sitting on a bench at the side of the shop, and a mom with her little four year old was sitting on the opposite side on a bench. There are tables and benches all set up, and then beyond that are some woods. All of a sudden, a bobcat popped out of the woods and started walking toward the mom and her toddler. My daughter saw it and gasped; the bobcat stopped, looked at her and turned back in the woods to run away. I am not sure what he was doing, but it startled us all! I am so glad your wife startled the mountain lion, and your dogs were not harmed! Thanks for reading and commenting! ~Nicole

  6. Kim B says:

    We live in the Front Range of southern CO and it’s quite common to see wildlife roaming the area. Deer walk down the road like they own it. Bears love our garbage days (and dumpsters in town.) Neighbor’s cameras are catching mountain lions in yards. The local raccoons visit at our bedroom slider. The skunks aren’t afraid of us or the barn cats. We leave them alone, and they do the same. Though my husband still speaks of his ‘bear attack’ when he was out in our backyard early one morning and found a bear lounging on our lawn!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Kim, yes, your area sounds like ours! We had the cutest skunk walk about the other day. He was so fluffy! I love seeing the wildlife. It’s part of the charm of living in the suburbs. It’s the people who DO NOT leave the wildlife alone that make them a problem to humans. Love the bear lounging on you lawn! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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Harvesting Backyard Honey

If you’ve read my blog for a long time, you KNOW I have on my “bucket list” to someday be a backyard beekeeper. I recently got to find out first-hand what it takes to keep bees, and what an amazing time it was!

A wee bumblebee flies to a spring flower in my garden.

I’ve always been fascinated by bees (bees, not wasps. Even though wasps are beneficial insects, I have had too many run-ins with them, and have a hearty fear of getting too close to the little spawns of Satan). Bees, on the other hand, are so much more docile, and won’t bother you if you don’t mean them harm. They are Mother Nature’s little angels. Without bees, we would not have food, or most plants, for that matter. 

Just the fact that bees can fly is a miracle in itself. Their wings, in proportion to their bodies, would make it improbable that they could have flight, yet they are amazing and fast flyers. The honey they make is also a miracle. Honey is not only delicious, but has antioxidants, antibacterial properties, and can even heal wounds. It’s better for blood sugar than eating refined sugar, and I’m convinced that because I eat a bit of local honey everyday, I no longer suffer from seasonal allergies.

As a tried-and-true farmgirl, I keep chickens, have a veggie garden, and love to can and preserve. Beekeeping seems like a natural step in being more self-sufficient. 

A family that lives down the street knows that I love honey, and hope to someday be a beekeeper myself, so they recently invited us to join their family in harvesting spring honey, so we could get a taste of what it takes to keep hives. My daughter and I were so excited! 

The first thing we did when we arrived was to make sure that we were protected. Though it was a hot July day, we wore long pants and long sleeves.

I’m ready for adventure!

Randa loaned me a beekeeper’s suit (it was a coincidence that she loaned me one in my favorite shade of pink)! 

Mohamed has several hives. He says when I decide to have bees, it’s good to start with at least two hives, to keep the hives strong and healthy. The hive boxes he has are insulated, a better choice for our very cold winters than traditional wooden hives. 

First, smoke from a smoker was used to help calm and disorient the bees, so they would be less likely to sting. The smoke wasn’t irritating; it reminded me of a campfire.

As we helped lift the trays of honey from the hives to the cart that would carry them to the next step, Audrey and I were surprised just how heavy the trays of honey were! Each tray contained honey, honeycomb and wax where the bees had closed the “cells”, behind which the delicious honey was found. You need some upper body strength to be a beekeeper!

The bees were not really aggressive. Mohamed told us that they would first “warn” us by buzzing into us. It was at first a bit unnerving when a few bees “buzzed” and flicked the screen covering my face. We moved slowly so as to not upset them, but also to be careful not to hurt any of the bees by stepping on them, as a few landed on the ground. The buzzing sound of the bees was harmonious. 

A second hive was housed in a different type of box, where jars could be filled right at the hive. On the side, one could view the hive of bees as they worked. Mohamed filled a large jar of honey for us to take home. 

After we filled the cart, we moved indoors to where the spinner was.

Using a large heated knife, Mohamed taught us how to slice the wax off the trays.  It was not as easy as it looked, and was more difficult if the wax was thinner, as opposed to thick. 

Audrey and I each try our hand at using the electric knife to remove the beeswax, not a physically easy task. Any remaining little bits of wax were hand-picked using a special tool.
Once the wax is removed, the trays go into the spinner.

The spinner would spin the trays, collecting the honey at the bottom. The empty trays were considerably lighter in weight than before. Mohamed says when he first had bees, he used a manual spinner for the honey, as opposed to the large electric one.

I could not believe how much honey was harvested from one hive! We filled a large bucket of beautiful, golden honey. (Honey, if stored properly, doesn’t go bad. It’s Nature’s perfect food).

Mohamed shared this photo with me the other day, of the bees in the beautiful lavender plants they have planted in their garden.

“Spring” honey is lighter in color and tastes different than “fall”, which is darker. Taste depends on what flowers are available for the bees, and where they are. Mohamed also had us taste honey harvested from where they used to live in New York state; it had a different taste than what is harvested in Connecticut. We got to try it, along with Randa’s amazing homemade cheese.

We always love seeing bees in our yard. We have noticed more honeybees in the grass on the clover; when we see them we smile and think they must be visiting from Mohamed’s house! Their hives are very healthy; some beekeepers take all the fall honey from their bees and replace it with sugar water; Mohamed does not do that. 

Before we realized, we had been visiting for several hours! We had the best time, and appreciated all of their amazing hospitality! It was so much fun getting to know our neighbors, and was a wonderful learning experience, as well. Harvesting honey was an event, and I loved that their whole family joined in. Harvesting honey is a lengthy process, and keeping bees is definitely not an easy task. I certainly have a deeper appreciation for the amount of time, expense and hard work that goes into beekeeping, but it is a such wonderful, rewarding thing to do!

Tell me, are you a beekeeper, as well? What is your favorite way to consume honey? Drop me a line and say “hello” in the comments below so I know you dropped by!

  1. Ladybug loves lilacs says:

    It is quite a task to take on beekeeping. My brother was a beekeeper when he lived in Canada. Honey is definitely liquid gold! I loved seeing all the ins and outs of how the honey is extracted and kept for use. The different things that can be made. He used to make beeswax candles and send them as gifts.
    I hope you have much success in your beekeeping endeavor!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      I am so fascinated by how much work goes into it, yet it totally seems like such a wonderful, worthwhile thing to do! Bees are such amazing insects, and we depend on them so much. I have really been enjoying the jar of honey. I definitely want to have a hive or two, eventually. I also found out from a friend that there is a large beekeepers’ club in my area. There is definitely a big time and work commitment to keeping bees, but I have never met a beekeeper that did not love it!

      Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Booker Hendrie says:

    I always enjoy your articles!

  3. Marlene Cosner says:

    I enjoyed seeing the pictures and learning about the process…I love honey!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marlene, thank you! I am glad you enjoyed the blog post. I definitely have a greater appreciation for the whole process, that is for sure! Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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What A Difference A Month Makes!

Happy Summer! The season is officially here, and I am so happy! What a difference a month makes, especially in an area where there are four distinct seasons. It’s been a busy couple of weeks!

Remember the beautiful trails, the Audubon’s Bent-of-the-River, from last month’s blog? Well, a month later, look at it now! We have been hiking several more times over the last month, and it looks different and even more beautiful, each time! 

This is an overlook from the birdwatching tower, that we did not go in before. Look how alive the area looks now – so green and blooming! I took this photo on a late afternoon, no filter.
Hello, sweet bird!
So peaceful and green, the riverbank looks so different from a month ago. I wish you could hear all the birds singing!
Last weekend, my daughter and I were so excited to notice several ebony jewelwing damselflies! They are so pretty, that they look like something out of a fairy tale!

At home, I have also noticed more birds have returned, as well, including my beloved hummingbirds. We were worried when they showed up, but inexplicably disappeared suddenly (several of my friends noticed this, too). Fortunately, they seem to be back! This little guy had “breakfast” with us one morning. 

Just an FYI, the bottle is red, not the contents, and the food is changed frequently.
This little guy comes daily, and perches on my trellis. Sometimes I think he is watching us!
Hello, Love!
Everything’s coming up rosie! My flower beds are alive with color.

The season started out really rainy! We had so much rain at the beginning of the month, that water began to puddle in the front of the yard. Frogs moved in, thinking we had a new pond! In addition to green frogs, we also have peepers, toads, and tree frogs. The sound they make is like a little symphony! 

I’m looking forward to seeing fireflies dancing in the woods and yard. We should see them in a few weeks. Did you know the reason for their decline is because of the chemicals many people put on their lawns? This is a photo from late last June.

Fireflies use the soil, duff, and leaf litter to overwinter and lay their eggs, and their larvae eat snails, slugs and caterpillars. Putting chemicals on the lawn and using insecticides results in a decline in these sweet little insects. Too much outdoor lighting can also affect their numbers, so turn your porch lights off during firefly season!

I recently also got my vegetable garden planted. I was worried at first, since the weather has been warm during the day, cool at night. Putting vegetables into cold soil is a problem, since cold soil can bring on issues like blossom end rot in tomatoes later in the season. Remember to water early in the day, avoiding overhead watering, to keep down plant diseases that occur when water is left on leaves overnight.

Grow, little seedling, grow!
PEAS, PLEASE! Aren’t those little markers the cutest? They were made by a local artisan.

This looks to be a great season! Every day I am harvesting peas, which were planted in March as soon as the ground was thawed. I’ve got several types of tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, snowpeas, arugula, carrots, squash, cucumbers, swiss chard, radishes, and watermelon planted. 

Garlic will be harvested in a few weeks, though I really do plant it more for the scapes than the actual garlic. MaryJane first introduced me to garlic scapes in her first book, so many years ago, and I have been hooked ever since! On the other side of the property, corn is coming up, and we’ve got blue potatoes to look forward to harvesting. Everything is planted from seed. Planting a garden from seed is not only economical, but you also know exactly how your food was planted (I do everything organically). I also feel such a great sense of pride when harvesting food for my family that I planted, beginning with seed. I think this is going to be a great season, much better than last year, when we had all the smoke coverage from the horrible Canadian wildfires!

We recently attended an outdoor college graduation party in picturesque Bethlehem, for a dear friend’s daughter, who is also one of my daughter’s friends.

Our girls met when they were little, as Daisy Girl Scouts, so long ago. The party was held on a working  farm. In addition to running a CSA, a farm store, and Pick-Your-Own, March Farm also rents out beautiful landscape areas for events.

It was a picture-perfect day, and the party was held under the shade of large, beautiful trees, including a weeping willow, and next to a large pond where guests could take paddle boats out into the water. A pizza truck provided a scrumptious lunch for everyone, and my friend, who threw the amazing party for her daughter,  baked dozens upon dozens of homemade cupcakes, (that looked like works of art and tasted like cups from Heaven) for dessert. My friend Erin always amazes me at all she does, and is the best baker I have ever met (her daughter is just as wonderful). I think when we are able to witness friends or family grow from a child to an adult, and see what great things they do, it is such a blessing! 

My daughter’s boss recently gave us a handful of rhubarb from her garden. I have to admit, despite being an Advanced Master Gardener, my interaction with rhubarb has been very little, but I have always loved anything made with it because I love its tartness, especially when paired with sweet. While the leaves are toxic, the rhubarb stalks can be green or red, depending on the maturity of the plant. I had strawberries on hand, but not enough of either to make a pie, and any recipes I found sounded too sticky or sweet, or full of dairy such as buttermilk, including quick breads (my daughter is allergic to cow’s milk).

Y’all know I love a good quick bread, so I made this, working off of my recipe last year that I created for my cherry bread. The result was delicious (and quickly disappeared)! My version is moist, not too sweet, and perfect for breakfast with a cup of coffee.

Suburban Farmgirl Strawberry-Rhubarb Quick Bread

2 cups flour

2 tsp baking powder

½ tsp Himilayan pink salt

¾ cup organic sugar

¼ tsp cinnamon

Sift dry ingredients together and set aside.

Cut 4 stalks of rhubarb into pea-sized pieces, equal to one cup, and combine with one cup of fresh strawberries, cut into pea-sized pieces, tossed with 2 additional TBSP of flour. Set aside.

Whisk together 1 large egg, 1 tsp vanilla, ½ cup of oat milk, and ¼ cup of organic  coconut oil, or other oil of your choice. Fold into the dry ingredients, and mix together until all is moistened. Lastly, fold in the rhubarb and strawberries. 

Fold into a greased loaf pan. (I prefer glass, like Pyrex).

Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to one hour, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool quick bread completely before removing from the loaf pan and slicing. ENJOY!

I also know it’s officially summer when we can sneak off to the beach! It was a balmy, breezy day recently – just perfect!

Such a treat after all the cool, wet weather! The humidity was low, the sun was high, and the water was cool, but not too cold to dip into. I adored being at my “happy place”! I love the ocean sounds, and walking up and down the shoreline. Walking in the sand is great exercise!

At home, on the porch, my potted herbs and flowers greet us every morning. I love geraniums, because of their classic, “it’s summer” look (they remind me of my childhood) and ease of care, but I am also IN LOVE with the beautiful pot of Osteospermum flowers that my daughter bought for me. 

Also known as African daisies, these stunning flowers have only been available here in the states since the nineties. I love this specimen’s gorgeous, purple and orange buds! 

In the front herb garden, herbs such as thyme, sage, mint and oregano are doing very well this year. I have an abundance of herb plants, so each morning I am picking a bit and flash-drying them in my dehydrator, to use in winter when fresh herbs are done. Picking herbs early in the day ensures the best flavor, and dehydrating them is economical (have you seen the prices on spices and herbs these days? Yikes!) but also keeps fresh, great taste. Some cooks prefer to freeze fresh herbs but I find dehydration tastes just as good and preserves the wonderful aroma and color. Once dehydrated, which only takes a few hours, I crush the leaves and store in an airtight container or jar. I can also put my dehydrated herbs in pretty jars to give to friends at the holidays.

My “girls” are laying more eggs with the longer, sunnier days, as well. 

My favorite pet hen, “Baby” loves to snack on clover blossoms.

Inside, I also always look forward to a few summer crafts, as well as summer knitting and sewing projects. This summer, I am going to finish as many “WIP”s” (works-in-progress) as I can. I have several knitting projects I want to finish, and I’m sewing up a cute, quilted patchwork table runner in summer colors for my coffee table. Sewing clips are a game changer!

My friend, Linda, gave me a tin of these wonderful clips! My sewing is so much more enjoyable without struggling with pinning! They hold fabric together better than pins, and are so fast and easy to use.

Linda says these clips from wawak.com are the best ones, and are at a great price, to boot. I wish I had known about them a long time ago!

I’m ready to embrace the summer season, how about you?

Trooper says, “I’m ready, Mama!”

Tell me, what’s going on with you? What projects are you working on, and what’s growing in your garden? I love hearing from my fellow farmgirl friends and readers!  Leave me a comment and let me know you stopped by!

  1. Margaret King says:

    I loved this article, Nicole. Our garden is coming on slowly, but recent warmer weather has helped everything come alive.
    My most recent project was a “Job Jar” (I made it a “Positive Sayings” jar. Our ladies group from church got together to make them out of colored craft sticks, then tied little ribbons to the tops where our leaders husband had drilled little holes. Then we placed them in 1/2 pint jars. They are so colorful and can be a fun gift to give to a favorite friend.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Margaret, thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed the post! I love your “Positive Sayings” jar craft! What a great idea! The warmer weather will make everything “pop” – I can’t believe from morning to morning how much bigger the tomato plants and other veggies are! I can’t wait to have lots of good things to harvest! Have a wonderful start to summer! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Bernadine Graham says:

    The bread looks absolutely delicious! I’m going to try it.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Bernadine! It was soooo good! It only lasted a day at our house, (though we shared it with two friends, as well). Let me know what you think! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Sheila LaPoint says:

    Hi Nicole, my you are one busy Bee! I too am going to try your Bread recipe. I have my annuals all potted and planted and this year I bought some Chamomile and have it growing in a large planter so I can pick it and dry it for winter time tea, I also have my basil planted so I can make pesto and freeze it. I love summer when it comes in Vermont it is such a short lived season I enjoy every moment of it. I too am working on summer crafts. I love love your little dogs hat.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sheila! It sounds like you are a busy farmgirl bee, too! My chamomile is just about to bloom in the flowerbed – I see the flower heads forming but no flowers yet. I bet you are getting the big heat wave we are having, too, so I am betting by the end of the week with all this sun, I will have flowers. How do you make yours into tea? I would like to try that, as well. I also make lots of freezer pesto at the end of the summer. So delicious! I buy my pine nuts at Costco – they are so much cheaper than the grocery store and they freeze well. My little dog loves his hat, too. He is practically bald on top of his head, lol, so it keeps him from burning. What summer crafts have you got going this year?
      Enjoy the summer! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Kim B says:

    I bought a pot of the Zion Sunset osteospermums this year too. They are so pretty!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Kim, aren’t they wonderful? We got a new “plant vendor” nearby that says they came from Pennslyvania (I am convinced the best flowers come from Pennsylvania)! Have you ever overwintered them? I overwinter several annuals; my potted red daisies are now three or four years old. I think I will try with these. They are so full and blooming! I just love them. Enjoy! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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Farmgirl Roadtrip: A Beautiful Place

Spring is in full force in New England. Everything is fresh and green, flowers are blooming, and migratory birds have returned. The winter, with its calm and quiet of snow and rest is gone, replaced by the happy sounds of movement and new life. 

One of my favorite towns in Connecticut is Southbury. With many restaurants, stores and various businesses, an antique district, and a population of around 20,000, Southbury is bustling. Nestled within the town is a special place, bursting with true natural beauty. 

While all four seasons are amazing, there’s many things to do in New England after winter’s thaw. Each Spring, I look forward to going to my hometown’s Earth Day celebration with my longtime dear friend and neighbor, Susan. This year, we stopped by the Audubon Society’s booth. There, we picked up some wonderful brochures, information on birds, and a colorful poster. One brochure we received was the trail map of the beautiful Audubon Center Bent of the River. Since it was a pretty, cool spring day, we decided to take a walk, and headed to the next town over – Southbury, to enjoy the scenery. 

Often referred to as a “hidden gem”, Bent of the River is breathtaking. When we arrived, we wondered how it was that we had both lived nearby with our families for so long (over 25 years) without knowing about this spectacular site! Part of the National Audubon Society, Bent of the River’s mission is to “conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats”. At 700 acres, the sanctuary’s acreage has increased over time. Different areas of the land boast various points of interest, including areas thriving with native and wild plants, a glacial rockslide, a seasonal waterfall, and several meadows – habitats that unfortunately are becoming more rare in Connecticut. Next to the parking lot is an area known as the Medici Wildflower Meadow.

Parts of the trail, such as this wooden bridge, looked like something out of a storybook.

Bent of the River feels like you are in another world, and time has stopped. It’s peaceful and quiet, while at the same time gifting visitors with the melodic sounds of singing birds. With 34 sanctuaries across the United States, the Audubon Society is only the fourth to inhabit the land in Connecticut at Bent of the River. 

Eleazer Mitchell purchased land that now includes the Audubon sanctuary land, from the last chief of the Pootatuck Native Americans in the 1750’s; Mitchell Family Farm is still an active part of Southbury today.

In 1934, Althea and Howard Clark purchased five hundred acres. Althea was very conservationist-minded, and upon her death in 1992 bequeathed the land, along with its house and barn, to the Audubon. In 1993, visitation at the time was private, by appointment only.

In 2001, the “red barn“ became what is now “The Center”. The Sanctuary, now always open to the public, 363 days a year until sunset – is closed to visitors on only two days in the late fall and winter. The house is now home to the live-on caretaker of the property, the Land and Facilities Manager. 

On our recent visit, the first birds we noticed were a beautiful pair of ducks swimming along the Pomperaug River, the sound of the flowing water adding to the peacefulness. 

Along our walk, we stopped many times to take in all of the various natural beauty around us, sustainably maintained. Senior Center Manager, Robin Ladouceur, says there are “550 acres of mixed forest, with over 153 species of birds”.  Through special habitat management, The Center tries to “diversify the species of trees and manage shrubby meadows to aid early successional birds such as the blue winged warbler, the prairie warbler, indigo bunting, and field sparrow, to support bird nesting.” They also strive to rejuvenate the natural understory, due to grazing deer that also call the area home. 

Can you spy the nest in this tree?

Creatures besides birds call the Bent of the River sanctuary home. Visitors may also see muskrat, beaver, and mink along the river. 

We spied this non-venomous beauty on the side of an old, large tree. Don’t worry, she is just showing curiousity, no aggression, and this photo was taken from a distance with a zoom.
These trees are full of praying mantis cocoons, a beneficial insect and signs of a healthy habitat.

There are many educational, scouting and volunteer opportunities to be found at The Center, as well. On the day we visited, Boy Scouts were camping, working on a badge. There are also various adult classes, and summer day camps for kids. Information is available at the Center or on the website.

We passed several other groups of hikers and families. One woman we met was sitting on a picnic bench at the barn, taking photos of one of the nearby birdfeeders. She marveled at how she had “never seen so many beautiful cardinals at one place”. 

It was a lovely time spent with my friend. After a few hours, we headed back to the car, refreshed and rejuvenated from our visit. There is nothing as good for the soul as time spent in nature. I can’t wait to go back and bring my family to see what other birds, wildlife and flora are thriving, especially at various times of the year. The Audubon Center Bent of the River is truly a beautiful place!

I hope you enjoyed this visit! Wishing you all a beautiful Spring season! Remember to let me know that you were here by leaving me a comment below!

  1. Ladybug loves lilacs says:

    Wow! Thanks for sharing all the great photos. Looks like a great day getaway for a few hours.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi! Yes, it was so wonderful. I did not get to see all of it yet. I can’t wait to go back, and look at some of the other areas, as well, such as The Overlook, which gives a view of the lower Pomperaug Valley. Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. CJ Farmgirl says:

    Hi Nicole, Thank you for sharing a beautiful place, a”hidden gem”, through your camera’s focused eye on the National Audubon Society, “Bent of the River’s” sanctuary for bird’s, other wildlife, and their habitats.
    Your genuine photography artistic skill and decisiveness has served us as a tool for depicting the harmony between thought and action, as well as providing a path for cultivating it!
    This “Hidden Gem” is a positive means to introduce the principles of nature’s existence that is capable of enhancing every part of our lives. Through the combined focus of your camera, your life’s vision and nature’s sanctuary’s, the “Farmgirl Roadtrip: A Beautiful Place” gives birth to something magical and heartfelt. Gratefully,

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi CJ, thank you so much for this beautiful comment! I am so honored that you liked the post so much. Nature is so beautiful; I am thankful there are people such as the Audubon Society, and places such as Bent of the River. Thank you again for commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Margaret King says:

    Thank you for sharing your time at the Audubon Bent at the River. Your photos refreshed my soul for Moher Nature’s beauty.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Margaret,
      Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed this post! I was so very pleasantly surprised how beautiful and quiet it was (except for the natural sounds of the birds, wind and water). I am so happy to share my visit with you. Thank you for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. LOVER of nature says:

    Wonderful post! I have forwarded onto a couple of CO friends that I bet have not visited Bent of the River yet. I know they love hiking. Am hoping this will motivate them to “go see” your Audubon “gem”. Thank you!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi there! Thank you so much! I hope that your friends do visit Bent of the River and enjoy it. It is really magical. Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Lisa Cesare says:

    Hi Nicole – Great photos!!! We should meet for a hike here – the 7 mile loop includes the Mitchell Farm area – it is truly a peaceful place

  6. Don Ramsey says:

    Wonderful article about a “hidden gem”! We are so fortunate to have that in our neck of the woods! Your photos are incredible like your descriptive writing!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Don, thank you so much! That is a very nice compliment coming from you since your photos are always amazing! Always wonderful to hear from you, my dear friend. ~Nicole

  7. Marlene Rene Cosner says:

    Hello! What a nice little trip you took us through with the pictures and story line. Really felt like I was there….

  8. Karen Martell says:

    Hi Nicole!
    What a very special place you found! Thank you for sharing your walk with your readers! It felt almost like I was there with you! Areas like these are rare and so very special! 🙂

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Karen, thank you! Every corner we rounded seemed to show us something more spectacular than the area before, and I have not yet seen all of the special points of interest. I can not wait to go back! Thank your for reading and commenting, and I am glad you enjoyed today’s visit! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  9. Mary Murray says:

    You’re so right…nature is good for the soul – it makes me slow down and helps clear the cobwebs that are sometimes in my mind! Is that an old dugout home with the red door? It looks like a great getaway…and going back each season would be amazing! Thanks for letting us know about it!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Mary, I am not sure what that door leads to, but is part of the original house. I have been exploring the trails more, and it is all so breathtaking! It has quickly become one of my most favorite-ever places! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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