Welcome to my little celebration sisters! I’m so glad you could join me today! Spread out your beach blanket and raise a glass with me in honor of farmgirls everywhere! We would not be here today if it weren’t for Sister # 1 bringing us all together! Three cheers to MaryJane for creating a place where farmgirls can gather up to gab and gush! Hip- Hip Hurray! Hip -Hip Hurray! Hip- Hip Hurray!
Can you believe we’ve been hanging out together on the shorelines for a year already? They say, time flys when you’re having fun and FUN we have had!
In my introductory post I pledged that this blog would be a place of encouragment and inspiration. A place you could come to let your dreams set sail!
And, in true farmgirl fashion you have been there for me too!
You have played a HUGE part in steering me in the direction of my farmgirl dreams. Some big, some small and a few that have yet to come true. I’ve been blessed beyond measure in this life but there is still one BIG farmgirl dream pulling at my heart strings. I’m a lady in waiting for her first HORSE! If you were ever ( or still are ) a horse crazy farmgirl, you get it! Whenever I lay eyes on a horse, my heart swells up as big as the ocean and then it begins to ache. I’m betting I’m not the only sister out there with this yet to be dream come true! Even though I’m 50 I believe it’s never too late and I don’t plan to put this dream to bed anytime soon!

I believe there’s a GIRL GENIUS in all of us! One creative expression leads to another! You might be passionate about painting for years then one day you feel an urge to sew! The best thing you can do is to “listen” to those yearnings… They are the whispers of your soul telling you which creative fork in the road you need to take next. Let go of the outcome and just create. One thing I’ve come to realize is that having more than one creative outlet is healthy! It doesn’t make us crazy artist types, it means we are fully alive and awake just as God made us to be.
The cover of my scrap book.
The opening page above. Below are my first two stories published in Megans Keeping in Touch~ Readers Write.
A Pinin’ for Pickets
My sisterhood certificates, and Chapter Leader welcome letter.
After getting this far I decided to print some photos and hand write some notes on the remaining pages. I’ll also include merit badge certificates with stories and photos of how I earned them! I’ll keep you posted as I make more progress! I know there are many of you who have also kept track of your farmgirl journeys too! I’d love to hear what creative ways you’ve come up with!
FARMGIRL CONFESSION: I’ve yet to sew any of my badges onto anything… I just haven’t figured out where I want them yet!
It’s just not possible to be part of the MaryJanesFarm family (and by family I mean all of us) without learning, growing, making new friends, and spreading joy! I thank each one of you from the bottom of my farmgirl heart for your emails, stories, photos and farmgirl fellowship!
Cheers to another DREAM FILLED year on the shorelines!
Until our next shoreline visit~
Lots of Love,
WOW, a YEAR!!! Congratulations, Deb. I can’t believe it’s been that long already … although you are such a Natural at it, embodying true Farmgirl spirit, that in many ways I can hardly believe it’s been ONLY one year that we’ve all been loving your columns! Clink! Clink! as I raise my cup of tea to you this morning … and to Farmgirls everywhere! Here’s to another fabulous year as we plow our way to our dreams and reap the harvest! Much love and a BIG hug to you, Cathi, The Mountain Farmgirl
Dear Cathi, I know what you mean. In some ways it feels like we have ALL always known eachother… But isn’t that the way with kindred spirits? Especially those of the " farmgirl " sort! Much love to you too my sister in the North! Thanks for celebrating with me! xo Deb
I just love all these beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing! You and MJF has helped to inspire me to truly go for my dreams. Thank you for that too. Congratulations on all of your dreams that have come true and continue to share all those new ones along the way to up build us and keep our fires burning. And may you soon gallop into the sunset on that very long awaited horse on the beach.
Thanks again, patiently awaiting for the presentation of your scrape book.
Dear Emma,
You are most welcome! Thanks for your kind words and may all of our farmgirl dreams come true…! I promise a post when my scrap book is done! ( or nearly done ) which ever comes first! xo Deb
You go girl!!! get that horse – it is never too late to fill a dream. With all the up lifting encouragement and joy you have brought to so many of us in this past year – well I only hope at least one of us has done the same for you and a special gift should be realized. My only criteria for picking a horse is a kind face – no matter the color, breed, stud, mare – it’s all in the face. Thanks for YOU!!!
Dear Joan,
So true! It’s never to late to fill a dream! Kind eyes and a good horsey smell. What else does a farmgirl need? Oh, don’t answer that!!! Thanks for reading! xo Deb
Dear Deb, Congrats on your blogiversary and the ‘girl genius’ idea coming to pass. I’m holding the vision of you loping along the shoreline on a trusty steed. Sommmmmmeday :o) Love your scrapbook idea too!
Hi Shery! Thanks my dear! A special thanks to you for keeping my beach farmgirl blog fires burning back when this idea was just a wee spark in my heart! And I KNOW you have my back in the " trusty steed " department! 🙂 Bless you and big hugs! xo Deb
Thank you for your creative and welcoming spirit !!! You are inspiring to us all, and I have enjoyed your blog tremendously. Congratulations on your anniversary !! Your scrapbook looks beautiful and your dreams are heartfelt, keep them alive, no matter what age !! (and I will do the same ; ) xxooo
And thank you for always responding, what a loving touch !
Dear Laura,
Well, thank you for your kind words and for coming along on my farmgirl journey here on the shorelines! Keep the Faith… and I will too!
xo Deb
Your blog has been a place of encouragement and retreat! Well done sister-farmgirl!
Thanks so much dear Julia! Hope all is well with you!!! xo Deb
Congratulations Deb from your farmgirl sister across the bay on the Cape! Having a blog of my own I know how much saisfaction I get when an encouraging comment comes through with kuddos! I’ve really enjoyed your blog and a peek into the life you’ve created, and can relate to your beach life. Thanks and keep it up, we love hearing from you! Perhaps one day we’ll meet.
Sister #3956
Hi Sister Sandi from across the bay! Thanks for helping a sister celebrate! Comments make blogging so much more fun and worthwhile don’t they? It’s the fuel we need to keep writing! Perhaps we will meet one day? xo Deb
Happy Anniversary Deb! It’s a delight to read your blog and get to know where your farmgirl heart is. I am tickled that you live where I grew up, and that you take lots of great pictures from your neck of the woods to share with all of us. Keep on keepin’ on girlfriend!
Howdy Pam! Thanks so much! I know what it is to live away from " home "… I always get misty when Shery J ( ranch farmgirl blogger) posts images of her wide open spaces and sagebrush! She even sent me some once when I just couldn’t take it anymore! 🙂 xo Deb
I was so pleased to see the current issue of MJF and your article about Sally Jo Pollard. I even commented to my husband something like this: ‘Remember the Beach Farmgirl blogger that published our garden sink pics!?! She has her OWN article in the MJF magazine!’. You should be so proud of yourself, girlfriend!
No! Don’t give up on the horse dream…It was always my dream to be able to ride a Harley solo. In the past few years I kind of gave up on that idea, due to physical limitations (mostly arthritis in my hands). Since I have been working out more I find that my strength is much better and my attitude is soaring. Who knows…
We have to continue to have our dreams!!
Congratulations on continuing to achieve!
Thanks so much Jan! Like you, my horsey dream ebbs and flows.. right now it’s flowing again! It’s great to hear you’re hands are feeling better and your spirits are highter too! Dealing with chronic pain on a daily basis is a tough challenge to meet. You continue to work out and feel better too!
Dream on sister!!! xo Deb
A year! Well Deb time flies when we are having fun don’t it! I enjoy reading your blogs I have never seen the east coast but I feel I have through your blog. Thanks for the year! And here is to many more!
Howdy Kimberly! It sure does! Happy to share this slice of the US with you! Glad you enjoy.. and thanks so much for reading Kimberly…xo Deb
I read all of the farmgirl blogs and look forward to them, but when I see yours I know that I’m going to feel uplifted and enlightened when I’m finished reading. Your comments on each person’s comment is also a nice touch.
I love your sincerety, your topics, your pictures and your brightness – you are truly a ray of sunshine.
Dear Marion, Such kind words…You touched my heart today! 🙂 Writing for writing’s sake can be a lonely affair…. But to know ones words bring a smile, a lift, or inspiration to someone else, well, that’s the reason I write. Thank you for reading and your note! xo Deb