“It was cold and windy, scarcely the day
to take a walk on that long beach
Everything was withdrawn as far as possible,
indrawn: the tide far out,
the ocean shrunken,
seabirds in ones or twos.
The rackety, icy, offshore
wind numbed our faces on one side;
disrupted the formation of a lone
flight of Canada geese; and blew back the low, inaudible rollers in upright, steely mist.”
– Elizabeth Bishop, The End of March
Dear Sisters,
Do your ” girls ” talk to you? Come on, you can tell sister Deb. I won’t have you admitted if you say yes cuz mine do! The other day while I was out doing chores Gladys poked her head out of the coop and asked, “Where is spring?” You mean, sunny, warm days with evidence of new life at every turn? It’s on its way, I replied. Gladys clucked back, “good, because I’m tired of being cooped up, looking at colorless gardens and I miss my dust baths in the sun! Me too I said, me too. Except for the dust bath in the sun part…Feeling my toes in the warm sand would do it for me right about now! Let’s fast forward to sunnier days to come shall we? I bet we can find spring then!
Old man winter arrived late this year and truth be told he wore out his welcome after the Blizzard of 2013! It’s been on the nippy side all of March and the snow was still flying last week. He’s playing a dirty trick on us New Englanders this year. I for one was hoping for another long, warm and dry spring like last year. Despite the cold having more light each day is a sure sign of spring and a welcome change! Easter is right around the corner and the word is temps are on the rise for this weekend on the shorelines! This is good news for us beach bums because celebrating Easter at the beach with our family and friends marks the true beginning of spring. We’re off to let the sea breeze blow off the last of the winter doldrums and see what washed ashore over the winter! For us, the beach is our Church. Ever since the kids were little we’ve gone to the beach to celebrate Easter, welcome spring and refresh our spirits. It’s where we gather to celebrate and rejuvenate. It’s where we find peace, solace and grace. It’s also where we hold our traditional Easter Egg Hunt and Treasure Hunt!

Here’s part of our crew waiting while eggs are being hidden in the trees, lobster traps, gutters, under picnic tables, in watering cans, kayaks and stone walls. Even though they are teens now they still love the hunt! It’s tradition after all and they know that the Easter Bunny has been known to hide one huge egg filled with money, gift cards, and lots of chocolate!

At the count of three, they’re off and running!

After years of experience, Nicolette knows there will be eggs in the tree tops

and the lobster pots!

And her beach sister Miss C knows there are sure to be some eggs hiding amongst the daffodils and rose bushes.

Z-man is the only one tall enough to reach the gutters and he knows it!

Yes, we hide eggs inside of rubber chickens. I know, it’s wierd, don’t ask…:)

Miss J knows she can always count on finding some eggs tucked into some stone piles.

We use the same eggs every year! Once the kids empty their loot into a separate bag the plastic eggs go back into storage until next year! When the kids are done with the hunt it’s time for everyone to pair up and go on an old fashioned Beach Treasure Hunt. My sister in law is in charge of making the list and selecting the prizes for the winners. Each item has a point value. Just look at this list of items and tell me if you know what all of them are in the comments!
Mermaids purse, daffodil blossom, one flip flop, sea glass, lobster buoy, an umbrella, muscle shell, clam shell, hermit crab shell, sand collar, driftwood, white beach stones, sea weed. Most of these items are pretty easy to find so to up the ante we could earn bonus points if we came back to home base wearing an Easter bonnet and a bunny tail!
Our beach brother Mark, ( wearing the fashionable blue helmet ) has moved on to more heavenly shores and we miss him, but he will always be remembered for how he made us laugh, especially THAT day!

No order is too tall for our group! I think we found spring don’t you? How will you be celebrating Easter this year?

Happy Easter from the shorelines!
Until our next shoreline visit~
Much love,
Sister Deb
Adorable pics! And story. Happy Easter Deb.
Thank you, MaryJane. Happy Easter to all on the farm!
xo Deb
It’s sunny here, bright and cheerful, and the farmers markets are bursting with asparagus and other tasty veggies and fruit. There are Easter egg hunts in the parks and at the zoo. I’ll send some sunny warm weather to you from the left coast to the right. It’s about time!
Sounds delightful Adrienne! Thanks for sending us some warm, sunshine…we need it! Happy Easter! xo Deb
Oh what a wonderful time you must have – great memories. It is sunny here today – Good Friday but to have wind and snow by Sunday – long winter this year but we sure can use the moisture. So our egg hunt may have to be inside and that is always fun trying to find the extra eggs hidden. To God be the glory. Happy Spring
Happy Spring Joan! We have sunshine today as well…Your egg hunt sounds like it will be fun and mysterious too! Blessings! xo Deb
Lovely, fun, signs of Spring there!
Easter Blessings,
Catherine 🙂
Happy Easter to you and yours too Catherine 🙂 xo Deb
Looks like my grandchildren will be hunting egg indoors this year too. But no matter, they always have fun. For me I was hoping most of the snow would be gone. Its always so nice to see the flowers poking their heads up. Last fall I planted a ton of daffodils and cant wait to see how many make it. I can just imagine the smell of fresh cut grass. Oh, spring hurry and get here. Have loads of fun at your hunt and get together. Looks like a blast.
Hugs to you and your family.
Hi Merrilyn,
Seeing the first blooms of spring is always a welcomed sight. We’ve had crocus up for a while but they keep getting buried in snow! Enjoy your grands and being home…I bet they are happy to have you back! Sending love and Easter Blessings!xo Deb
Hey Deb, Happy Easter! I love your beachy egg and scavenger hunt [s]! Thinking of the candy makes me want to hunt some up in my cupboards [where it’s warm!].
Aren’t chickens fun? They do have different clucking noises, and the momma hen has no trouble telling her little chicks to get under her wings when she feels that there may be danger nearby. I will be looking for Spring…and I’ll be cheering when I find it!
Hi Pam! Chickens are the best. I love my girls! I hope you find spring soon too and some chocolate in your cupboards!
Thanks so much for the visit! xo Deb
Hi Deb,
We’re ready for spring here in NE Tenn too (near VA/NC). We’re still getting snow and freezing temps. Yes, my two chic ladies chat with me too (one sings a lot). We have four new chics to add to the brood as soon as they are a bit older (new ones are real pets already). Spring should be here soon and I have lots of things to plant in the garden.
Hope you have fun at the Easter egg hunt.
Hi Marcie,
Oh darned snow! I’m ready for gardening too, but it’s been so cold I still have flower beds to rake and cut back from last year… Soon! I did see pansies at the local hardware store last week. Another sign…Happy Easter! xo Deb
I loved your post today! I was just talking with my husband, last night, about how we had egg hunts all through growing up, even into the teens. He was saying that he thought our oldest grandchild, who is 12, was getting too old for that sort of thing. I really disagreed and so I am sending him your article. I still get an Easter basket every year, as well as fun stuff at Christmas when I hang my stocking. Who do you suppose does all that? As long as you still believe…:)
Hi Woods Woman! Yes! As long as you still believe.. 🙂 Thank you for reading and for your sweet note! Happy Easter! xo Deb
Pink & blue lobster pot buoy? Really????? Looks like yours was green & orange! Better luck this year! Great article! XOXO
Hahahaha!!! You are an evil treasure hunt planner!!!
Oh What Fun! Looks like a great Easter! I agree, Deb, that winter has worn out its welcome! Spring can’t be too far away now. We’ve started opening up the flower beds, but it’s weird to have little blocks of snow here and there in corners of the property. Bring on the warmth!
Hope you have a blessed Easter!
Happy Spring!
Your blogging sis,
Nicole (Suburban Farmgirl blogger)
Hi Nicole! Yes, we east coast blogging sisters need some SUN AND WARMTH! I’ve yet to rake out my flower beds! Happy Easter to your sweet little family! Thanks so much for the note! 🙂
xo ( Deb )
I’m sorry Old Man Winter has played such cruel tricks on you! He swoops through here for a day or two, then sends Spring back. Hopefully, the frost will end soon! Remind me of these cool days in July and August!
Nancy from Live a Savory Life
So true Nancy! We’ll be begging for cooler days in July and August!
Thanks so much for the note! xo Deb