Monthly Archives: April 2014

Family Fun and Backyard Beauty on a Budget

The weather’s warming up, slowly but surely.  Blooms are popping up, and trees have buds. The forsythia is yellow, birds are nesting, and the grass gets greener everyday. With all the beauty and promise, there’s also a lot of clean up after such a long, hard winter. Relatives in Texas are already harvesting some garden goodies, but for those of us in colder climates with four seasons, nature takes her time.  Some days are still chilly, and real heat won’t hit us for another few months. It makes for great weather to open the flowerbeds, get the gardens going, and take moments to enjoy outside. We’ve been busy adding backyard beauty and family fun on a budget. Come see what we’ve been up to (and bring some marshmallows for toasting over the new fire pit).

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Spring Tickles

017-001Hoe while it is spring, and enjoy the best anticipations.  It is not much matter if things do not turn out well.  ~Charles Dudley Warner

Dear sisters,

Don’t you just love the anticipation of spring? Not the first day of spring so much, but the actual a rriiiiiiiiiiv ing of spring? Say it with me. A rriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ving! It’s a time of many firsts and tried and true rituals too. Those first few sunny days over 40 degrees have a way of tickling spring right out the earth. Buds on every growing thing begin to burst, bulbs in bloom delight us with their longed for vibrant colors and fragrance and us human-folk begin to happy dance our way through spring to-do lists created during the last snow storm. Spring is working its magic on me and I’m feeling tickled about lots of fun spring things! So, come on in! I want you to be tickled too! Continue reading

My Muse is a Pollywog

Did you know that every month is dedicated to a smattering of things?  According to Wikipedia’s “List of commemorative months” April is: Child Abuse Prevention Month, Financial Literacy Month (because of tax day?), National Multiple Birth Awareness Month, Autism Awareness Month, School Library Month, Month of the Military Child, Earth Awareness Month (happy belated Earth Day!), and Math Awareness Month (ugh) among several others.  The only one I was aware of, however, is National Poetry Month!

April is a great time to write and read poetry.  It is a time of hopeful waiting.  Winter is over, right?  Wrong says that one blizzard that waited until all of the snow had almost melted.  Gardeners and farmers are eager to work the soil, but it is too saturated and needs time to wake up.  April is the time of the year when I really, really, really (really) want to sit on the ground, outside without anything between myself and the ground (well, maybe some jeans); alas, we must wait for everything to dry out.  So, we might as well write something, yeah?

I do not consider myself a true poet.  However, a few times per year my poetic juices are stirred. Recently, my muse came as a cute little lady dressed like a pollywog!

Ava in her Warm Frog Suit.  Our little tadpole!

Ava in her Warm Frog Suit. Our little tadpole!

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Joyful Toadings of Spring Time

Last year was my first spring on the farm. It happened so fast. Brown and cold of winter turned into warm and green almost overnight. And then WHAM! Everything went out of control so quickly we never caught up. Ever.

I love winter, I do. The cold, the snow, the ice, the fires, the soup, the sweaters.

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Survival Saga of A First Time Chicken Mom, Part Two

Goodbye, Wretched Winter! The first “warm” day in New England luckily fell on my husband’s day off.  I was sooo ready to get the Christensen chicks transferred from the garage to outside!

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Cottage Check-Up


Dear Sisters,

What a week! The sun’s been out, the skies are clear and it’s beginning to look a lot like spring in New England! Yahoo! I hope you’re getting some signs of spring in your neck of the woods too! We’ve been anxious to get down to our little slice of heaven for a while to see how the little Sea Horse survived the winter. With the improved weather conditions (temps in the low 50’s) we made a day of it last Sunday. My hubby and I brought my sweet mother-in-law along for the ride ( she just turned 92 ) to check-up on the cottage. Come on in for an off-season sneak-peak! Continue reading

What's in a Name?

I’ve been thinking about farm names.  One day I’ll have a farm, and I want it to have the perfect name, of course.  Maybe it’s kind of like a group of musicians trying to pick out a band name, or maybe like an entrepreneur crafting the perfect name for a new business endeavor. Maybe it’s like picking a name for a new baby–sometimes the name has been chosen for years before the child is born, sometimes it takes a few days to know the baby before the perfect name arises.  I bet choosing a farm name comes in many different forms as well–how do farmers come up with them? What is the significance behind a name?

I’ve worked on a few farms: La Finca de Lapas (Parrot farm) in Costa Rica, Little Sugar River Farm in Wisconsin, Spring Creek Farm in Alaska and Sun Circle Farm in Alaska.  But what about other farms? I’ve volunteered on a few: Pioneer Produce in Alaska, Calypso Farm in Alaska, Brown Dog Farm in Alaska ,and Blue Moon Community Farm in Wisconsin.

Welcoming sign for visitors at Spring Creek Farm in alaska

Welcoming sign for visitors at Spring Creek Farm in alaska

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What’s in a Name?

I’ve been thinking about farm names.  One day I’ll have a farm, and I want it to have the perfect name, of course.  Maybe it’s kind of like a group of musicians trying to pick out a band name, or maybe like an entrepreneur crafting the perfect name for a new business endeavor. Maybe it’s like picking a name for a new baby–sometimes the name has been chosen for years before the child is born, sometimes it takes a few days to know the baby before the perfect name arises.  I bet choosing a farm name comes in many different forms as well–how do farmers come up with them? What is the significance behind a name?

I’ve worked on a few farms: La Finca de Lapas (Parrot farm) in Costa Rica, Little Sugar River Farm in Wisconsin, Spring Creek Farm in Alaska and Sun Circle Farm in Alaska.  But what about other farms? I’ve volunteered on a few: Pioneer Produce in Alaska, Calypso Farm in Alaska, Brown Dog Farm in Alaska ,and Blue Moon Community Farm in Wisconsin.

Welcoming sign for visitors at Spring Creek Farm in alaska

Welcoming sign for visitors at Spring Creek Farm in alaska

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I Mustache You a Question

“Mustache” = “must ask” haha.

I’d like to introduce you to my new cat. Isn’t he stunning?


Well, maybe not “new.” I mean, I’ve had him for a month now.

Do you want to know how soft his fur is? Well, I don’t have any idea; I haven’t been able to touch him. He is wild.

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Survival Saga of a First Time Chicken Mom

All babies are cute.  Baby chickens, all fluffy and peeping, are especially cute.  Raise baby chicks into adulthood, and they’ll teach you several life lessons.


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