” Is this not a true autumn day? Just the still melancholy that I love- that makes life and nature harmonize.” George Eliot
Dear Sisters,
I hope this note finds you all enjoying the gifts of autumn. They are many. Here on the shorelines we’ve hardly had any rain this month and the warm moderate temps have been favorable for all sorts of ” falling” around. Another season of “beaching” and “flowering” is winding down, and that familiar feeling of wanderlust which comes over me every autumn has returned, just like clockwork. It’s leaf peeping season in New England! Turn on your favorite travel music and let’s ” fall ” around!
I don’t know what comes over me in the fall, but I just get antsy. I start looking at real-estate even when we have no plans of moving anytime soon. My emotions vacillate between the deep urge to nest and the impulse to sell everything and start a brand new adventure! My mom gets this way too, so for us, the best (and most practical ) solution is to hit the road and go exploring. Fall has long been our favorite season, probably because we are both November babies. We lust all year to see the fall fireworks explode!
Last year we started a new annual tradition where we promised each other we would take a couple of days every October to explore the northern New England states. We just returned from our trip ” up north” and it was nothing short of fabulous.

I love me a big red barn!
We covered some of southern New Hampshire and Vermont in search of ” peak ” color spots and quintessential New England scenery. We passed farm stands, and country stores, big barns and little barns, new barns and falling down barns, B n B’s, country inns, and small town diners, antique shops and farms.
Everything about fall soothes the soul and excites the senses. Just to lay eyes on mountains was a treat for us but to see them ablaze in fiery red, orange and gold was an experience we’ll never forget. The overcast skies came and went and at times washed entire hillsides from our view.
We chased the color through hills and valleys and dirt roads too. The air smelled earthy, peppery and fresh.
Vermont is known for having the most ( just over 100 ) covered bridges in the United States. Driving past one or through one gives me an old-time feeling inside. Here’s my momma standing under her first wooden bridge in Vermont. She was so excited to check that off of her bucket list.
According to Wikipedia, these wooden relics are deemed authentic, not because of their age but because they were built with trusses rather than other methods such as stringers (a popular choice for non-authentic covered bridges).
We stayed a charming hotel called The Shire in Woodstock, Vermont. Our room had a river view and we were within minutes of the town center.
We always look for a local diner to grab a meal along the way. Here’s a list of Vermont’s 15 best diners just in case you’re headed that way sometime!
It was a quick trip but just what we needed to calm the gypsy in both of us. The scenery was breathtaking and the time together was priceless. My daughter says she wants to go next year! Hmm? I guess leaf-peeping isn’t just for us older gals, after-all.

Mother-daughter selfie.
Thanks for ” falling” around with us! What did you do this month to enjoy the bounty? Do you have an autumn ritual, too? We’d love to hear about it!
Until our next shoreline visit~
Autumn Blessings and much love!
The Beach Farmgirl,
Deb and her momma, Joy
Your pictures are absolutely stunning! Oh my goodness. They left me speechless. Your very first picture with the red leaves is calling my name. Oh how I would love to experience that in person. I haven’t had a chance to visit Vermont but I would love to travel there some day. From the looks of it I want to go in the Fall. I’m happy to hear you and your mom had such a good time.
Well, you’ll just have to plan a trip in the Fall won’t you Krista? I know you’ll love it and Fall is definitely the time to come.
Thank you for the note, as always!
Deb xoxo
Oh Deb,
I’m just dying over these amazing pictures. And what an awesome tradition for you and your darling Momma. It sort of made my heart go pitter patter because I think when my grand-girls are a little older that my daughter and I need to start a tradition like this. I love it!!!
Thanks, as always, for your awesome blog post and beautiful pictures. And your continual encouragement to the rest of us Farmgirls. We need you!
Dori, your fellow farmgirl blogger! 🙂 xoxoxo
Hi Dori!
I”m so glad you enjoyed the trip. You have already started so many wonderful traditions with your daughter and grand girls. You have your sewing and flower farming together. I’m sure you’ll have on problem thinking up something to do travel wise with them as they get a little older. Something fun to look forward too!
Hugs and thanks so much for your kind words…
Wow! Here I thought I was the only one that thought about real estate and moving in the Fall! There must be something to it, perhaps we lived in the New England countryside in another life! Loved the pictures and the story. Thanks for taking us along!
So, it’s a thing? Wanting to move in the Fall? Cool! I have thought the very same thing about having lived in the countryside in another life. I feel like I’ve been trying to get “back there” my whole life. Thanks for riding along!
Deb xoxo
Any barn quilts you can visit? Our Minnesota fall colors are similar to New England. We visit apple orchards and drive thru the countryside to experience the colors.
Good question! I didn’t see any Barn Quilts on our travels, but that’s something I’ll keep in mind for next years journey!
Thanks for mentioning it.
Thank You for sharing these beautiful Autumn pictures.
You’re Welcome!
Happy Fall, Marilyn!
xo Deb
Just beautiful Deb. So sweet you and your mom traveling the roads together on new adventures. Love Love the red barn house and the covered bridge. Ahhhh, smell that autumn brisk air creeping in. Be Blessed. Neta.
Hi Neta! So glad you popped in to join us! Happy Fall my dear.
Deb xo
We’re having beautiful color in OH as well. I love Vermont and visited Tasha Tudor’s home and beautiful gardens a few years ago. It was our first visit to New England and loved Boston and Cape Cod. My favorite tradition is canning apples and making pumpkin nut bread to give as gifts for Christmas. I always enjoy your posts and photos.
The change of season brings about strolling in awe and wonder.
A time to ponder life, love, and even death.
This year I’ve come to this;
No more commitment’s of preconceived duty.
Commitment must bring about sincere relationship.
Ready Set & Gone
The Shire? Hmm…. did you meet any hobbits? Kidding aside, thank you for these beautiful photos. My husband and I traveled “up north” from TN to visit with family. We are originally from PA. To get to our many family destinations my husband chose several back roads to travel instead of the interstates. Seeing Amish farms with their “wireless” homes, their barns, their rich farmlands was such a treat to see. The November colors just added the right touch to the overall beauty. Thanks for sharing your trip.
So picturesque, love the photos,,,,your a natural photographer,,,,artist! Love them all.