
After my last post about feeling wanderlusty and yearning for a change of scenery, it appears that my wishes have been granted. The last few weeks have been full of growth, new faces at Farm School, almost an hour and a half increase in sunlight (!!), and new adventures in chicken egg incubation.

Our homemade candler. This egg is infertile.

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  1. Theresa L. Talarek King says:

    I enjoyed this article very much! It was fun following the progress of the eggs and how the children experienced this along the way – all the teachable moments! Standing on eggs!! I’m tempted (sort of) to try that. 😀
    I love the kind of school you have. It’s just the kind I would love to have started myself, or to have had available to my daughter when she was so young. Keep up the great work!


    Thanks Theresa! Louise’s Farm School is a great program, and I’m honored to be a part of all of the fun and learning that goes on here.

  2. Nan Roberts says:

    I love the "abdomen" and "digest". That is so funny.
    and the standing on the eggs thing. But did *you* stand on the eggs? I’m curious to try this now. But I want to know if you did it too.


    Hi Nan! I did not stand on the eggs! However, I have seen videos of adults doing it. We laid down parchment paper, opened a carton of eggs and snipped off the parts of the carton that were taller than the eggs Then we laid another sheet of parchment paper over the eggs and very gently stepped onto them with flat feet, using our friends for support until all of our weight was distributed. It was a hit with the kids!

  3. Nancy says:

    What a wonderful post! You bring a breath of fresh spring air to my gardener’s mind…imagine doing all that in Alaska! Wow! Keep up the great work, indeed!


    Thanks, Nancy! Agriculture is a challenge in Alaska, but it’s a challenge I’m eager to take on!

  4. Thank you for your "illuminating" story of the incubating eggs! I have two inquisitive granddaughters who would love to attend a school such as yours, if we had one here in central California. Happy Spring!


    Thanks Fawn!

    There are more and more schools like this popping up all over the place. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for Californian opportunities :).

  5. Kj says:

    Ahhh, so many memories come flooding back whenever I read your post! Alaska is definitely a beautiful and unique place….My husband and I lived in Alaska for 13 years, our firstborn son was born there, I attended APU but back then they did not have the school/farm – what a wonderful and fun opportunity – and we were the first in our neighborhood to plant a garden…we even had a resident young bull moose one winter who enjoyed our raspberry bushes and we had one inquisitive enough to peek in our kitchen window. And, oh yes, I’ve been to the peak of Pioneer Peak 🙂 Thank you so much for your posts – Alaska has a special place in our hearts and Palmer especially since it is farmgirl country. Enjoy your chicks – we have one hen who hatched out 2 in February and we have a broody hen now on a nest of 5 or 6 – gotta love spring! ————————————————–Thanks for the Alaska connection, KJ! I’m looking forward to climbing Pioneer Peak this summer!

  6. Anna says:

    I enjoyed your blog entry! I just had to tell you that I DO have a broody hen sitting on nine eggs right now. I homeschool my boys (ages 4 and 6) and I can’t believe the amount of teaching that comes from having chickens. Tonight, we will try to candle the eggs. Wish us (and Georgiana, our broody Buff Orpington) luck. If none of them hatch, I think I will buy some chicks from the feed store for her and sneak them under her at night. She’s going to be a good mama. We should have REAL peeps by Easter. ———————————————————————————Thanks for the chicken story Anna! Georgiana sounds like a farmgirl’s best friend. Good luck with the candling, it’s very fun!

  7. Mary Jane says:

    Yes, I am a Mary Jane. I have a broody hen and we bought 6 eggs from someone with roosters and have put them under the hen. Unfortunately, the other two hens keep laying their eggs on top of the broody hen and I broke one of the good eggs while trying to get the other unfertile eggs out. April 7 or 8 is due date. Hopefully we get some chicks. I have never raised them but the hen was on the nest broody for so long we decided to give it a try.
    Thanks for the story, Mary Jane! Good luck with your eggs and chicks!

  8. Nancy says:

    The egg story is fascinating! I’m (almost) tempted to get a brooder and give it a try!

    Thank you for sharing!


  9. Shery says:

    A good flashlight in a dark closet works great. Just hold the egg right on the light lens and you can see everything. This is definitely ‘chick’ season. I’m trying to resist the temptation of buying half a dozen. My will power is seriously weakening. ;o) If only all the children in this nation could benefit from such a wholesome education.

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Springtime is the Land Awakening!

Every once in a while, I get extremely wanderlusty. Wanderlusty is not a real word, but it is so fitting for what I feel as winter comes to an end … it’s different than cabin fever. I don’t want to leave this amazing farm at all; yet I still dream about venturing to far-away places.

The Greenhouse longs for spring and wind-less days, too!

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  1. I’ve had the opportunity to travel overseas when I was younger 🙂 🙂 i still love to travel. However, I’m at the point in life, where I just want to stay in one place. I’d love to have a place with a yard big enough to grow my own food 🙂 ): That’s a dream of mine!!!

    Alaska is GORGEOUS. I went there to visit my grandmother, once, when I was a child…before she moved back to California!!!

    Love and hugs from the ocean shores of CAlifornia, Heather 🙂

  2. Nancy says:

    According to Dorothy Gale, the greatest adventure is in your own back yard. But sometimes you have to go over the rainbow to see it. May you have an adventurous spring!


  3. Connie says:

    I really enjoyed your blog Alexandra! Thanks for sharing! Happy Spring! :o)

  4. Laura says:

    I totally understand the either/or feeling. Ties that bind or wander free. After raising 2 boys (both in high school), I am holding out for some "wander lust". A trip to other continents, a swim with the humpback whales…Maybe when I get that out of my system, I can get the chickens, cow, sheep, goats ??? that I also always dreamed of. For now, my gardens satisfy all 😉 buona primavera to you !!

  5. Sonia says:

    As someone who used to travel to Europe almost every summer and who hasn’t been in 10 years, I’m definitely wanderlusty but not as much as I probably should be. Rather, I’m more interested at this point in doing nothing on vacation which means being at the beach, lying in the sand, maybe reading a book. Hopefully this contentment will last!

  6. Tina Robinson says:

    Lets try this again… Thank you for sharing the read.. Everything has turned green here even the crocus have already bloom this my sign to start my seeds inside for my garden now,I can see spring is on its way:)

  7. Shery says:

    Welcome Alexandra to the MJF blogging team! I’m awed by your sense of adventure and it makes me feel as though age 20 isn’t as far away as it is in reality. Yes, I had wanderlust!! Yes, I followed it – not globally, but in this country as much as opportunity allowed. I loved back-packing into the mountains.

    What a grand trail you are on. I’m so looking forward to seeing what your world looks like when it isn’t under all that snow. Louise, your inspiration, was quite a woman!!

    My wanderlust hasn’t really waned, you find ways to follow it in a way that works for your age. Sleeping in the ground is over for this farmgirl…but I have a packhorse and a new little glamper. Love the FRESH view of your farmgirl wilderness! Take me where I may not walk anymore ;o)

  8. Pam deMarrais says:

    Alexandra, I love your blog! You present a new perspective on farmgirl living. Your love of all that surrounds you and your passion for life and very engaging. Thanks for bringing us into your world!

  9. Diana Spires says:

    There are seasons in our lives. I traveled with my parents as a child, being somewhere new every two or three years. Loving the experience of new cultures and environments. This life did not allow us a planting season or animals.
    I then settled for 35 years to build a home in the country, and raise three children. My husband and I farmed and were almost self sufficient for years. Raised animals and enjoyed the wandering wild life. I have had the comforts of a warm fire and the cat on the hearth along with the faithful dog by my side. All these years of living on the farm, loving every minute of it, I still yearned to travel and experience life away from home. Only having two cats left on the farm now, I can only hope they will be fine without my presence for a few days at a time with only the company of my husband. I plan to have only seasonal gardening and travel when the earth rests. In a life time you can do all that your heart desires.

  10. Frances says:

    This is really something!

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