
“We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility of our future.” George Berrnard Shaw

Our pasts, however much we want to think of them as static things, are ever changing. Think of the word ‘recollection.’ Every time we look at the past we are re-collecting, or collecting again, thoughts and memories of times past. There is no doubt in my mind that this act of re-collecting continually results in changed versions of memories and the uncovering of thoughts long unthunk. How have I come to this point in my life of dreaming of being a farmer? As a kid, farming wasn’t even a consideration. What happened between then and now to influence these present dreams of farming?

I’ll have to take a trip down memory lane…

How in the heck have I found myself immersed in Alaskan agriculture?

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  1. Diana Henretty says:

    Loved all your beautiful pictures this morning of your life’s journey in so many places!
    Im not on a farm, even though it is in my blood and in my dreams to live on one,but for now, we take back roads for country drives to soak in all their beauty and it does the trick for me in the hills of the Ozarks.
    Growing up in San Diego Calif, I can remember holding my little newborn son and looking out to the mountains thru the city’s buildings, and knowing someday I would be raising him away from the city life and into the country!
    And we did just that, moving far from family and the noise of the city to the mountains of Montana to live our dreams of learning how to raise huge gardens, canning, and milking goats!
    Yay for the country life, sometimes it takes a little while to get what you want, but it’s worth it all looking back on the journey!
    Hugs from Noel, Missouri, Diana

  2. Marion says:

    I love your posts and this one in particular gives me hope for our world and for women. Keep exploring and being appreciative of all that you have and all you can be. I know you will help other women to achieve their dreams and stand up for their values.

  3. Pam deMarrais says:

    Alex, this has been a great journey with you. How blessed you have been to have all of these great experiences!
    I was blessed by having a grandmother, Pasqualina, who built her life here in America after leaving her home land of Italy. She was so resourceful, raising a family of 9 children during the depression. She had a big garden, fruit trees, cows for milk and cheese, chickens, and an admirable sense of farmgirl frugality. I learned a lot from her, and, like you, I realize all that she empowered me to do when I look back upon the impact she had on my life.

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Long, Skinny, Slimy Things

Spring was here! for a few days, it was here, I swear. The skies were clearing up in the afternoons, the icicles broke from our house, and that distinct smell of snow melting and gravel roads thawing tinged the air. It seems to have all been a tease–but what was I expecting? It’s March in Alaska after all. Last year at this time we still had thigh deep snow on the farm, and growing up in Minnesota I would be expecting at least one more big snow fall.

However, the daylight hours are increasing, daylight savings time means that the afternoons seem even longer, and spring really is just right around the corner. With this increased vitamin D comes a jumpstart in our farmer-wannabe attitudes and motivations. Sigh…what a wonderful time of year!

It’s Spring Break for teachers and students alike! I headed south with a friend and spent a few days in Homer, enjoying the spring tease.

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