Gift Sewing {and a tutorial!}

Happy fall farmgirl friends!

One of my favorite things to gift is something home made! I struggle to think of things that could be useful and not just stuck in a drawer somewhere. This week I suddenly thought of a simple iPad case and I jumped right in and made one. It was simple and came out so perfect. Luckily I took pictures along the way so I could share with you (just in case it turned out)! So let’s jump right in!

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  1. Sylvia Jacobus says:

    It’s so darn cute!

  2. Marlene Cosner says:

    Thank You for all the details and pics, who knows….I might even try it one day!

  3. Terry Steinmetz says:

    what a perfect idea! I need to make a birthday gift for a dear friend. This fits the bill to a tee!!! And she will appreciate it so much. Thanks, Dori.

  4. Mary says:

    Dori, you come up with the most clever designs, and the colors are always so cheery and fun! You’ve given great instructions, and I’m certain there are sewing machines humming away with grateful Sisters who now have names checked off their gift-giving list – it’s true: the best gifts are handmade! Hmmm, wonder if I can start up that vintage White sewing machine I found for free? Thanks again, Mary

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