Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds, Baked in a pie.
I have mad crows on my farm and I have mad fish.
(I, however, refrain from mad-dom as much as possible. Some days are easier than others.)
My little Disney dog, Strudel-Doodle, is a loving, kind dog. She is easy to get along with and loves everyone. Except. For. The. Crows.
Strudel-Doodle hates crows. I don’t know how this prejudice against crows developed, but it is strong and it is sure. She came to me with it. Hawks? no problem. Robins? whatever. Canada Geese? bring them on. But crows? Oh my lands. She goes mad, the crazy kind. She becomes mad, the angry kind. She chases them out of the airspace over her yard. Something about crows.
I feel bad for the crows, too. But barns are amazing and blocking the view of it would have been criminal. Those pine boards must smell awesome! Can’t wait to see if you get that cutting board made. 😀
LOVE your stories! I also LOVE that you are using the pine for your flooring…fab idea!
We once had a golden lab named Teddy who hated a particular set of birds-I think it was blackbirds. They would eat the dog food out of bowl. He never got over their thievery and barked and chased them every time they came around!
Just a word on how we kept the population of crows to a minimum at the campground where I worked. There were many pine trees and an old red barn. Sometimes the "murder" of crows was murder on the ears, especially when campers were coming out of their tents and RVs in the morning. We put up a couple of large ceramic owls on the sides of the barn as well as on top of the store building. Many birds would fly by but few would stay. The songbirds were fine being high in the pines and the real owls (we had some screech owl families) kept the field mice and gophers at a minimum. Maybe a ceramic owl or two?
Such great adventures you have Rebekah! I’m so jealous (a good kind) of your beautiful property, barns, stream, and yes, even crows. How exciting to discover something new and then find creative ways to deal with it. Priceless memories for you all. Our dog hates squirrels — I found her one day almost climbing a tree to get them — they drive her crazy and we seem to have a lot o them. We have only got a few snowflakes here in the Pacific Northwest — lots of rain though. Turns the roof, bricks, lattice and grass a not so lovely shade of florescent green! But I am determined to bloom where I am planted and be thankful. Have a wonderful day and I am looking forward to your next adventure!
Plant more trees in a different spot. Fruit trees? You love them in the spring.
I agree with those trees needing to be removed. Barn is lovely! Crows will survive. Best to have moved them before nesting time. maybe they will move to your neighbors and give you all a little peace and quiet.
We have a German Shepherd that loves all birds-to eat. The pigeons, blackbirds and crows come to eat her dog food and drink from her big water bucket. They all tease especially the crows. She just lays there so peaceful then suddenly all there is left are feathers. My dachshunds are all about hating chickens.
Oh my gosh the wood is so beautiful. I to am a country girl and love all your posts, thanks for sharing. Looking forward to more.
I agree totally! The view of the barn trumps the trees but being able to repurpose them into wonderful and useful things is an all around win-win! I adore your writing, thank you for sharing!
Those are going to be some beautiful floors. For the remnants I had alot of cedar remnants like that and I nailed them to 2×4’s and made a little corner fencing with a wild flower bed and bird bath. It was really cute. just an idea.
Rebekah, I thought of you as I was driving through the Blue Ridge Mountains yesterday, and it was snowing…again! You sure did get your wish for lots of snow!
I have a big dog that barks incessantly at vultures when they fly overhead. Maybe he is just making sure that they know that he is very much alive in case they want to make a very large meal out of him. Who knows.
Once again, I love your great sense of humor! I also love your pile of pine boards…I used to have pumpkin pine floors in my house in New Hampshire. The floors will mellow into a nice warm tone as they age. I did learn that if you have dogs that you may want to consider a Danish oil finish, rather than a urethane finish, because the oil will penetrate the wood. The floor will get scratched from the four legged friends, but it will wear better. BTW, I love your barn! Happy Spring!
Oh Rebekah "of sunny brook farm’ – you are a hoot!! Such great adventures you take us through. Na can’t really feel for the caw’s, everyone gets relocated now and again, trust me they will find a new home quickly. Thanks again for the peek into your exciting life. God Bless
I’m with Strudel, I don’t like crows either, evil, eye pecking harbingers of death! 🙂 We have Ravens where we live, and they are worse than a crow. They took out quite a few of my chickens last year.
I would have removed the pines for a view of the barn too, and what a great way to re-use them.
Love all your "farm" stories, makes my day. Thank you
It’s amazing how much actually goes on in the country (like trout-tossing)! Savor every moment!
Nancy from LiveaSavoryLife