Tropical Farmgirl

The last time I wrote I was preparing to leave on a family vacation to Hawaii!  We have returned to Alaska, but I’d love for you to join me for a trip down memory lane to three weeks ago….


A walk through paradise. Those are mahogany trees framing the left. They were planted when the farmer started this farm a few decades ago.

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  1. Krista says:

    Kauai is my all time favorite place in Hawaii! It’s so beautiful and peaceful! Your adventure there sounds like so much fun. It’s really cool hearing that they have an organic farm but it’s crazy that they only have one. All the fruit looks so delicious and I can practically taste them just looking at the photos! Nice post. Thanks for sharing your grand adventure.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Krista! It is such a beautiful place. I think many of the farms there have organic growing methods, this is just the only certified organic production. You are right about it being peaceful–it was the healthiest and happiest we have all been in a long time (maybe ever?). Magical place!

  2. Marlene Capelle says:

    As I read this and look at the fabulous pictures we are having our first real snow storm. For a minute there I forgot. Thanks. The final picture – wow.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Marlene! It was pretty wild to go from eighty degree Kauai to SIXTEEN degree Alaska. However, the northern lights greeted us on our landing, so that was pretty special :). Enjoy your snow!

  3. Susabelle says:

    I live along the Front Range in northeast Colorado (east side of the Rockies). My eggplant routinely reach 3-4 feet in height and are massive producers. We have a short season, but not as short as yours in Alaska. But still, they are great producers and remarkable when you realize that enormous bush is an eggplant!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      So neat! Growing up, eggplants were always on little plants, 1.5 to 2 feet tall. Those huge bushes are amazing! My friend mentioned that the plants were only two or three months old. Incredible!

  4. Karna Sperlin says:

    My husband and I are eating dinner talking about your blog
    My husband and I were in Kauai at the same time as you wee and spent many days walking on Anini Beach
    You don’t happen to be the ” Alaskan Mermaid”??!!!
    Looking at the pics my husband took of you sure look like your pic on your blog!
    If I had known it was you in the sand done up as a mermaid– I would have chatted ! Love your blog and Mary Janes magazine!!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Hi Karna! That was me! How funny, I remember you very clearly. I so wish we could have made that connection on the beach, but at least we get to make it now. Farmgirls in paradise! Let’s go back…

  5. mariah says:

    I have always considered Mary Jane’s Farm a refuge from the political turmoil going on in our country. Your left-handed reference to your political views are unwelcome, in my opinion. I am not talking about a for or against opinion of the outcome of the election but The fact that this space ought to be a politics free space. Let”s pay attention to our Farmgirl values and goals…please. There is a time and A PLACE for the sharing of politics. I did not think this is the place nor the time.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      I appreciate your comment, Mariah. I wanted to be clear that this was a moment of escape from the turmoil that was happening in the media, in our relationships and in our communities. A large part of my Farmgirl values and goals is to protect the rights of us and all women. In fact, one of the Farmgirl badges is for community action, so this is not a political desert. Lately, I have questioned why talking politics is such a faux pas…as politics do greatly affect our every day lives. Anyhow..I am a politically active person, so it was on the forefront of my mind while writing my post. I have written about politics in the past in regards to living green/agriculture. I understand why it bothers you, but I tried to make the intro as nonpartisan as possible while keeping my voice. However, I can see your frustration with this intro and I’m happy to change it.

  6. Joan says:

    Oh be still my heart!! what a glorious trip you had and thanks so much for sharing it through words and pictures. My dream trip just came true. God bless.

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