Peace, Man, Peace

Farmlife has provided me with more opportunities to think about things. I spend a considerable amount of time using the muscles in my arms or legs, rather than my head. That leaves my head muscle “available.” Available to ponder and contemplate and think things through. Like, when I shovel the manure out of the barn-thinking time! Or when I drive the tractor through the hayfield-thinking time! Or when I weed-eat-thinking time! If you’ve hung out with me for any period of time here, you know that PEACE is one of my quests. For me, for the tiny corner of my world, and for the whole world.

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  1. Good Job Rebekah, You think like I sometimes think. My little garden boxes make me so happy and I feel good working them. I am 71 and have “old Arthur” which hurts so bad some times, but keep moving and sometimes works it out a little. But I have peace and I try to smile at every one I meet. Maybe it will be the only smile they get and it might make them feel better. Hugs Juanita Massey farm sister #1020

  2. Maureen says:

    Wonderful post! I have a quote on my desk “do something today that your future self will thank you for”. It’s applicable to so many things, but the greatest reward is helping the people I interact with. Many times it is just listening and a smile that helps the most…..and for me, a restorative walk during my lunch hour! (I must admit, that spinning wool in the evenings helps too!)

  3. Deb Bosworth says:

    Peace from the East, my farmgirl bloggin’ sister!
    I so love your way of looking at (and living) life. Love your peace tips…Just think what the world would be like if we replaced peace talks with your peace tips… PEACEFUL, that’s what. As Ive ” matured ” eh hem, I’ve adopted some rituals for bringing myself and others peace too. A good soak is right up there, loving and caring for animals unconditionally is one of the best lessons humans can learn. If we treated each other half as nice as we do our pets, the world would be brimming with happy, loving, accepting people. I love my dog and my girls to the moon! Growing anything plants hope in us and the world. It lets us slow down and appreciate the beauty of life and the cycle of life. It slows us down naturally. I like my thinking time in the garden and at the beach. While I weed, plant, harvest and arrange my flowers I think about how I can share all this beauty and my passion for flowers with more people. Flowers are salve to the soul. All people struggle once in a while. Some people can’t get out of their own way to have even one joyful moment in this world. It’s not up to us to try and change them, just to show them there’s a better, more peaceful way. YOU do that!
    Hugs and much love!

  4. JoEllen says:

    Such a wonderful, right on post, Rebekah! I so agree with all your points to have peace in your life. I have been a 24/7 caregiver to my mom in our home for 3 years now. Boy, do I need peace a lot! I have a little garden in my back yard that I can go and sit, have a cup of tea (hot or iced) and let my mind go blank while she is taking a nap. It’s OK to give yourself permission to not think about anything, but enjoy the sun on your face and feel grateful to be alive and well. Since my time with others is so limited, I practice compassion, love, and acceptance to my mom, who I have had to learn to love in a different way at this stage in both of our lives. Not easy by a long shot, but fulfilling. I try to show grace and understanding to my brother and his friends who are gay, and love them right where they are at no matter what my convictions are. Where are people supposed to find peace in this world unless we model it for them in our everyday life?

  5. Nicole says:

    Wise Words! My Take Away – Be Compassionate To Self. Hope you find peace today.

  6. Lin says:

    I love your sharing!! Makes me feel peaceful when i read them!! Thank you!

  7. Mary Ann Ashford says:


    Soul-refreshing. Thank you.

    Peace and Joy,
    Mary Ann

  8. Marji says:

    Thank you for your wise words of wisdom. Good Journeys to you and your family.

  9. marylou says:

    Wonderful learning from you, thank you, so much.
    have a nice day. I enjoy my tea slow.

  10. Denise Ross says:

    Rebekah, wonderful words. To cultivate peace in my world, I try to stop and pray for everyone, there are many that need them and see them theough eternal eyes. Yes it’s hard, and I’m hardest on myself. I’m beginning gardening so I can slow and watch and grow together with my plants. I try to be thankful at least three things daily and tell my family I love them. I love sitting having a cup of tea, I have many if I am tired or my soul is and just stop. I calm down and restore some peace and kindness into my world.
    I’m copying your circle, because I love it. Hope you don’t mind.
    Thanks for the reminder – I needed it today.
    Have a blessed day on your gorgeous farm
    From Australia

  11. Susana says:

    I have learned that such rituals….only give you temporary peace…because with out God at the center of your life there’s no peace that last. Be cause where there is fear, tbere is no peace. Perfect peace is only attainable if you have christ in you.the only hope for any lasting peace. Perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him.because witb him all things are possible. The King of Peace.He gives peace In A dark and terrifying world.

  12. Lu Ann says:

    Rebekah-I had saved your granola recipe on my computer. I can no longer pull it up on my computer and can’t find it on the website. I have made it several times and would live to have the recipe again. Thanks

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      Lu Ann, I will dig it up! I’m glad you enjoy it! I need to make a batch myself. It always makes me think of Autumn. 🙂 Hope you are well!

  13. Rebekah Teal says:

    Lu Ann, I just posted the recipe on the most recent post in the comment section. ENJOY! I change up this recipe often. Adding chocolate chips is amazin.

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Three Bucks

I’m wondering about YOUR best three dollar purchase? A cup of coffee can cost $3 these days, you know. So, what’s YOURS? What is your most favorite thing you’ve gotten for three hundred pennies?

Who, me? Well, the other day I’m at a thrift store.

And I see something that I simply must have.

“How much is IT?”

“Three bucks,” the clerk answered.


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  1. Hi Rebekah, Oh my. I love Kermit. I think he very cute. I love what you have done with him.
    The barn probably needs a barn Quilt. If you paint, or stencil. I’d try to paint the roof red. That would be an eye catcher. With your budget it may be hard unless you did it yourself. In any case , please be careful if you try yourself. Hugs, Juanita

  2. Robin in New Jersey says:

    Oh my goodness! Thank you for making me laugh today. What a fun idea!

  3. Diane Van Horn says:

    I think a big barn quilt would really help! Here is a little inspiration for you. I think that you and Kermit could do one for under $100 bucks. Maybe a quilt pattern that is regional or historic in your area. Make a big one and you won’t even notice the barn!

  4. Rebecca West says:

    The first thing I thought of was a “barn quilt”. I love seeing those on old barns and outbuildings. I even made one for my chicken house at my property that was sold last year and the new owners wanted to keep it.

  5. Adrienne says:

    Invite your neighbors to choose what they would like from the old milking equipment in exchange for painting the Old Milk House barn red with white trim. Put in some shelving (2x4s and 2x6s will do) for storage. That should fit your budget.

  6. Marcie says:

    WOW – you already have a great ‘start’ to something good with your ‘Old Milk House’. Leave the gray metal base color; looks like good sound siding and hope the roof is in good condition (no leaks) and you have power and a nice door on that sliding thingy. What about the floor, in good condition, I hope? Add some color to what you have, but I would be fearful about putting holes into the sides of a nice metal shed. Is the old rusty milking equipment worth anything? You might make some money off of that to re-invest in fixin’ up the shed. Folks will buy anything, even to make planters out of things. What are the dimensions of the shed? What do have in mind for it? Workshop would be a great idea or an office?

    Great possibilities here, Rebekah.

  7. I totally recommend a barn quilt or a very large wooden sign. Here’s my tutorial for painting a sign, I just wrote about it on Friday! 🙂

    – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

  8. denise says:

    Kermit made me laugh out loud! loved your big purchase and glad he has found a forever home. I agree with the other ladies about painting a quilt block on the old milk house.

  9. Elaine says:

    Oh I absolutely love Kermit! I need to find a big one like this. You got lucky when you found him! I agree, maybe a stenciled quilt on the side and a red or yellow roof. Maybe even a See Rock City sign!

  10. Monica says:

    I loved Kermit! Great $3 I agree! Now for that great barn….weed around it….put some flower pots in front with some bright colored flowers and if you still have energy…paint a sign on it….either a quote or some product you love! Or a mural, chickens, etc…….

  11. Denise says:

    Super cool Kermit you scored Rebecca. I’d the black – I think – a cheery red to zing up the grey a bit. And then run a creeping vine up the side facing the road through lattice work. I think it’d be cheap to begin with and and some charm to it. Can’t wait to see what you end up doing with it 🙂
    Happy days

  12. Denise says:

    Sorry, I’ve left out some words. I meant I’d paint the black slidy thing in a cherry red paint and then run up some painted white lattice on the road side and grow a beautiful green creeping vine up the side and then just keep the grass down around it. I think it would look charming. The milking things that you won’t use can be either sold of given/traded with your lovely neighbors if they’d want any of it. Repurpose what you can too, of it. It’s always fun to use things in completely different ways 🙂

  13. Denise says:

    I forgot to answer your question o. The best three bucks I ever spent. It was from a thrift store too and it was a beautiful white summer billabong top. I love love love thrift shopping /). I’ve scored so many unusual-fun-fantastic things at thrift shops. Totally loving Kermit’s adventures. I look forward to reading many more 🙂

  14. Debbie says:

    You are such a nut! Loved this post and Kerm-y. I need to ponder the Milk Barn a bit… I’ll be back! Hugs,
    Deb ( the Beach Farmgirl )

  15. Nancy says:

    For next year… Plant seeds like Brightly coloured Hollyhocks. Lupines. Spikes of coloured flowers all along? I just googled tall flowers and there’s heaps of pretty that wouldn’t cost a lot of money but would add a lot of kapow to a nice grey milk shed… (I’d plant some spring bulbs too a few a year so as not to break the bank).

  16. Cyndi Parker says:

    Love Kermit, he is so cute. the best thing I bought was a water color picture of Flamingo’s. They were having 50% off store wide at this thrift store and got it for $3.00. It is an original painting by a Florida artist and come to find out it was worth around $300. Best deal I ever got.

  17. Trish @ QUILTeakes says:

    How about some great DIY signage for the outside of the milk barn! Got Milk?, Dairy Fresh Milk, lots of possibilities! Loved Kermit’s shenanigans! We donated our Kermit years ago, makes me wish we still had him! Always enjoy your writings here and the back page of MJF magazine! (when I get my new copy that’s the first page I read)

  18. Joan says:

    CUTE!!!! Kerm-y, that was great fun. Now for the barn – yes weed eat – love the color, would see what I could salvage from the old equipment to make into planters, not just for flowers but lettuce, herbs, some BRIGHTS for sure, especially reds,purples, blues, oranges and then change them out for Fall. A QUILT – yes I think that would be wonderful, a lot of work but worth it. Will look forward to seeing pic’s. God bless.

  19. Marlene says:

    Add a great big gigantic multicolored pinwheel that twirls in the wind on top of the roof. Make it out of cardboard sealed with clear spray paint. See if it whistles.

  20. Susana says:

    Kermit s cute….paint him on The barn with his friend’s.

  21. Susana says:

    Kermit s cute….paint him on The barn with his friend’s.
    Best. Thing I got. For three dollars at the thrift store was a metal basket…
    Saw the same things at. Hobby Lobby for $30.I live for thrift store treasures. I go every week. Twice this. Week

  22. Meredith Williams says:

    I love the idea of tha barn quilt, but as I am the proud owner of a Kermit The Frog just like yours( !) I suggest a barn quilt with a Kermit in the middle! I have had my Kermit since the Muppett Show was on TV – many moons ago- I love that you found one too! It ain’t easy being green!❤️

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