The garden shop/gift shop is all gussied up for summer fun in the home and garden.
Dear Sisters,
Happy, happy summer! Ah, it’s finally here! What does summer mean to you? It’s different for everyone but I think we can all agree on one thing. There’s nothing like a trip to your favorite local garden shop to kick off summer in your home and garden. Follow me to Crystal Lake Garden Shop to see all the flora, fauna and flavorful Farmgirl fare and enter the garden shop GIVEAWAY!!!
Isn’t it great that summer is here? We’ve had a very dreary spring on the shorelines. The upside of cooler days is that it’s much more comfortable for planting and preparing the gardens. The down side is that plants need water AND sun to grow. The weather curtailed planting out early this year, but plants have a way of making up the difference when it finally warms up and stays that way consistently. Meanwhile at the garden shop ( my part-time seasonal gig) the garden girls and I have been celebrating right along and we want you to celebrate with us! In honor of summer, the garden shop is sponsoring a giveaway just for you! The prize is SECRET because we have so many neat Farmgirl things in the shop I can’t decide what to giveaway! Just know it will be fabulous and farm-girly! Are you in? Good!

Me, Gretchen, Bridget, and Michelle
We call ourselves the A-Team because like all Farmgirls, we know how to get r done! And we do! If you’ve ever worked at a garden center you know that it’s hard, physical work. We unload trucks and move nursery stock, water and feed two large greenhouses worth of hanging plants, tender annuals, herbs and house plants. Plus we take care of the outside areas which are brimming with perennials, shrubs and bedding plants. Some days we barely have time to do anything creative between taking care of plants and people. Still, somehow we always have time for laughs. Laughter comes easy with the garden girls. The harder the day the more we laugh! Maybe we need a sign that says, “ If you want it done right the first time, hire a farmgirl!”
The photos below will give you a taste, ( more like a meal ) of what we have in our little garden shop/country store during the summer season. I have no doubt something will delight each and every one of you!
Step into the garden shop and let the quiet music wash over you. Imagine soft piano music playing in the background as you browse the different sections of the shop.
The garden section is where we display specialty pottery, vases, dried herbs, beach finds, candles, and watering cans galore!

Gretchen and Bridget working on a project in early spring.
Earlier in the season we created more display space for garden tools, gloves, hooks, hoses and hoes and the front section of the garden shop needed new shelving. ( see below ) Gretchen is a whiz with power tools!
She built the new shelving unit for all the new pottery this season.
I’m not safe with power tools, but I’m dangerous with a paint brush so they turn me loose on furniture and merchandising which I love! I’ve mentioned the Milkhouse Candle Company in a past blog. They are a favorite among the staff and customers!
These painted wood vintage trailers have ” glamping ” written all over them.
We have signs for days with the cutest sayings. I didn’t take a photo of it, but the one that hangs over the check out counter says, ” Your husband called, he said you can buy anything you want.” That one always gets a good chuckle.
Something for the chicken keepers and cat lovers too!
This is my favorite of them all! Doesn’t summer make you feel wild and free? If I had this sign hanging in my home ( or barn) I would feel more like summer all year long, wouldn’t you?
No good country store should be without a few pretty aprons and linens. These adorable aprons are made by Jessie Steele
Bridget modeled one of the floral aprons while cooking samples of Apple Spice waffles for our customers last fall. Bridget organizes our shop classes and she has a big hand in the procurement of the gift ware that we carry. She loves baking cookies and is a cookie cutter collector of sorts. So, yes. We have cookie cutters in every shape, size, and occasion imaginable.
Napkins and dish towels in cheery summer shades brighten the kitchen section of the shop.

Note to self… Send these to Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl… Every time I look at them I think of you, Dori!
We even carry a few cookbooks to get taste buds warmed up to classic summer dishes.
And what would summer be with out at least one, garden brunch with friends?
People say the shop has a country store feeling to it which we love because we’ve worked hard to create a unique shopping experience for our customers that they won’t find anywhere else in town. I’m sure the friendly faces and commentary add something to the mix.
We carry as many local products as well! Each one is worthy of a separate blog post so be sure to check out the links to learn more.
Stone Wall Kitchen is a popular local product from Maine that we carry in the shop. Summertime is the perfect time to try new savory sauces, salad dressings and delicious dessert toppings.
It seems like just about every town has a local honey supplier these days. We love our Queen Bee Honey products. They have the best lip balm! Every Farmgirl needs a good lip balm, right? They also make soaps, candles, body scrub, seasoned nuts, and candy.
Why, we even have delicious locally made soda from Simpson Springs. They make all natural hand-mixed soda beverages from spring water right on property in old-fashioned flavors, such as creme soda, grape, orange, sarsaparilla, and root beer. I love their citrus flavored drinks with grapefruit and lime! Nothing better on a hot, hot day and our customers love having the option of a cool drink after they do their shopping, or during!
I discovered Chasworth Farm Soap on a recent trip to Vermont. I fell in love with the packaging at first, but I give the product my full endorsement too. These goats milk soaps smell almost good enough to eat and leave your skin feeling naturally smooth. I wish you could sniff them too!
Not a day goes by when I’m at the shop that I don’t think of all of my farmgirl sisters. There are so many reminders there that make me think, I bet they would love this place as much as I do!
In other shop news… We got bunnies this spring! Say hello to Cookies and Creme!

Bridget and Gretchen
It’s going to be tough to choose from the wide selection of great gift-ware for the GIVEAWAY PRIZE, but, we promise it will be full of summer fun from the garden shop girls! Be sure to enter in the comments below and tell us what your favorites are from this posting! Bunnies not included!

Me, with the ( not so little now ) bunnies.
Cheers to summer 2017! I hope it’s all you dreamed and planned it would be. Get out there and be a little wild! You’ll just feel better, I promise!
Until our next shoreline visit~ Happy Fourth of July and God Bless America!
The Beach Farmgirl , Deb
( and the garden girls, too )
PS. We ARE going to the beach next time!
I sure had fun going through the garden shop.
I love the farm sayings that are on the signs! I am also intrigued by the locally made sodas. All of you look like you are having fun while you are working so hard
Oh wow! What a joy to work in a place like this! I’m a sucker for lovely crafted soaps. I’m also a sucker for wooden or tin signs, especially vintage- looking or that popular chalkboard style. I’ve been wanting some beeswax candles for the longest! Thank you for the tour of your shop and the generous givaway drawing.
So much to choose from – honey, for sure, love the aprons, napkins and towels, too!!!!
I can almost smell that soap! And you are right , it is package so cute. I love the country feel in this shop and how you girls have arranged it .!
What a fun posting and doesn’t that look like a fun place to work and visit…if I only lived closer. I’d pick the soap…very intriguing or maybe the lip balm.
Thanks for this sharing post and I hope all your summer dreams come true. Looking forward to a beach trip, next time.
Bunnies! The finishing touch to a fantastic garden / gift store.
that shop looks so inviting, wish I lived close enough to dream and look around in there! love all the signs, especially the wooden campers. the food looks so good and the honey! oh, it would be hard to nail down just one thing!
What a beautiful garden shop. It looks like such a wonderful and fun place to work. I would have to say my favorites from the shop would be the Milk House Candles and the Chasworth Farm Soap. I love to have candles going when guests come over or for special occasions and you make the goat milk soap sound divine! If I was visiting your shop today, I would also pick out the Farm Sweet Farm towel for my husband. It would be perfect to hang next to the sink where he washes his hands when he’s been outside all day. Cookies and Creme are adorable! Perfect new additions to the shop. Looking forward to seeing the beach next time!
summer brings us new selections of both vegetable and flowers along with wonderful Herbs, berries, etc. Each season wanting to try a new plant of some sort. One that will come back year after year. But most of all trying new recipes with these wonderful things I have grown for the summer. Many recipes are made to be enjoyed during the winter months, gifts for loved ones or just to try something new in the foods. I love new recipes and love gardening along with baking and cooking. I am so bless to live in CT with wonderful seasons. Most of all the people we enjoy with same interest. Happy learning!
Winnie Jackson
I love the crazy cat lady sign but it is misleading. It has more to do with the natural amount of crazy a person has than the amount of cats
I love it all. Love the signs LOVE THE BIKE. I’ve been looking for an old one to turn into a planter.
It definitely takes a farm girl to get things done and done right!
What a lovely shop! I could get lost in there. Beautiful pictures of the shop and items!
Oh how I wish I lived closer to your charming shop! I loved everything…lol! So much to see and savor! Thank- you for sharing! Hugs to Cookies and Creame!
WOW! I like everything! The aprons, soaps, signs and the lovely ladies working there! Last month I received two of the pancake/waffle mixes from house guests. First time to experience that brand, Yummy! Thanks for sharing, hope its a great summer for all of you! Blessings from the hills of Idaho.
Charming & adorable!!! I would love to browse & shop in this delightful store!!!
Now I want waffles! Lol. And the apron…
Everything looks awesome!
What a wonderful shop. If I lived close, I’m sure I would be visiting often. I’ve looked through your post a few times and each time I find something more interesting. So many wonderful things to wish (and shop) for.
Hi! I loved all of it! My favorites are the handmade wooden shelves (they look great! and I would love to learn how to work with wood like that, never too many shelves), the pottery in the shelves, I agree to live life like the gate was left open, that sign is awesome, loved LOVED the dishtowel with the purple flowers (Hydrangeas?) and the aprons (they are to die for). You all make me want to get busy and get things made! It does appear that I should be a beach farmgirl……I also love plants.
You have a beautiful shop! To be honest, I didn’t see anything that I don’t like, I just mentioned the key WoWs!
Thanks for sharing this post on Facebook. It’s full of all things farmgirl. Warms my heart! I know that you are right in your element at the garden shop, and that you add an element of sunshine!
Oh wow! I felt like I was there walking through the garden shop as I scrolled through , I worked at a garden center and it is so much harder than it looks, right?! I loved it though! Your chicken sign is happy fun and the aprons are dreamy! All of it stirred up memories and emotions of joy and contentment! The smiles on your faces and the fact that you all work harmoniously and enjoy it was delightful!
I love the pottery and the bike planter. I use to sell homemade soap my friend use to make in the early 90’s and it didn’t sell to well. I always said I was a head of my time for now I see it every where. Also sadly a lot of the nursery’s are closing around where I live, the one that was close to me closed a few years ago and the next closest one closed also.
I could spend hours just wandering in this garden shop.just looking at everything, enjoying everything. This looks like a place where everyone would feel so welcome. I especially loved the signs and linens. Oh and I can’t forget the bunnies. Such cuties.
I could live in that shop! Picking my favorite is very difficult, everything speaks to me. I especially like the cow sign that says “live life like someone left the gate open”. I also adore the glass drink canister and mason jar glasses with the red gingham lids. There is a saying that says something like “when you love what you do, it isn’t work” or something like that. It sure looks as though you all love what you do, and who could blame you. Thanks for the virtual shopping tour.
That wooden box of your local sodas made me gasp!!! I want one!!! This shop is adorable!! Deb, your sweet farmgirl touch shines through in these gorgeous pics. The cabinet you painted is perfect there. Thanks for sharing again. I missed it the first time. Yay for you and your hardworking crew.
Well not sure how o would choose my favorite. Love the wood camper and other signs. Soap and candles are always a happy addition to the home! Would love to be working along side you, sounds like a wonderful place to work.
Thanks for the virtual walk through of the adorable shop. Wish I could visit in person! The bunnies are my favorite, it’s always bunnies for me. Fortunately I have the most adorable rabbit as my furry friend. There were so many great items, like you, it’s hard to pick. I think the sentiment on the “money can’t buy happiness” sign is the favorite of the items showen. Hugs!
There are so many things to live in this shop but I keep going back to the signs.
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Love seeing the goat milk soaps – lilac? Wonderful 🙂 The sign ” Live life like they left the gate open ” Perfect!!
I sure wish I lived by the shop!! Lots of stuff I need! lol
I’m sure anything you give away so generously will be a delight to whomever wins. Thank you for sharing your story. Hugs!
What an amazing shop. I would never want to leave. The beautiful floral apron caught my eye. It looks like a garden. I also love the milk house candles.
What a beautiful shop.